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worried about step son

StepNewbie's picture

I'm was hesitant to list this under mentally unfit bio parents (since the BM has not my knowledge been declared unfit) so if this needs to be moved let me know.
Well, another visit that has left both me and the BF feeling awful. At least this time the SS (8 1/2 yo) didn't kick a woman in the head or throw rocks at a family. I am getting more and more concerned about my SS. He seems to do fine when he's with us and I don't know if it's my imagination but I feel like he feels more grounded with us since we make him do things that I always thought was an obvious part of parenting - like taking a shower and combing his hair (his mother flipped out when we took him to his school's fundraiser with clean hair that had been combed - she said she has never seen his hair look like that and I agreed (I finally noticed a gigantic scar on his forehead that was from a blind dog that she had rescued biting him in his face). Everything seemed fine until she drops him off at a restaurant she wanted him to eat at (as we were leaving to go back home - 7 hours away) with the same thin dress pants on form the event the night before, no socks and another extremely dirty t-shirt (it had just snowed 5-8 inches, was 12 deg outside and his school is at a higher elevation and YES they have outdoor recess). She wanted us to put another pair of disgustingly dirty socks and pants on him and drop him off at his school. The blow-up started when my husband thought it would be a good idea for him to wash his bloody hands (from picking his nose) before he ate his food. Of course this did not go well and ended up with him flinging snot on my husband and kicking and hitting him. My husband then said he was going to sit there until he washed his hands. My SS then started to bang his head against the wall and my husband handed him off to the BM (who had just walked back into the restaurant because she was trying to find some gloves for him since she forgot to bring them in - she previously forgot his jacket when she dropped him off with us during the massive snow storm). She of course didn't step in and discipline him for hitting and kicking his dad or for refusing to wash the blood and snot off of his hands (he was blowing his bloody nose into his hands instead of using tissue in the bathroom) before eating his breakfast. He then got up from his seat while my husband was trying to tell the BM that this behavior was unacceptable and walked over to his BF and hit him in front of his mother. She of course does nothing about this and does not tell my SS to not be rude with his choice of words (or that what he was saying was not nice). Needless to say she walked out with my SS and didn't even make him apologize for what he did or said and in fact (surprising huh?) egged him on as they both walked out the door saying wonderful comments that an eight year old would make (but it was both of them). So now, after being warned by many of her ex-friends that she was crazy I am starting to feel like maybe they are right. I feel horrible for the boy (when we were at his school's event one of the little kids said "Sage acts funny in class"). He previously got kicked out of a $10,000/year school because they kept putting him out in the hall for misbehaving and his mother stormed out b/c they wouldn't cater to his acting out. So now he's in this new school (and he supposedly acted out the day before we left to come up - his mom said he was nervous about the visit which is understandable even though he was excited about us coming up and meeting his new friends - when I asked her how he felt and what he said in their conversations in the weeks up to the visit she ignored me (so I'm assuming she didn't even prepare the poor boy and dropped it on him on the way to school that morning). I am probably ranting and raving but am REALLY concerned for this boy. The BM isn't diagnosed (as far as I know) as being mentally unstable but I am worried about his hygiene (every time we've visited him or he has visited us he is wearing extremely dirty clothes, underwear and socks - and his mother's house is disgusting (the walls are brown and black but I'm sure are white underneath)) and lack of social norms (like not being violent towards others, having respect for others, interests in anything - all of our other friends with kids his age are in activities in which they are learning about rules, sportsmanship and how to play with others - and wearing coats outside when it's snowing heavily, etc - BASIC things). He isn't involved in any activities outside of school. He cannot tie his shoes! I was wondering if he has some sort of pervasive developmental disorder or some vitamin deficiency (not sure what the mom feeds him outside of fast food and fried foods). I am kind of scared of where this is leading and feel obligated to step in - but am not sure how or what to do. A friend (one of the ones that was trying to tell me the BM was crazy) suggested CPS. I am not sure how declaring incompetence works. Something that makes this more complicated is that the BM and SS both have trust funds (the BM does not have a job) so their funding for lawyers will be massive - which is why my husband has not sought going to court. She constantly uses the absence of my husband to her advantage when talking to teachers about his behavior ("he's acting up b/c his father left him") and I've caught her bitching about my SS's BF (calling him a "deadbeat dad" for not being around when she told him she didn't need him when she first found out she was pregnant)
WHAT DO I DO? I thought about calling a friend who works with CPS but also thought about contacting the principle at my SS's school (so it's on the record just in case he REALLY acts out and injures someone) - I am just REALLY worried about this boy and where he's going to be years from now - he's getting worse and the environment that he is in is very unhealthy for him physically and mentally. This would all make sense if the BM was a drugged up pill popping stoner (that has no concerns for their child or their child's success) - but my husband said she is just a hippy (which I have hippy friends who do actually "teach" their children) but far from a stoner. What do we do?????

