just need to vent
I am a stepmom and biomom. I have been my ss stepmom for almost 5 years, he is 6 and i have been with him before he was 2. I have been to couseling over my dh's ex. They were never married, but were together for 5 years and she wanted to marry him. The first thing she said to me was how she cant wait for my mom to die cause that is the only reason my dh is with me. My mom died 4 years ago and my dh and I are very happy with 3 kids, I do feel like Im ss mom cause we have custody she sees him wed. for 2 hours and EOW. Soooo he is with me and my dh all the time. Once we won bm moved an hour away and now she lost her job again, had her car taken from her, she went to a no credit place to get another car but only pays 100 less than she did for her car. I was doing well but now things are getting to me, I cant stand how she pretends to be a good mom when i know she isnt. She tries to put on a good front and now that she lost her job she can volunteer in the classroom but I have to work and am happy to. Sometimes I just cant wait for him to be older so he can do all the talking and tell his bm when he does not want to go to her house. Just going crazy she tries all the time to split my dh and i up. I know my dh loves me more than anything he even offered to send ss to live with bm, but ss is not the problem and i love ss too, bm is the issue and i need to get past it and be happy i have a great life, help me get over her!!!
You are at the right place to
You are at the right place to vent. I have only been here a couple days but the support is great.
i am 61 years old have been
i am 61 years old have been married three time this time 11 years. he has four kids i have two mine is 40 and 33. his is 34 to 23 we have been together for 12 years in all that time we have been by ourself for two years without kids living with us which sucks getting too old for this s---. i have had all his kids living with us from time to time. my oldest son lived with us but under health issues he has got. six months ago his 34 year old daughter ask to move in to go back to school cutting hair she went to one school for three months didn't like the teacher and quit going now she has enrolled in another school which starts in dec. she bought her dog with her which i take care of. she works at a bar at night which she gives us nothing to live here and no money for dog food. she sleeps till noon or later sits on the couch and watches tv until it is time to go to work. i b---- at her dad which tells me that she is just that way she leaves her s--- all over the house never cleans her room, her dad my husband doesn't say a d=== thing to her about helping around the house. i am so tried of this it is making me hate her and her dad. everytime i say something to him aboout it he say i am picking on her please i am not a child picking on my sister. i don't know what to do but i am ready to put both of them on the road please help
I have the same issue. I
I have the same issue. I love SD dearly she is about to be five. I have been with her since she was two. Her mom has been out of the picture pretty much since she was three when she lost custody completely. She tried to commit suicide, was in and out of rehab, jail several times, on alot of drugs, and could not take care of her daughter. We let my SD go see her grandparents her bm's parents every sunday. There is nothing wrong with them at all. Recently they bailed bm out of jail and she has been seeing my sd lately. I hate when she sees her I know I can't take it out on the kid but I hate it. I hate that you know she can be in and out of jail, throw her kid away, and be on drugs but yet she is the all wonderful mom. I am twenty years old about to finish college work fulltime and a fulltime mom to a four year old but yet I am still just "Courtney" I paint the little girls fingernails the mom takes it off and tells her to tell me that its ugly. It must be nice to not have to worry about a kid every except when you want to be super mommy maybe once every three months and take the kid to chuckee cheese or to get their nails done. I am the giving her baths every night sitting at the doctor on end paying for her a daycare getting her halloween costumes being "santa clause". The mom gets to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and then talk to everyone about how great of a mom she is and make sd just think she is all wonderful. It hurts me that my step daughter will always resent me and not think of me as a parent figure. It hurts me that I have to go through all of this and bm get all the credit. She does not even pay childsupport!