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My stepsons (18 and 22) wake up at 3 in the afternoon every day. Is this normal?

Lizz741's picture

I'm glad I can vent here without being the evil stepmom.

My 22 and 18 year old stepsons who are living with us have been waking up every single day at 3 in the afternoon. No kidding!!! i'm at home because of the Covid19 and my boyfriend luckily is working. 

I also want to know if it's normal for my boyfriend to do everything for his 22 year old son. For example, one day my BF and I were eating dinner after work (this happened before the Covid19). Suddenly SS22 came in. I didn't make dinner for him because he just comes and goes whenever he wants. So my BF asked him if he ate something and he said no. Well my BF went to the kitchen to make his son something to eat. I felt bad because my BF wanted to take a shower abd he was tired from work. So i decided to help him out. While we were busy cooking for his son, he was just sitting warching his phone waiting to be served!!! Wow, how convenient. It felt like we were his servants.

When we eat with SS22 my BF constatly asks him: "Do you want ketchup?" "Do you want bread?" He even checks his plate to see if it needs to be heated in the microwave. It's insane!!! The other day the son spilled out coffee in the placemat and my BF told him: "Be careful, you just spit some coffee all over" and his son DID not apologize for the incident. Jesus christ. Are these kids normal????

hereiam's picture

You know that none of that is normal.

The real question is, how much are you willing to put up with?

SteppedOut's picture


shamds's picture

Movies till warly hours of the morning when they should be sleeping. Thats why they wake up at 3pm. 

My ss still does this and sleeps at 6am and when ss was 19 he at 1.30am ran upstairs to our bedroom screaming there were bad spirits in his bedroom trying to possess him. My son was barely 3 months old and i was terrified but lucky hubby was home. 

There were no bad spirits, our cats were acting fine at home. This is the result of a kid that has isolated himself from any communication or the real world

Lizz741's picture

They're not working or putting any money for the rent or utilities. I'm still paying half of everything, even if I'm currently unemployed because of the virus. My boyfriend is working and has to support his lazy sons. I'm surprised he lets them live rent free, especially now that they sent me home because of this crisis

AyeGavalt's picture


I have that similar "Knee Jerk to kiss their overgrown entitled butts" thing in my partner- who I continue to NOT feel partnered with.

Why would half of the couple (you and I) be expected to indulge this?

Do you think you're the first to point this out to him?

Mine says I'm the first but I don't believe it. Her own dad says, "she ALLLLWAYS wants to be mommy."


Daddy's wife's picture

Why would you pay half the rent, it would be more fair if you pay 1/4 and the dad should pay 3/4 of the bills. Now you are paying for adult children that are not yours.