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I'm so over everything

MrsMiserable's picture

My husband was furloughed from his job back in mid March at the start of this Covid19 garbage. He applied for unemployment right away but did not start receiving payments until the last week of April and it is not even a quarter of what he normally brings home. So I am pretty much the only income in a 6 person household right now and I am struggling. I know my DH has a lot of money in his savings account but for some reason doesn't think he should have to break into that yet. I am a small business owner and make decent enough money but not enough to support my husband, his two kids and my two bios who I have had pretty much full time throughout all of this because their father is useless. I am now paying for ALL of our bills except the mortgage which he was able to defer until July. And I am paying for all of our groceries which adds up to about $1200 a month or more. Plus whatever other costs come up. 

I am also working from home three days out of the week so I can make sure my kids are staying on task with their school work because my DH couldn't even handle that. I realized that his boys weren't doing any of their work that they said they were doing and he wasn't checking it. So now I'm working full time (partially from home), home schooling four children, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, and keeping up with the housework. My DH has taken this furlough as some kind of vacation. He sleeps in, gets up and drinks coffee and watches the news for an hour, plays video games, and pretty much just "hangs out" all day. Occasionally he will actually try to step in and help me out but usually that just means annoying the shit out of me and distracting all of us from our work and school work. I feel like I have adopted a 16 year old boy. Literally the only things he does around the house are mow the lawn once a week and clean the pool when I nag him. And his way of "helping otu" with the kids is entertaining them in the afternoon when they are done with school work. But that usually just means playing video games with them or making things even more chaotic so I have an even harder time getting any work done. 

I am so over it. I keep asking him if he should start looking for work and he just keeps telling me "nope they're going to call me as soon as they are opening back up". But there's been no word from his employer about when this is going to happen. I would actually be happier if I was home working and schooling the kids and he was gone. He makes everything harder on all of us!!!! Today I had to leave him home to supervise the kids because I have meetings at my office and he has already called me SIX times since I left the house three hours ago. I don't understand why he has suddenly become completely helpless and needy but I can't deal with it much longer!!

DPW's picture

We have had to close our business and my SO, who works full-time at it, is more productive than yours. He's building a garden, a shed, doing all the work to give me a break as I'm still working my stressful job. This is what partners do. Help each other out. Your DH is selfish and childish. I would train him and leave him a list of things he must accomplish while you are working all day. A real conversation needs to happen between the two of you - you should not be shouldering this all alone. 

hereiam's picture

And after the conversation is started, I would drive him to the bank to get some money out of savings. You should not have to cover all of the bills.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

TELL him you need X amount for his share of this month's bills, and he is responsible for buying the groceries, too.

still learning's picture

Since you're the owner every day can be take your kids to work day.  They can be in your office on their laptops or in an adjoining room doing their schoolwork while DH stays home and "takes care" of his kids.  Tell DH that you're bringing your two to work with you to reduce his stress and help him focus on helping his kids.  Make sure to only take his whiny calls when you are on break or not at all. "I have five minutes hun, what's up?" "Gee honey, sorry we couldn't talk, I was on the work line all day." 

If this could be done safely and in a way that isolated your kids away coworkers and others this could be a win win. But if you do this don't you dare bring DH's kids with you too!  

Swim_Mom's picture

Do you normally have an agreement on how much each of you contributes to household expenses? He needs to continue to follow that and it sounds like that means using savings. You should not be paying for his kids.

As for home schooling - help only your own kids. Who cares if his brats fail.

After all this is over, I would seriously think about whether I wanted to continue my marriage. Your husband is a useless POS.

Dogmom1321's picture

STOP paying for everything. Tell DH he needs to go to the grocery store. You cannot work, pay to support a family, and homeschool, all while he is doing nothing. 

Sounds like DH is content with staying on the couch. He thinks an employer is going to call him personally? He needs to check his ego. If he can't go back to his "regular" job right now, he needs to find something temporary or open his savings account up. 

STOP helping his kids with homeschooling. He is their dad and that is his responsibility. Also, depending on their age 3rd grade and up, the kids should know how to access everything online and complete their work. Kids are being lazy and are trying to pull a fast one. 

Ask him what is HE contributing to the family? Sounds like he is adding nothing but stress and expenses for you. That's NOT a marriage I would want to be in. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I was not familiar with the concept of overfunctioning when I was younger, and am guilty of doing it for a long time. My marriage was completely out of balance because I was doing so much of what wasn't my responsibility. I was actually interfering. Instead of allowing space for mistakes, lessons, growth, cause and effect etc. I allowed my H to avoid his responsibilities. This caused me to burnout, and led to resentment in both me and his relatives.

In remarriages, each half is responsible for their own baggage AND holding up their end of the partnership. Right now you're just setting yourself on fire to keep other people warm, and your relationship is out of balance. You need to get back in your own lane and stop covering for your H. Remember, no one is going to thank you for martyring yourself, and those skids NEED interaction with their dad. 

You don't have to make a big deal or have a blow up over this; in fact, being calm, breezy and matter of fact has gotten me much further. Just decide things are going to be different, and move forward. Redirect skids to their dad; put the bills in front of him and tell him "I paid everything last two months, you get this month"; and start making him very uncomfortable. Don't cook, don't clean, don't do laundry. Change starts with you changing your own behavior.


Rags's picture

I feel your pain.  And I have been hammering the job search hard for 14mos.  Fortunately my wife's career is doing very well and she is supporting us without us having to raid our retirement resources.

I have been #2 two times for great jobs and I am waiting for notification on one I am in the final stage of getting.  That one went on hold for an extra month during covid and I am 7 days from them reopening that req.  I will resume the hiring process at the point that they paused it due to Covid-19.  I am very hopeful that I will get that job.  Once that happens we are going into living off of my wife's income and investing mine once we retire the increased debt we have added since I last worked.

I cook every nigh, do most of the housework, and I network my ass off for my next career opportunity.

This is getting old for both of us.

But.... we are a team.  She had a 7 year mid career hiatus while we lived overseas for my career.  Our return to the US was so she could re-launch her career and we could put in the last 10-15 years of hard core investing so we can retire entirely debt free and with our retirement nest egg completely funded for our retirement.  

We are flexible though. If it takes longer for me to return to my historical employment and income levels, we will extend our retirement horizon and pare down on our predicted retirement life style. Things will still be okay, just not quite as adventurous as we would prefer.

I have not put all of my eggs in a single basket. An effective job search is often a full time job.

I hope your DH gets his head out and puts in the effort to get back to contributing.

Take care of you.

readingandlearning's picture

Unemployment now is 600 a week plus another 300-580 a week depending on which state you live in. He must have been making some serious bank before he was furloughed if that's only a quarter of what he is making on unemployment now. However the scary thing about being furloughed during this is the instability of it. Those unemployment's checks won't last forever and aren't a good future plan to have.