SD16 Sexually active and cutting
I'm not gonna lie, I snoop, I snoop in my SD16 room all the time. I started 3 years ago when she moved in when DH and I got married. My DH knows I do it and he is against this but I don't care. He is the type of man that thinks she is so innocent and wonderful and does nothing wrong; he said since the day she was born and placed in his arms, she turned into his princess and she sits on a pedestal Barf! Anyway, today I decided it was that time again and I came upon a spiral notebook of letters she and her friend write back to each other. Juicy stuff, I even went to get some cookies knowing I'd be there awhile. Anyway, I learned that she is bisexual which I always suspected and she has had many boy/girl friends at one time and although she "loves" them, she cheats and hooks up with others. I don't know about you but hooking up to me means having sex. She told her friend in detail that when she is with her now boyfriend, they make out a lot and recently they were together topless and he was licking her nipples. The time after that her pants were off and his hand was between her thighs and they have also been dry humping. I'm I wrong but I have a major problem with this? My DH drops her off at her boyfriends house only because we are told the mother is home. Ummm, I'm thinking not so much. I know for sure, my DH would NOT be happy with this situation and I certainly do not want any more children, I made sure to have my tubes tied. This info came after learning that SD goes on skype naked or in her bra and panties with the boyfriend, that did concern me but now not as much as learning she is sexually active. Maybe you're thinking she's 16 and that's ok? She's a new 16, her birthday was 2 months ago. What am I supposed to do with this information? Tell my DH or say nothing? Here's my next concern and this is a biggie too, she's cutting. I always suspected it, I have seen things about it before in my snoops and I have mentioned it to my DH before and he confronted her but she said it was poems she writes and she's very into dark things.Even back then, I noticed her supposed writings but she saves a ton of pictures on her computer of cut up writs, I find that abnormal but my DH thinks nothing of it. Getting back to today, she wrote to her friend that she's been very depressed and she's been using scissors or the razor in the shower to cut herself. She goes on to say how she likes picking her scabs on her legs so she can watch herself bleed. She also said that she wants to drink in the middle of the night, she sees beer in the fridge or a bottle of vodka and she wants to pour it in her soda and get drunk. I am upset and disturbed by this behavior. So, I called the therapist that we went to see last week to voice my concerns and although there is another appointment that was made for this thursday that DH wanted us to go to, why I dont know how to tell DH that SD needs to go back to therapist to talk about these issues. How do I tell him that his daughter is sexually active but more importantly that his daughter is cutting?? Do I say anything at all? Or should we all just go to the appointment and I bring it up? My mother seems to think if DH is at the appointment that she wont speak and if she does, she will be lying and he will believe her. The therapist said she can not bring it up, I have to, but she also said that if it turns out to be something bad she is going to have to put her in a hospital. I honestly don't know what to do. Any advice please? Thanks.
I posted this in a different
I posted this in a different forum too, I don't want you to think I'm trolling, Im just looking for advice. Thanks.
A rule in our house is,
A rule in our house is, "Julie can stay the night here, but you CANNOT stay the night at Julies." I also told my DW that I will take the doors of the bedrooms.
Find some videos on YouTube or make a DVD of STDs and teen pregnancy. Take her to planned parenthood and sit in the parking lot to watch people come and go. Head down to the welfare office and sit there watching the different folks coming in and out, pointing out the young ones to her.
At 16, she's going to do what she wants to do anyway... especially if she's already doing it. If someone is going to be sexually active, giving them proper education about their activities is about the best way you can handle it.