Vacation- Would you go?
I thought I posted this, but guess not?!?
Okay- so last night dh said he wants us to go with sd to NYC this spring. She is at an age where it would be fun and exciting. NYC is expensive, we are broke. He had a solution for that... we can stay with his friend.
I cannot quite call her an ex. I don't think they ever dated or had sex. They may have. I know before we were dating they were planning to hook up FWB style, but it didn't work out. She had also asked him seriously to father a child for her, no strings attached (this was around 6 years ago, I knew him but we were not a couple). He considered it, but said no.
She lives in NYC and he thinks it would be great for us to stay with her. I met her once and have overheard many conversations between them. She is a very negative person and very particular. I am certain she would not enjoy having our company, but might relent out of some sense of obligation.
I said no freaking way. I didn't even get into the whole is she an ex or were they always just friends thing, but said no based only on the fact that I know she wouldn't want us there, even if she said yes.
Dh says of course she would be fine with it and we'll buy her dinner and stay out of her hair. He also argued that we could not afford to go otherwise.
I said I would rather not go than impose on someone (again not even getting into I don't want to spend the night someone you have a past with).
I have no problem with us inviting her to lunch or dinner while we are in town or something- but spending the night and on top of that INVITING ourselves? No way.
Am I being silly?
How incredibly awkward, and
How incredibly awkward, and imposing, and entitled, and...awkward.
Okay, I feel better about my
Okay, I feel better about my decision now.
Sometimes he just presents these ideas that to me sound crazy in such a matter-of-fact way and seems genuinely surprised by me saying no... that sometimes I get confused as to which one of us is the crazy one lol.
We could afford it, too. We aren't scrounging-for-change-in-the-couch-to-buy-toilet-paper broke, we just have a lot of expenses right now and there are other things that money could go toward.
I think he just wanted to try to bully me with- "Well, if we don't stay with her we can't go", thinking I would rather stay with her than not go. But he was wrong, I'd rather not go than stay with her.