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how to be introduced?

StepNewbie's picture

I am going to meet my husband's son's (8 yo) friends' parents for the first time at an upcoming school event. My husband and I do not live near the BM and rarely see his son based on conflict between the BM and my husband. BTW: My husband and the BM were not married and she decided to raise the child alone prior to giving birth. Previous visits with my SS included violent behavior - he is currently seeing a therapist and the most recent visit was a major difference. I am really concerned for my SS but also believe that his BM is doing what she thinks is best. Previous attempts for involvement have left both my husband and I burned. The BM has recently been more cooperative and is letting us be a part of this upcoming school event (after last minute canceling on attempted visits over the years). I am not only nervous about what is expected of me but also how I am viewed by my SS/BM's community (I have seen the BM inappropriately complain about my husband in front of my SS and would not be surprised if she is doing it in front of the PTA as well). I was asked how I want to be introduced. There are many negative connotations with "step mom" but I am not sure what would be appropriate. Any suggestions?

Stepmom2Ched's picture

You are Mrs. Jane Jetson, or Mrs. George Jetson...Your hubby can introduce you as, "This is my wife, Jane Jetson. You are his wife, so go with that.

It should be assumed that you are the step-mom since Bio-mom is already well-known around there.

I wouldn't stress it so much, relax, and enjoy!

~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~

StepMadre's picture

My advice is just to relax as much as you can and don't worry too much what people think of you. My hubby always introduces me by saying, "this is ----, my wife," and that has worked for us! It can be really scary to be the stepmom and feel really alone and like everyone is judging you, but in general, people are more worried about what people are thinking of them and if people unfairly judge you negatively just because you are a stepmom then they probably aren't people you want to be close to anyway (God, I sound like my mom!). Just don't worry about performing any sort of role and just be yourself because that's the best you can be and you sound like a really caring, conscientious SM. Good luck with it!

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde

StepNewbie's picture

Thanks so much for the advice!!! I'll try not to worry (it's sort of against my genetics Smile