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Step son problem

Nurse1980's picture


Just looking for a bit of advice really as not too sure if I'm overreacting.

I live with my boyfriend and his 15 year old son stays over 3 nights per week.

His bedroom is next door to our living room. As soon as my boyfriend picks him up from school, he is straight on his playstation. His tea gets made for him, he eats it dumps his tray on the living room floor. Then he is straight back into his bedroom on the playstation.

He has it loud so I can hear it in the living room. If I ask for him to turn it down I'm in the wrong. I work full time and I'm 5 months pregnant. So sometimes I want a bit of peace and quiet after work.

Also my boyfriend plays on these games with him until 22.30 even though he has school in the morning.

Last night it came to a head, I had said earlier on in the evening that I wanted an early night, but I didn't get it as the playstation was on until 22.30. I said to my boyfriend this is getting ridiculous. He laughed at me and said I can't have it my way all the time!!!

Surely it isn't healthy for a child to spend 5 hours a night after school to play on the computer. He does no chores. Just eats and plays on his games!!

I'm at the end of my tether with it all now and when I speak to my boyfriend I get told it doesn't concern me.

stepmom1989's picture

Your boyfriend is being a prick! Are you 5 months pregnant with HIS baby? How long have you been with him? Both son and boyfriend are being childish. I would give boyfriend an ultimatum! Either things change or you are going to leave. Just ask nicely for him to turn it down, explain why then if they don’t, just step in and unplug the dang thing! You will never have a proper place if you don’t use some authority and soon!

Nurse1980's picture

I asked last night and my boyfriend asked me to turn the living room tv on to drown out the noise!!

We have been together for 6 years and yes of the course the baby is his!

He is just raising a spoilt anti social teenager and he is too busy trying to be his friend that his father. Totally sick of it. My boyfriend just doesn't see a problem.

stepmom1989's picture

My mother is actually getting a divorce currently because her DH's disrespectful son. But she is divorcing him because he wont stick up for her and lets his son do whatever he wants! This will never get better if he wants to be his friend and not his father. Things will NEVER work if you and DH if you two are not on the same page when it comes to parenting; that is guaranteed!

newmommy05's picture

you need to step up and say something! This would be completely unacceptable in my house. Not only the gaming for hours on end but the disrespect! Move the playstation into the kids room. Buy him some headphones.

Nurse1980's picture

He has been gaming since we met but he only does it when his son is here.

I say his son shouldn't be playing on these games like he does. But he says there is nothing else for him to do.

Nurse1980's picture

It is in his bedroom but its on that loud that I can still hear it in the other room. He has earphones but my boyfriend won't ask him to wear them.

He says to me that I'm not the only person that lives in the house!

Nurse1980's picture

He won't have him wearing the headphones, he even asked me to wear them once so I could watch tv without hearing the game!

Nurse1980's picture

Yes but what else can I do?

I've tried talking to him about it but things stay the same?

Nurse1980's picture

I was thinking of disappearing for a few days.

He just doesn't see what is wrong that is the problem.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

If you have been living with him for 6 years or there about and have not been able to curve this behaviour I don't think you will be able to now. I say either counselling or you will have to do something drastic like leave to get his attention. That behaviour will only get worse as time goes on for him AND his teenage son. Imagine living like that the rest of your life...

Nurse1980's picture

It wasn't like this at first, it's getting worse.

I feel like it's because I'm now pregnant and my boyfriend doesn't want his son to feel neglected, and my boyfriend keeps saying his son won't want to keep coming round much longer due to his age etc.
But I can't see that happening any time soon as you would think at 15 years old he would rather be our with his friends than glued to a computer all night.

I was always with my friends af his age!

janeyc's picture

Wtf! It dosn't concern you, you live there for God's sake, he is being a typical teenager, they will all act like that if you let them, my sd6 puts her dirty dishes in the sink and smiles when she does it, your bf needs to be a proper father not a friend, as a parent part of your responbility is to prepare the child for adult life, learning respect and being able to look after yourself, dosn't sound like your bf is doing much of that, even if you were not pregnant you deserve a bit of peace after work, your home sounds more like a students digs to me, your bf needs a wake up call decause if I was in your situation I would tear a strip off him, this needs to be addressed before the baby comes. Good luck honey.

Nurse1980's picture

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the advice. We have Spoken and I told him if it carries on im moving out.

He has said things will change and he will ask his son to wear Earphones when he is on it and it won't be on so late in future.

We shall see.

janeyc's picture

Good for you, Im so glad things have worked out, just keep an eye out for things slipping, if they do, then gently remind him. Good luck.

Orange County Ca's picture

Your boyfriend has allocated you as a third party in the house. He's Alpha with teenage son right hand man and you a serf.

This will only end when teen finally leaves home but I've seen 30 year old teens still living where the deal is too good to leave. Dad has made it clear that only his opinion counts and by-the-way that attitude will only harden in the future.

He's made it clear - like it or leave it. So what's your decision?