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New - Just Tired of BM drama

Journeys Walk's picture

50/50 legal means nothing to this psycho. She moved with no warning, she threatens with her lawyer but then produces no lawyer info to our attorney even after several request from DH and attorneys office. She uses talking parents like her own little victim sanctuary with no sane reasons. we are 9 grand in lawyer payments with nothing more than every other weekend and every tuesday night. and we can't ask for her to pay for half of layer fees because according to our attorney no court will go after BM for us having to get legal help.*nea*

Rags's picture

This exactly the problem with the whole family court/blended family adventure.  So many attorneys in this space are seemingly the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession, are inept,  and milk the blended family opposition situation as a cash cow with little to no focus on delivering resolution. More sadly, the Judges that tend to sit on the family court bench come from that same pool of the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession and generally lack the courage to actually make a decision that is clearly in the best interest of kids.  They tend to go with their default and as our first judge said "I hope everyone feels better because I am going to do what I always do.".  We never lost in family law court, but it was never a satisfying experience and I alway felt like I needed a high temperative high pressure shower to blast the skeeve off of my skin after we walked out of court.


This is why we test drove attorneys until we landed on our extremely aggressive killer shark attorney.  Once we retained him, they faded in a hurry and pretty much were little more than a periodic PITA for the 16+ years that we lived under the Custody/Visitation/Support CO that SS-28 aged out from under at 18.

We were in for ~$8K over the entire course of the 16+ year CO period plus another 5K for the adult adoption when SS-28 asked me to adopt him when he was 22yo.

We never went after attorney's fees so I have no information on that other than the first Judge did comment when issuing his ruling that of course both parties are responsible for their own legal costs..  

Welcome by the way. I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some good advice and useful perspective from others who are navigating the blended family adventure.

Good luck.

Dogmom1321's picture

SAME problem here! This was the lastest drama from BM last weekend...

- She moved to a different county, almost an hour away without notifying the court

- She expects DH to just changre their 50/50 CO to accomadate her work schedule

- She FLIPPED last Friday when DH told her "no" to coming and picking up SD. Btw, it wasn't even our week and BM wanted him to drive 2 hours round trip. 

- As soon as she didn't get what she wanted, and when DH explained he can't drop anything for her, she threatened "see you in court again" when SHE'S the one not following the CO. 

- Put SD10 in the middle AGAIN. Started crying to her saying "I can't do this back and forth anymore. I just need you to decide who you want to live with." She's TEN! She doesn't get to decide. 

DH and I are expecting oiur little boy any day now. I'm starting to see BMs drama as starving for attention and still attempting to be relevant to him.She can't accept the fact that he has other children to consider as well.