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ss keeps making my kids sick!!

fugfrog's picture

I am so over it!! Every second weekend we have this kid - and he is ALWAYS sick. All the time - he's had so much time off school, the BM is getting in trouble from the school for his absences. She just never does anything to make him better - they go to the dr, but she doesn't agee with what they are saying so doesn't follow through with it. So my kids get sick after he has left, then they finally recover and he comes over again - it is a cycle and I can't stand it!!!!
She tell him that his cough and sneezing are asthma so he doesn't bother covering his mouth and it is disgusting. I get him in trouble and say that it doesn't matter if it's contagious or not - you don't go around coughing and sneezing on people because it is revolting.
I'm going insane!!! I just want my kids to be healthy for more than a few days at a time. It has come to the point where if we can not have him for some reason we take it so the kids are not sick for 2 weeks in a row!!
I don't even know how he is picking up these bugs anyway since he is never at school anyway!

poisonivy's picture

We had the same problem....

Skids kept bringing colds, flu, stomach viruses and worst of all, RINGWORM, to our house. I finally started quarantining them whenever they came, and BM finally got wise and started taking them to the doctor for their many illnesses. I still check them when they get here bc it took us months to get rid of the ringworm completely...uuuuggggghhhhh!!!!!

poisonivy's picture

I know, my BS ended up with it on his scalp....needless to say, that was IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skids still have it from time to time, so they end up being quarantined...IDK what the heck is going on at BM's but I think its disgusting!

fugfrog's picture

Ringworm! Yuck - worse than tummy bugs and flu's definitely!!
I germ watch pretty heavily and I always ask if he is sick before he comes over it just drives me insane!!
On top of that my partner and my bs is allergic to whatever washing powder she uses, so if he doesn't have a shower - and I literally have to put his clothes ion a bag outside, they have asthma attacks. It's awful, but he literally makes us all sick!!!!