Not sure I want to be a step mum!
So this week I meet my partners kids proply for the first time as BM hasn't let us up to this point meet the kids even tho we have a 7 month old daughter together now. anyway..
I'm just really nervous and I'm starting to have thoughts of do I actually want to be a "step mum". I've never ever wanted to be one but I met this great guy and we fell for each other and had a baby so obv I knew his other two kids were part of the deal, take it or leave it. Plus I have a 6 year old daughter from a past relationship and her dad died a few years ago. I don't know if I'm just having these thoughts because I'm quite nervous or they are legit and I should just run now lol!
They have a mom and a dad so
They have a mom and a dad so there is no requirement for you to be another parent. Let your SO handle them and their care when they are with you, they are his responsibility.
Not knowing them and not knowing what the dynamic is going to be, is probably why you are nervous, you don't know what to expect. They might be good kids, they might be monsters. Your SO might be a good parent, he might not be. That will affect you.
Why would your SO let BM dictate what he can do with his kids and who he can allow them around? That would concern me more than the kids, themselves. Is she going to run your whole life and relationship by controlling your SO, using the kids? Is that how your SO deals with her? He just does whatever she says? That's going to be the real problem.
Ideally, you would have run
Ideally, you would have run before you had a child with this man.
Don't want to be a stepmom? go forth without your BF... set up a custody schedule with him. but you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
You don't have to be SM.
You don't have to be SM. Sadly, your young child does not have a choice to be half sib to your Skids.
Good luck.