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Sick Bio Parent

MayCorine85's picture

Has anyone dealt with a sick BM or Dad? Just found out that BM is apparently sicker than what she was previously. This came about because I asked that SD go to her for Spring Break. This hits me hard. My mind always goes to the worst and my anxiety shots up to 100. We had a scare a few years ago when BM had another baby and we thought she might actually die and I was a nervous wreck for a month. My emotions are just all over the place. Im sad for her and SD, but then I my anxiety comes and feel the weight of never have another parent for relief or SD needing a mother figure. I know I'm jumping the gun, but that's who I am. Just going to pray for the best, but now I know any talks about working out custody is gone down the drain. 

advice.only2's picture

Have an honest discussion with your DH about should BM pass what his expectations are? Let him know your boundaries and hold him accountable should he try to test them. Seek therapy for SD if her mother should pass away and be there as support if she requires it.

Thumper's picture

I am sorry to hear this news.  It is time to talk to dh who must discuss matters with his ex. DH may want to also talk to his lawyer so he has a general idea of questions to ask bm.

It is my hope dh feels weird asking bm just because she is ill. It is never easy to discuss matters especially if she is passing away soon. 

So sorry is very hard on everyone. 


MayCorine85's picture

I'm hoping it's not to the point of being close to passing. I just thinking she has a lot more health problems on top of what she already has which makes it difficult to deal with a child that has behavior issues at time. I will definitely talk to DH about what is really going on so I can have a good picture. 

Harry's picture

Have to take SD full time.  What else can he do?   This is what can happen when you married someone with kids.  
You must let it be known that you are in control of the family