Mistake or not? So I just got married, and its has been a crazy past few days...we both have kids, 2 each. And everyday we have been bombarded with family, kids and coming off of our wedding "high"! Im drained from all the craziness of the weekend and working full time and having to take care children. I would like to have one day to have alone time with my new husband, but everyday since last wednesday we have had the kids, and tomorrow is the start of our "off" weekend and he has to work tomorrow night and he will be getting his kids durning the day tomorrow and he now is working saturday night. Im upset because we havent even been married a week and i feel like this is a big mistake. When is it ok to ask for some adult time without coming off as not wanting the kids around? I think we need our time as a new married couple, but i feel like my feelings dont really matter, and its making me a little depressed and disapointed. I understand that our children are very important, but this to me is a very precious time in our relationship. I am to the point where i dont want to come home, and that is not how i want to feel!! help me please.....
Couple questions
1. How old are all the kids?
2. Does he have a custody order specifying visitation?
3. Is this like it was prior to the wedding? Or is this wedding excitement?
4. Did you just move in?
5. Do you have XH or parents nearby? Does he have nearby parents?
I get it, we came home to a house full of 5 kids, except SD 13 had run away while we went out of town to be married. Nothing even like a honeymoon.
My kids are 7 and 11, his are
My kids are 7 and 11, his are 11 and 13, there is no CO regarding visitation, i have been living with him for 2 years his ex lives like 2 mins from usand shes home durning the day and my kids will be at their dads house, his kids have their grandparents who live another 2 mins from us. We have been throuhgh so much as a couple, loss of a job, child cancer and now this crazy 2020. I feel we owe it to ourelves to have at least one day for each other, I dont know how to ask him or tell him without coming off as being the wicked witch of the east. I certainly dont want him to think he married a horrible person.....
I'm curious, what were things
I'm curious, what were things like before you got married? You were together 2 years... certainly you had some time without both sets of kids there on some regular basis right?
I don't see anything wrong with wanting some time to do things "childfree" with your husband.. depending on your work schedules etc.. may dictate whether this is something you should be trying to plan weekly/monthly.. etc.. Maybe it would be important to at least have a "date night" once a week.. and then maybe a long childfree weekend once a month? that doesn't seem to be too much to ask really.. most couples do have babysitters etc.. when they want to do things without kids.
Maybe you could start out by telling him that you want a mini honeymoon? "let's see if we can plan a long weekend so you and I can get away and celebrate a small honeymoon".. then start building from there.. maybe you could try to match your kid's schedule to his with some overlap so that there are days that are kidfree... even if he is working those days.. free evenings would be welcome right?
Before we got married we were
Before we got married we were going about our lives like we always do, we got the kids like we do now. I think its all come to a head right now since we really or actually havent had time time to breathe. I just would like to spend some time with him and relax and talk about the wedding and life. But its always crowded with children. Everytime i mention a trip or a mini vakay, its shot down because we have the kids that weekend or its a holiday or he cant because he has to work and cant take off. I dont ask alot from him, i just want to feel important too. We have been through so much in the past 2 years that would tear any relationship apart, and i all i want is a moment of his time as newly weds. I dont know how to tell him without coming off as a b****?
Well.. the good thing is that
Well.. the good thing is that YOU have kids too.. so it's not going to come off as harsh as it might if it were just HIS kids you were trying to ditch.
It sounds like you didn't do much "alone" stuff before though.. so honestly, you may need to manage expectations on whether you will see a big change.. just because you got married. He might think... why do things have to change... weren't we happy before?
But, there is also nothing wrong with a married couple having a honeymoon.. it is, in fact, a very common thing for people to do. Sometimes it is delayed from the actual wedding due to finances, work commitments or some other issue.. but most people do have some time to celebrate with just the couple.
I think you need to approach him with needing to make a plan. You suggest things.. but get shot down because there are other plans in place in the time you are suggesting.. near term. Why not do a little advance research yourself? Come up with a few different options that will happen.. maybe not THIS month.. but later in the summer or early fall.. for a 3-4 day getaway for just the two of you? Look at everyone's schedule, to the extent you know about them.. and plan a few options for dates. Then go to him with a short list of options.
