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I Keep Praying

happygolucky's picture

I've had so many issues with SD16 that it is just beyond description. It has included everything from two psych ward visits for her to having the police involved for theft. I'm sick of her. It has gotten so much worse. I have tried disengaging, but her rude behavior is begining to be mimicked by my 3 year old daughter. I told BDad that SD16 had to go, or I would. He said that he can't kick his daughter out of the house. So I told him that he made his decision and that because he isn't willing to have her move in with BM that he was going to lose me and our daughter. He said nothing but "can't you just get over it." My dilemma is that I can't move more than 50 miles away from him w/o his permission (gotta love Florida laws). I can't afford to live here w/o his pay. Any suggestions?

Lauren1438's picture

do you have any family in the area?

Also is he willing to punish SD for what she is doing or does he have his head in the sand?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

i am having a similar problem. BD5 for the last few days been acting like SD13 in some ways. unfourtunatly, this is what happens. your BD probably looks up to her half sister (cause she doesnt know any better). what i have been doing is telling my BD, "that's sissy behavior. i want you to be BD5 and show me how BD5 is suppossed to act." she kinda gets the message. im not real sure how to explain it to her. i cant tell her sissy is bad and i dont like sissy, cause BD5 would be crushed.