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Something else that bugs me

notamum's picture

OH's ex still calls herself Mrs XXXX. I am Mrs XXXX now and it really bugs me. God I hate her. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Sorry, just venting again.

Disneyfan's picture

Crazy uses both names. When she wants to annoy us (facebook) she uses DF's last name. When she is working the system, she uses her last name.

purpledaisies's picture

My dh's ex still uses his last name too, it does bug me but then I think about me when I got divorced I still had my ex's name. Not b/c I wanted to bug him or his new 'thing' but b/c it was my kids last name and I felt it would be confusing to them as they were only babies when it all happened. I have worked through all that so I'm not as bugged by her keeping the name as when she uses it to gain access to dh's stuff. yep bm will call ins and other stuff and tell them that she is his wife to get info!!!

jaohlund's picture

My DH and his ex were not married so I don't have the name issue but there are all the other things that make me crazy...She and DH once had a disagreement about the drop off/pick up arrangement. He doesn't live in the same town where she lives any longer. She made the comment, "Well, we made him (SS) here." I was standing right there and I know it was totally to get to me - which unfortunately it did! Although, I didn't let her know!

Zoie's picture

Yes it drives me nuts..but the ex does it on purpose..she uses her maiden name for certain things and then used my DH's name when she wants to bug us..

DO you know how freaking crazy this women is..well BM told SD that I "SM" will never be MRS...xxxxx because she is..I MEAN COME ON..SHE IS SO SICK..

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth was using GG's First and last name well after the separation and divorce

She was signing all the school papers "Mrs. GG Green"

Now I'm not married to GG and probably never will be, but the EXCUSES for signing her name like that were quite humorous:

"I don't want the children to be confused."

1. your children already are confused due to your consistent and unending PAS

2. my children had different last names than mine as I was married twice; they ALWAYS knew who they were

3. if your children are getting "confused" by a different last name, then they need more help than a boatload of tutors and psychologists.

She FINALLY changed it AFTER she got married to the Snuffleupagus. The whole time she was living with him while they were engaged to be married, she still signed her name: "Mrs. GG Green"

I wonder how the Snuffleupagus felt about THAT??!

Gigi82's picture

That used to bother me in the past, but I can see where she would want to have the same last name as her children. The really screwed up part with our BM is that her second child isn't even DH's. She got pregnant by another man, which led to the end of her marriage to my DH. DH begged her not to give the baby his last name, but she did it anyway. BM got remarried and changed her last name to her second husbands. Then they got divorced and she changed her name back to my DH's, which pissed his family off a lot. So now BM and SD have his last name, as well as a kid that's not even his. So I have the same last name as my DH and his daughter, which is great, but also a whore and her son, which is not so great.

Auteur's picture

Ha ha! I've heard similar rot from the Behemoth as well. She actually had the skids tell GG that he was a "bad person" for getting divorced from "mommy."

And that people shouldn't get divorced ever; if they are they are "bad people."

(I kid you not; they actually said this to their father at ages 11,9 and 5!!)

Then GG went on to relate ALL of the Behemoth's relatives who were divorced including granny (Behemoth's BM the Wookie) and their grandpappy (Wookie's dad) and all their aunts and uncles, etc.

You should have SEEN the look on their faces!! Total shock that all those WOOOONNNNNDDDDEEERRRRFUUUUUULLLLL people on the BM's side were all "bad people for getting divorced!"


Goincrazy40's picture

The BM of my skids still goes by Mrs DH. She says it is because she doesnt want anyone to think she kidnapped the kids. WTF?

Here is the real kicker: she and I have the same fist name so when I marry FDH, if I change my last name to his, there would be two Mrs. DH's! I think not! I think she should have to give up his last name, she is the one who left (even though he couldn't stand her by that point anyway).

I just find it especially annoying when people mistake her for me over the whole name thing. Ugh.

Aerora's picture

My DH's ex switched her name back to her maiden name but now tells SS that his name last name is maiden name-DH last name. Tells his teachers to go by that name, signs him up for sports classes under that name, etc. When DH confronted her about it she said "Well I'm going to change his name to that". DH said, "Not without my permission, you're not." So frustrating. And the fact is, if she would have just talked to DH about it before she started telling SS that was his name and just using it, DH probably would have been more ok with it.

notamum's picture

Yeah i heard the whole 'want to have the same name as my son' cr@p but she has another kid with someone else with a different surname!?