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No, I don't WANT to spend alone time with SKIDS! (Vent)

poisonivy's picture

Why is it that BM appears to believe that I should consider it an honor and a priviledge to be involved in HER children's lives??????!!!!!! Seriously, these are the kids that even SHE can't stand being around. Give me a break....

starfish's picture


yeah, my bm & mil have warped sense of honor & priviledge, too.

poisonivy's picture


Marvelous idea except my BIO's would be punished for the sins of the SKIDS.

It just baffles me how these people think....SS10 still can't use the bathroom without making a mess and SD5 has got better "dance" moves than Debbie in Dallas if you know what I mean...I'll have to post that story sometime.

satori's picture

i can relate here... currently i'm cringing and skin crawls at the thought of going to the park this afternoon WITH ALL the kids. this was a suggestion of my SO and I was totally uninthused. I said I don't know if i want to deal with it and he says "well its better than dealing with all of them at home right" i didn't know what to say it's so wierd that we both seem to feel the same exact way about each others kids

starfish's picture


satori, i would be popping a xanax right now if i had to to the park with dh & 2 skids, much less so & 5 bio/skids.... but so is right, much better than all at home.....

satori's picture

ya i've considered anxiety meds but why should i have to. . .pisses me off. ha and get this i'm attempting to quit smoking and drinking at the same time. shit i just realized that's definate suicide. do i really love this guy? yes. how's it supposed to work if you love him and not kids. his kids make my kids miserable... not fair. waht the hell do i do. i'm on the ledge and anything might throw me off right now and i really don't want to make any outrageous decisions on impulse Sad

starfish's picture

i quit smoking 7 yrs and 2 months ago --- good luck ~~ i got the shot, pm me and i'll send you the info if you're interested...

quit drinking -- i don't think so, unless i get prego...otherwise, why? i am a productive citizen......

satori's picture

lol only it's easier for me ....there was no wedding(not married). maybe it'll just give me the nudge i need to go. i do love him tho. so ya i got to the point where i couldn't even consider going home with out slamming a shooter of tequila and chasing it with a mikes harder lemonaid EVERYDAY after work. i feel like a looser