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Skids in charge?

busyBhive's picture

So in the aftermath of the coffee controversy (SD12 reported we are against her drinking coffee, BM blows top)DH decides the big family meal is a good time to have a conversation with SD12 & SS10 about privacy and such.
Now, we run a tight ship at our home with a routine, and expectations about manners and discipline. BM, however has the borderline personality crazies and is always on the run, scattered and pretty much lets the kids do whatever they want. So you can see where the main points listed below came from the kids point of view. My dilemma is that I feel a lot of their complaints are unfair to us, but at the same time we are the "sucky" house hold with rules and no fun. After seeing my SS10 eat like "a human shovel" I am not too keen on bending the rules for two poorly disciplined children....I feel really conflicted and pretty resentful about the whole conversation.

-the kids being upset about us discipiling their table manners
("human shovel", walking around while meal in is progress, chewing with mouth open, using fingers instead of a knife, eating salad with their hands....)
-the kids being upset about us and their bedtime routine
(asking them to brush their teeth, reminding them constantly to get to bed)
-the kids being upset about asking them to wash their hands before and after dinner (SD12 still sucks thumb, kids ALWAYS touching walls, SS10 wiping greasy hands on pants)
-the kids being upset that we do not take them out to restaurants
(see manners, we went to Denny's last month and I was mortfied)
-the kids being upset about us not taking them out and buying them things (mall etc.) when they are with us
(BM is at the mall for new clothes or buying stuff on a weekly basis)
-SD12 feeling pressure to keep Mom's secrets secret, yet the need to inform Mom about everything at our house so BM can know what's going on
-SD12 feeling upset that we don't seem happy/overjoyed everytime we see their Mom (who farts Unicorns and rainbows)
-SD12 being upset that our bad day at work is actually all about her (?)

******This morning before leaving for work SS10 decided to take the time to inform DH about one more "secret thing" SD12 had kept out the conversation yesterday. She is upset about the fact that as much as we say we don't have money for certain things, she gets mad that we buy ourselves stuff i.e. a clock or the picture (my parents paid for) from Ikea. She feels that money should be spent on her/them. This started a crying/hissy fit on the way out of the door. Which prompted DH to explain that we pay Mom ($1300 monthly) so that they can have clothes, food and do fun things with her. This of course started SD12 bawling in the car/parking lot of my workplace when BM is on her way to meet us. I walked into the office as I did not feel I could display the joyousness required for the second coming of the glowing BM (unicorn farts and stars included). FUN FREAKIN TIMES HUH.

FallingfromGrace's picture

I had a situation where my SS who was 11 at the time, told my BS who was 10 that I really "shouldnt be getting my nails done because it is a waste of money" and "his Dad pays for everything of your mom's" etc...funny thing was that my DH company had closed and he was unemployed at the I was paying for "EVERYTHING" that unemployment didnt cover! ha!

This is part of a kid, not knowing his/her place - as in the finances are not their business and they do not get a VOTE!

Kes's picture

I completely agree with FallingfromGrace - these kids have had too much power, too much of a say - and you are reaping the whirlwind of that. They sound like unpleasant little dictators.
You stick to your guns, carry on with the very reasonable sounding rules and discipline, and you MAY have a chance of some decent kids at the end of it, that's if BM doesn't ruin them.
I'd stop running your place like a democracy, until you have the little blighters clear that YOU are the adults in charge, and THEY are the children.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

OMG - I can totally relate!! We have two teenage SSs and they don't like coming over to our house because we don't let them do whatever they want (although DH still lets them get away with a LOT). These BMs suck!! Who lets their children call all the shots? If I were to ever talk to my parents the way these kids do to theirs, my mom would have knocked me into next week!!! Spoiled, entitled brats!!

12yrstepmonster's picture

Your story is all to familiar but my skids were given the power of influencing BM relationships. All they have to say is they don't like her bf - she married once to someone SD didn't like and life was a living hell for a year that they lasted.

Good luck- DH stayed true to his beliefs and SD now 20 has little to do with him, SS14 comes over but it is clear he hates our house he barely talks. LitteraLly one word answers Sad

Very sad when kids are given the power of an adult.

newsm2011's picture

WOW...this sounds so familiar. I was in our bedroom getting dressed Sunday for church and heard my SS complainig that he didn't want to go becasue he doesn't when he's with his mother. In addition I had to hear all last night about how yucky dinner was....we had rotisserie chicken green beans and mashed potatoes, they would have rather gone to Taco Bell, in addition we went to the mall to just walk around on Friday night and we don't buy everything they ask for like Mom does, we can't becasue we are on a budget as well as would like to remodel their rooms and add on to the hosue since they are getting I am mean becasue I clean up for you, wash your clothes, want you to eat a healthy meal for dinner, don't give in to all of your wants, and want you to have some morals and values. I have just resolved that we will bethe sucky house and the mean parents. Oh, well!