There is nothing wrong with saying" Honey, I really want us to have some time for ourselves so I have come up with a few possibilities.. which one do you like the best?" If he comes up with the kids.. etc.. point out that it is enough in the future that you can plan to have them at their other parent's home.. or at relatives etc.. that work schedule can be planned too. If he still hems and haws.. you need to tell him that it makes you feel sad that you aren't having a honeymoon.. it's a special time for couples to celebrate and bond and you want to experience it. You love all the kids.. but this is really important to you. You want to have an adult relationship with him.. not just as parents to the kids.
Thank you! This is perfect! I
Thank you! This is perfect! I want to establish a relationship with him so when our kids are grown and gone, we are still connected. WE have been through alot together, which has made us at times be away from each other. I dont know why he gets so upset, i am not asking him to never see his kids again just some time as a married couple.
First of all, let me share what my counselor told me years ago: the importance of one-on-one time with DH. What would happen if you and DH took a walk alone together tonight and you told him how much you want some more alone time with him. Maybe acknowledge that you guys haven't given it enough importance with all thats been going on but what can we do? Firm up visitation time (both sets of kids). See what he comes up with. I don't think you will come off as the wicked witch at all. You are just a sensible adult woman trying to make common sense arrangements. It's nothing against the SK. Sounds like you've had a pretty full plate.
Congratulations on your wedding!
Thank you! I want to tell him
Thank you! I want to tell him so bad to tell his ex that he wont be getting the kids tomorrow so he can spend it with me, but i know that wont happen. Am i being really selfish? to be honest, i have had enough of people and just want to relax with my DH. I am so frustrated.
Nothing wrong
I don't think there is one thing wrong with saying you are exhausted and need some down time with just him. You have been through a lot and a wedding is emotional, too. Again, i dont think this is anti-SD. You just need firmer schedules for both your and your DH's kids' visitation. The other thing my counselor urged was assertiveness....
He just doesnt get it. I feel
He just doesnt get it. I feel so alone.
CO are your friend and you
CO are your friend and you need the structure that they provide. Kids are the easiest way an ex can mess with your home. I highly recommend you put boundaries in place that put the marriage first and protect it. There is nothing wrong with saying no kids on this night, it's date night. Period.
Do you have a child centric home or one focused on the adults?
I feel like our home is
I feel like our home is always focused on the kids. Its almost like the kids come first no matter what, and everytime i tell him that it hurts coming out, because i know deep down inside its gonna make him mad. We have been through alot the past 2 years that would tear any family apart, his job loss, his child diagnosed with cancer now this pandemic and having to be extra cautious. I have been by his side 100% and never gave up on him I feel its not to much to ask of him. i get it, his kids are important to him, but so should our marriage. All our kids play sports all year round so there is alot of time spent on that too. Im really upset and i dont want to make this into a major problem with him. I dont know what to say to him without it coming off as selfish.
Why are you worried that he
Why are you worried that he'll think you're selfish or a bi*** for making what seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable request? Has he reacted that way before, or does he not typically care about your needs? If the answer is no, then just come out and tell him what you need. How will he know if you don't tell him? If the answer is yes, then maybe you made a mistake, because a partner who trivializes or doesn't care about your needs and desires isn't much of a partner.
I think the first thing you need to insist on (for both of you) is a CO or at least a consistent schedule that is respected. My DH has his kids Monday, Tuesday and EOWE. While he and BM will occasionally accommodate each other by switching the schedule around, for the most part I know exactly when the skids will be here and I can plan around it. Thursday is date night - skids are with BM, my mom watches our bio, and it's our time. I don't plan anything else for that time; DH knows not to work overtime or go to a skid event (unless it's something of great importance that I was alerted to in advance). We treat date night as a priority, because it's important to our marriage. You need to get your DH on board for some priority time for the two of you, since it's important to you. And the easiest way to be able to block out time for it is to know when you're going to have kids, and to get your kids on similar schedules.
I told him how i felt and his
I told him how i felt and his words are " he understands, he cant disapoint them either, and that he cant win" and that we have this weekend, which he is working on saturday, and getting them is what they are expecting" im actually hurt. I need him and i told him that i need him. Im sitting here in the dark by myself right now. Since he works 2nd shift. the kids always come first to my needs, it sucks. i can see why his past relationships never worked.
In that case, I'd keep my
In that case, I'd keep my finances as separate as possible, keep my name and do whatever I could to make a potential split easier. If he can't prioritize your needs when he knows about them and you're still in the honeymoon period (literally!), I don't hold out much hope for your marriage.
