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BM falsely accused BF of abuse when we were about to turn her in for neglect

StepNewbie's picture

I am a little naive and am beyond amazed that a biological mother could possibly be so evil. However, I am sure this has happened to someone out there. I posted previously (a few weeks ago after my husband and I had out last visit with my SS (8.5 yo)) that I was wanting to make sure that what I was observing warranted calling CPS on the BM. Well, the BM disappeared with her son after that last incident (SS refused to wash his hands and hit and kicked his father, who wanted him to wash his hands before eating since the boy just had H1N1 and had both fingers up his nose and blew his nose in his hands and threw the snot and some blood from his nose at his father, after the BM shows up at the restaurant with the boy dressed in REALLY thin pants, extremely dirty t-shirt (again) and no socks (BM wanted us to dress him in the VERY dirty clothes she had) in 10 degree weather with snow outside wanting us to drop him off at his school (which has an outdoor recess) - and BM did nothing about the SS's inappropriate behavior and egged him on so BF refused to drive him to school due to his highly outrageous behavior - and hers for that matter - so she walked out of the restaurant) then shows back up after pulling the boy out of school to go to Mexico supposedly. I then receive an e-mail from her over Thanksgiving in which she forwarded an e-mail from the boys teacher saying that after the teacher was told about a different version of the story she turned the BF into CPS!!!! The social workers I had been talking to (friends) both agreed that something is wrong with this boy and it points to neglect so I was going to call CPS but she must have thought we were going to call CPS on her and preemptively got CPS involved before we turned her in. Now my husband who is a good man (and has many other people - even the case workers - who know this) has been falsely accused of abuse!!! This obviously upsets me but not only has he been falsely accused but this does not make my ss's situation any better. The BM has TONS of money yet does not dress the boy appropriately for the weather and he constantly wears VERY dirty clothes and cannot tie his own shoes. She should be the one that is accused of negligent behavior!! The BM and her father probably hired people to repaint and professionally clean her house while they were in Mexico since she thought CPS was going to be called on her (her house looks like a crack house - white walls are brown and black with grime, trash strewn about, my SS said that everything disappears in his house and none of his friends ever come to spend the night, even the BM's mother refuses to step inside the house - which was a beautiful house that the BM's father bought for her ($800,000 house!!!) that she has ruined with having 6/7 large dogs, 3/4 ferrets and 2 cats inside!!! Any suggestions? How could the teacher not see the signs of neglect that are so obvious to others? Granted this teacher is VERY young and this school is very small - 2 room school house with his class being mixed ages and a total of 6 or so kids with one girl. btw my SS also eats like an animal - like she doesn't feed him enough!!!! I am sure I am not the only one who has experienced someone as crazy as this woman...aaaggghhh!!!! What now?!!!

StepNewbie's picture

thank you so much!!! what about getting an attorney? Any suggestions on how to pick one (unfortunately we are in a small town so there is a limited pool to choose from)? I am just so disgusted that she is doing this and it isn't even helping her son's situation. I'll print off all her e-mails and I have started a log (but she doesn't let him see his biological father even thought she complains that he doesn't see him...???? there have been limited interactions, but I have logged all of the observations and documented all of the things that do not seem to fit in for a "normal" child). Photos are a great idea - I have a feeling though that she's not going to let us see him after this last incident that happened in front of the whole restaurant in another tiny town. thanks again...uuggghh!!! what is wrong with people?!!!

buttercup123's picture

Even if she cleaned the house, they should talk to neighbours who can corroborate your story that the house is gross. report her and tell then to talk to neighbours (they might not be bright enough to think of it).

wits_end's picture

I feel your pain!! I have 3 stepchildren who are under the age of 6. The BM sends her daughter(5) out in flip flops and thin pajama pants in December. They are always FILTHY when we pick them up for visitation. I actually think she sends them that way to try to piss us off but it only hurts the kids. She left her 3 yr old daughter alone in the bathtub and she got ahold of a bottle of nair and put it in her hair causing a bald spot the size of a baseball and it burned her scalp! Instead of telling my FDH about the incident she gave my SD a "comb over" hairdo and hoped we wouldn't notice she was almost bald. Of course we did notice and he called BM very upset and she acted like it was no big deal. To top it all off she made threats to call CPS on me because she made up a story about me leaving MY 3 month old son alone in my car!!!! She is a Turbo bitch and it seems like your dealing with the same. I have started a log doccumenting EVERYTHING. I suggest the same to you. Even details that dont seem that important (her dressing him innapropriate for the weather) will add up over time. Good Luck! And Im here if you ever need to vent about the crazy whore. hahaha