O/T: As long as we're all "confessing"
I am NOT a tattoo person. That was a huge fight with one of my exes. I always made her wear clothes to cover up her tattoo. Just thought they were trashy. That was shitty of me, but that's who I was then...
Well, damnit, I did it. Right after the recently exGF filed for divorce I took an inscription she'd written me that said "Love always, Heather" and photocopied it, had it heat transferred, and had it tattooed right over my heart.
I wouldn't change it for the world though. It's either a lesson or a reminder or who knows what... I meant to be with her FOREVER, and whether she did or not, I don't regret it. If nothing else it's a serious reminder that you never really know. And if I'm ever willing to cover it up for another girl, then I'll know I've got the right one...
Anybody else want to confess something equally stupid?
Seriously though I will love that girl until I'm dead so I don't really regret it and if I'm willing to cover it up for someone then whoever it is will deserve to have it covered. It's going to take a hell of a woman and a lot of love, but I'll know for sure...
How do I post a picture of it? Ahhahaha... we all need to confess our craziness... that's mine. No kids, great job, plenty of money, no baggage, but a DAMNED TATTOO of ANOTHER WOMAN!!!! That's a pretty BIG BAG!!!! :O
wow, so I wonder what your
wow, so I wonder what your next GF/wife/SO will think of that? EEK. I personally don't like tattoos that show....I was brought up that they were trashy, but i do want one.....odd huh?
It doesn't show unless I have
It doesn't show unless I have my shirt off. And YES, they ARE trashy. It was the LAST thing I would EVER do in my life, which is why I did it FOR her. To show her that NOTHING was more important to me, not even the things I've always believed, than her.
And I guess I'll have to explain to any woman who is the next one, if there is one, that I loved that girl more than anyone or anything ever, and if she's worth removing or covering that tattoo, she has taken that spot over and in my heart.
good answer! But I still want
good answer! But I still want one!
BTW, I go to the Derby nearly every year....I live here! It's a party 24/7 for several weeks before.
The Derby rocked. I have been
The Derby rocked. I have been to the Super Bowl and the World Series and been all over Central and South America and Europe, but I had never been to the Derby. And I'm a HUGE fan of the ponies. Watch TvG and bet on the races all the time. I swear when I started singing "My Old Kentucky Home" and everyone in the stands (I was section I think 121 right near the finish line) and I realized that EVERYONE else was singing too, I cried like a baby.
One of the greatest experiences ever. Everyone should do it.
I had a headhunter offer me a pretty sweet deal in Louisville, and if I knew then what I know now about exGF, I'd have taken that deal and hauled ass. Great town.
That's when I KNEW shit was
That's when I KNEW shit was afloat. We were actually IN a tattoo place watching a buddy of mine (also a Republican and professional) getting his recently passed dog's name tattooed on himself, and when he said "go ahead, get Bob on you somewhere" she said "not now I need to think about how I want to do it." She always had an excuse. Boy I KNEW I was screwed...
I'm 42 and I work out but
I'm 42 and I work out but when I'm 55 it's going to look like wrinkled ass. I just assumed when I did it the only person looking at me would be her... ahhh you hear it time and again, never get a chick's name tattooed on you
I don't personally like
I don't personally like tattoos... but I have ALWAYS had a things for piercings. When I told DH about this little fetish, he was all for it. So one night I went with him to get his private part pierced. It was very exciting. It hurt him at first, but after it hurt, it made him feel very good. He loves it!
He wants me to get my nipples and my private part pierced. I have had my belly pierced when I was younger, and would do that again. I am thinking about the nipples. }:) - Only he would see them, and they would be a turn on for him.
TMI - Ouch...
TMI - Ouch...
I cannot emphasize this
I cannot emphasize this enough: NEVER get a person's name tattooed on you unless they are related by blood (like a child's name). I don't have any tattoos but I don't have a problem with them. I just don't like them for me. And I don't like sleeves, ick.
Live and learn. I just know that if my DH was my BF and he took his shirt off and he had some other woman's name tattooed on his chest, I'd have a hard time dealing with that. No woman wants to look at another woman's name on her man's chest.
You are 100% right, which is
You are 100% right, which is why when I finally start dating again I won't be taking my shirt off until I know it's for the woman for whom I intend to change the tattoo.
Nope, haven't done anything
Nope, haven't done anything really stupid I don't think.
I do have angel wings with my daughter's name tattoo'd between my shoulder blades; she passed away in November. I have two other smaller tats that I kinda regret and figured I would never get another one, but that changed when my little girl died.
That may not be the coolest
That may not be the coolest thing I've ever heard, but if it isn't I don't really remember what is.
Awesome all the way around.
I have just had my first
I have just had my first tattoo at 23 but its on my hip where clothes cover and should I have anymore it will be the same.
My dp has a lovely, large chinese tattoo of BM's name on his arm, which is possibly the tackiest thing I have ever seen... and still after 6 and a half years of them being seperated hasnt had it covered/ removed.
I must say its one of the banes of my life. he loves me to bits and im well aware of it, but my name isnt on him anywhere, his son's is on his arm and he had a dedication to his father on his other arm.... and I have to look at that knowing its hers everytime he takes his t shirt off..... lovely
You need to show him this
You need to show him this thread and tell him her name needs to GO and GO NOW!
trust me I have tried, I even
trust me I have tried, I even offered to pay for either a cover up or laser removal (second is much cheaper) and he has never really showed any interest in either, which makes me wonder why he keeps it considering he doesn't like her/ etc....hmmmmm...
But I try not to let it bother me too much.
tattoo over your heart with
tattoo over your heart with some chicks name and you're 42 ~~ so much for the "no baggage" theory!
I have one tattoo. The only
I have one tattoo. The only one I will EVER have. I was told by several people that tattoos are addictive. I don't see how. The 3 1/2 hours of needle work for my one is all I'm willing to do. LOL! I took a lot of time deciding what & where. It has special meaning to me. I got it after my 1st husband & I separated. Mine is on the front of my hip/upper thigh, & is only seen by those I choose to show. DH isn't a huge fan of tats, but says he likes mine. (Of course, he is my DH, & probably wouldn't tell me otherwise.
Before I met DH I did date a guy...a fireman. }:) He hadn't mentioned anything about a tattoo, but low & behold, the first time his shirt came off it glared me right in the face. "CARLA" was scrawled across his chest. Of course, everything stopped. I started laughing & HAD to ask...WTF??? He was so embarrassed, but explained he thought they'd be together forever. THIS is what always comes to my mind when someone mentions inking somone's name on their body. I understood it was simply a poor choice, but it still weirded me out every time I saw him without his shirt on.
And, after I posted my
And, after I posted my comment I realized the idea of the post was to make our own "confession". That, I will have to ponder for a few, as I have a long list of "stupid" to choose from...