Pantera's picture

I would contact the school and CPS. In my DH's situation, he dropped ss off at school and the teacher flagged him down to talk to him. She went on about ss's acting out, his dirtiness, manners, ect. The school called social services on BM and they said she was deemed fit, which is hilarious since my DH now has sole custody. At least it was on record that someone called. It sounds like neglect to me. I would get a lawyer (yes, they cost alot but are well worth it), call the school, call social services, and get the boy some counseling. Something is obviously wrong here.

StepNewbie's picture

So I am contacting a friend in CPS and the school (do you think e-mail so there's a hard copy evidence or phone call or a letter?)
so what is the BM's role right now in your situation and what type of relationship do you and your husband have with her? Just curious
thanks again!!

Pantera's picture

I don't think a hard copy would hurt, but I would also follow up with a phone call. BM pops in and out of ss's life as she pleases. She doesn't contribute at all. DH just had to take her to court for child support contempt (for not paying). We have ss in therapy because there are alot of issues. DH sometimes lets ss spend 1 night over his BM's house on the weekends. DH actually had to tell her how to act and what to do while he's there (as far as she needs to have him brush his teeth and take a shower and she needs to make sure he eats and she doesn't neet to cry about her problems, ect.) Its a struggle but we are trying to get through it. As far as our relationship with BM...I have always been civil with her until about 2 months ago (we had a fallout so I will have no contact with her). DH has never been civil with her and now has told her that to contact him she can only text or email him.

StepNewbie's picture

I thought about contacting the school so that it would be on record just in case he REALLY acts out and hurts someone. This is just such a horrible situation. I feel like the BM would be declared as a fit mother (maybe told to clean the house and parenting classes or something) then she would make our life miserable for turning her in. In your situation (csong40) how involved has the BF been and is there custody? The boy supposedly has a therapist (but not sure if the BM took him out of that as well). The teachers (according to the BM) asked about his acting out the other day and she said she told him that his BF was visiting after over 1.5 years of not seeing him (which wasn't true - we just saw him in Aug) and they attributed his behavior to the "dead beat dad" card that the BM pulls every time the boy does something wrong. REALLY afraid of the costs for custody (again the BM has TONS of money and her father as well).
Thanks for the advice - I think I'll contact the school (principal) and voice my concerns.

Pantera's picture

My DH and his ex wife married when ss was 2 and split up when he was 4. SS lived with DH for 1 year after the split, then moved in with BM. DH had ss every weekend and some Tuesday nights. At that time, no custody order was in place. BM filed for custody and child support after she found out DH had a serious girlfriend (me). My DH got sole custody 3 months after my ss turned 7. DH has always been a part of my ss's life. Its funny you say that BM says that your DH is a deadbeat. My DH's ex tells everyone she was a single mom for 7 years, lol. How can that be? She lived with DH for the first 4 years of ss's life, lol. I think it's a feel sorry for me card. That kind of behavior doesn't help the children either.

Pantera's picture

The cost of custody should not be a concern right now. We had to pay way more than we could afford but it was worth it to save ss. Most lawyers will work out a payment plan. What is more important...saving a child or saving money? I know it sounds harsh and Im not trying to be, but you have to look at it that way.

Orange County Ca's picture

Either you're making this up or this boy needs more help than you're going to get here. Snot throwing, hitting parents, banging head on wall..........

Counseling, county health services, group home, military school - I don't know the options available to you but its time to start looking.

Yes the mother is whacked but there is not much to be done. Concentrate any effort you decide to make on the kid.

StepNewbie's picture

I know!!! It would make more sense if the mother was a crack head since her house looks like a crack house and the boy is dressed like an addict's kid and he never showers - I was told by the grandmother that the kid told her his mattress is on the ground and is dirty and his feet are cold at night!!! I just don't understand why none of the grandparents or teachers or neighbors have turned this woman in!!! She is obviously not a fit parent - she can't even take care of herself - she dresses the same way and is dirty herself - even the guy that lives with her is dirty and has no job as well. BUT she has tons of money and the kid has a trust fund so there is no excuse like poverty - he should be dressed and fed well!!!!