latest text from Nutburger (copied from my blog)
On Sunday we of course had SGirls. Do every Fri-Mon And my BD8 had a basketball game at 11:00 a.m. I got her ready and took her. SGirls and SO were still in bed. At halftime SO shows up with STwins (almost 9) and Sk14. The other 2 were still home in bed SK17 and SK12.
sidenote(On THurs BM text SO to inform him that SKs cousins birthday party is Sunday at the park at noon.)
SO and the Sgirls left the ball game when it ended at 12:06
These are the text he got, nothing changed, spelling and all.
So let me get this straight some kid who is not related to ours is more important than a cousins birthday party? U rmember that at Christmas n the next time something for ur family comes up on my time!
Sun Sept 9 12:pm
U may put those worthless assholes before family! But we never do
Sun Sep 9 12:01pm
Family always comes 1st always has till she came along an you forgot what family was!
Sun Sep 9 12:04pm
So play ur games only ones who get hurt our our kids! You should already know SBrat12 is blowing up my phone
Sun Sep 9 12:06pm
ok 1) BD LIVES with his kids 50 percent of the time. 2) The Stwins ASKED to come and I said ask your dad. 3) SHE (bm) is the one that put in the CO that he (SO) got the skids EVERY weekend cuz she only wants them when she is working. 4) why is she attacking me and BD, SO is the one that wanted to bring them to watch. AND 5) MOST importantly, I told SO that SBRAT12 or SK17 probably told BM and that was why she was mass texting. Hes like 'oh no, BM is pumping them and asking why they arent there.... Well bullsh!t. I knew it was the Evil Sbrat! and BM even says so in her rant.
He could have NOT even let them go since it is his time. And as for that whole U remember that at christmas bs. Not gonna happen cuz she DOESNT ever want them with her unless it is some family event so she can parade her 7 nasty brats around and be MOTY!!!!!
Sorry - am not totally clear
Sorry - am not totally clear - but the texts you reproduced from BM - is she actually saying that your child/ren are worthless assholes???
OMG! You have 5 skids?
OMG! You have 5 skids? Bless you for being able to simply survive!
I like to think of it as HE
I like to think of it as HE has 5 daughters
I am just the chick that lives in his house, and gets great sex LOL I really dont have a whole lot to do with them. I quit doing for them a while back when I saw this is how they all were and there was no fixing them.
He has his girls 50% of the
He has his girls 50% of the time. What he does with them on his time is none of her business. Ignore her. If there is a problem or schedule conflict I would assume 1 of the 5 daugther would bring it up to him.
Honestly, your DH should
Honestly, your DH should completely disengage from anything related to BM during his custody time.
This kind of crap should not be encourgaed and indulged. She should know that she does not have any influence whatsoever over what happens during his time with the skids.
Your DH needs to inform his kids as well. They can blow their mom's phone all day if they want and all it's going to do if piss him off and result in them dealing with an angry dad for the day.
They know this, and continue
They know this, and continue to do it. SDevil12 spent 6 hours! last weekend crying and bawling in SOs face every time he got near her "I WANNA GO TO MOMS" No exageration here. 6 hours :jawdrop:
all because he caught her in several lies because of BM. SD texted him from her friends demanding to be picked up early and he said no because we were at hosp visiting his new nephew. So then she texted that "mom said I could hang out with her" There was much more back and forth and then BM forwarded the text to SO from SD and nowhere in it did it say mom said that. So he confronted SD and then the 6hour dramafest started as soon as he picked her up. It lasted Until he had to have MIL come get her cause we were at work (he owns a restaurant and that is where she was doing this). Of course she was all smiles as she walked out to grammas van. }:)
yep she did call us that, and
yep she did call us that, and that is nice compared to some other stuff she has said. He (SO) is no contact with her(BM) But for some odd reason no matter how horrible,evil,hateful the SKids are to him, he still does the "Its not about me its about them" I think he should confiscate thier cell phones when they come here. They are in CONSTANT contact with this Nut burger!
Does he care that they were late? NO, but I wouldnt have let any of them go and would have told them "THank your sister SDevil12, because she thinks she is in control of a grown man then none of ya's get to go!"
And yes, she does think it all revolves around her and her kids. The 2 new illigetimatefucknuggets she just had which happen to have SOs last name are Golden also according to her :sick:
Ya know, The only thing that keeps me from running her over with my car when I see her is the fact that then SO will have those disgusting creatures full time.