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Mediation with the devil= ACCOMPLISHED ! Thanks StepTalk peeps !!!

SimplySickOFit.'s picture


MEDIATION WAS FUN !!!!! I can not guarantee that we will win custody, because the counselor is unpredictable, but in terms of general overall appearance, the chick looked HORRIDLY UNCOMPROMISABLE !!! This is wonderful to me, who was QUIET and supportive to my DH (the people who responded to my last post helped with that) and when I DID talk, it was only to redirect the conversation back to the general discussing since BM couldn't SHUT HER MOUTH Smile She argues, and argued and argued when DH just made simple statements. And she got in trouble for not even ATTEMPTING to contact out dentist since SS's teeth are in such poor shape because she is too involved in her power struggle to choose all physicians (and ALL the ones we pick aer "lying to make $)... LMAO !!

HAPPY-HAPPY, JOY-JOY. No matter WHAT the outcome, the mediation was sure worth it just to see the look on BM's face when she tried to say I was "harassing" her by texting her, and I responded " The only time I texted you was when you were leaving the (5-6yr old) ALONE at HOME by himself. I GUESS SHE FORGOT ABOUT THAT !!! HAHAHA Smile


And this time, there were no harassing texts from her BRAGGING that she will win custody and the we should give up !!

Have a great weekend folks !! When this court business is all said and done I CAN'T WAIT to put her in her place when she feels brave enough to come up to MY HOUSE and cause grief !!!!

Peace out PEOPLE !

Frustrated New Wife's picture

I'm happy everything went well for you and that you got some much needed advice from ST! I hope everything works out in your favor!