The trauma/drama of the past
The trauma/drama of the past few years needs to be overcome. Men in general hate change but he needs the proverbial 2x4 upside the head. You made vows that essentially say you will each put the other first. Did he realize what he was doing this time? Just going thru the motions to get a built in maid/nanny/sex partner? You have every right to put your foot down and ask for what any wife would want. To have to do it so soon after the ceremony makes me wonder if you two were just caught up in a wave and just kept going. You really do need time alone with each other , if nothing else than to see if you are truly compatible or just a couple of people who have been thru hell together.
BTW, disappointment is a reality in life and learning how to deal with builds resilience and self reliance. A crucial parenting job that leads to kids who launch.
i dont think you come off as
i dont think you come off as the wicked witch for wanting essentially a 'honeymoon' with your husband. Surely he would want this chill out time also. My suggestion ,,, organise all the kids for the weekend yourself and say "come on honey we have it all to ourselves now lets go... or do..." and kindly dont give him any option.
You're not selfish
You just got married, congratualtions! Of course you want some time alone with your new husband, that is normal.
For that it's worth, historically, immediately post marrige the couple take time together, on a honeymoon, to connect as a married couple and celebrate their union. Did you have a honeymoon planned? Did the pandemic curtail this?
Something that bothers me to no end (apologies for my ranting) is that in a "subsequent marriage" the traditional couple celebration can essentially be ignored. The newlywed couple may be designated to forgo their post marriage celebration as though it isn't as valid as any other marriage or honeymoon. I wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment.
Sure, some organzation may be required, but the concept of having a honeymoon, or simply time together post marriage, is important. It's a special time in your life, not something you can easily postpone to reinact a newlywed honeymoon, day, or what ever period of time down the track.
In my situation, my DH and I got married in a quickie daytime ceremony at the court house. We went straight back to work and I was up again at 4:30am the next day for my rounds at the hospital. We had planned a beautiful wedding before SD decided to steal the funds we had put aside for our wedding. My DH said he would get the funds back (I could afford it anyway but it was the principle of the matter as DH had issues with me being the primary provider) and we would have a celebration and honeymoon soon after. Needless to say he never got the funds back (actually didn't even really try but that's beside the point), and we never had a wedding with any of our family/friends with us, or a honeymoon. On our weddding night my SS phoned DH to pick him up as he was out with friends and didn't want to walk home. That's how special our wedding was. No one gave a crap (DH and I aside). Not exactly the "carrying the bride over the threshhold' and romantic night as a newly married couple.
My advise to you, don't let this go lightly. Even years down the track I still (obviously) have a lot of resentment for how insignificant I, and my marriage, felt. I wouldn't recommend letting it go, as it may fester within you. In stepfamilies there is so much the SM misses out on, even if you also have your own kids. I can't imagine you would want to look back, as I do, at your post wedding time being full of disappointment.
I was also too concerned about coming off as a horrible person, or demanding, or selfish, to properly voice that I felt our marriage deserved to have some special time together. I regret that now.
Please don't be a martyr and ignore your own needs and wants. Your kids (both his and yours) can seeminly be organised to give you and DH some time alone together. It's healthy, IMHO, for kids to see a marriage given respect. Speak to your DH and express your desire to start your marriage in a place of happiness. That's how most marriages start, yours shoud be afforded the same opportunity.
Good luck, I hope you can have some needed couple time!
I think you're trying to turn
I think you're trying to turn yourself inside out and deny your own wants and needs so you don't make your husband mad, so that you don't appear selfish, so that you don't look like the SM witch. YOU know you are not selfish. YOU know you are not a witch. YOU have actual, real, honest needs, and one of those is to feel important and valued by your husband. Of course you want to spend time with him, and not just when it's convenient for everybody else.
It's just not healthy when one person in the relationship is afraid to say what's on her mind or in her heart. A loving partner would want you to be happy and satisfied and would put some thought and energy into to finding a solution. But he's giving up and saying he's "stuck in the middle" without an ounce of effort. That's ridiculous. Your happiness is not less important than his comfort.
Immediately and eternally.
Immediately and eternally. If the two of you don't have regular time for just the two of you just call it quits now and avoid years of tortuous hell.