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What exactly is a mini-wife?

theoutsider's picture

I kind of have an idea, but I'd like to hear form those of you who have a mini-wife as a step daughter.

What do you see happen?

Struggling stepmum's picture

My stepdaughter13 a ts like my husbands spouse. They have private chats, he talks about me to her if things are not to her liking I have to be more permissive. Basically if she's happy I can rest. But if she's not she wl lie and and trouble make. She is running my home and her own life and daddy cannot say no to her. She is going to very unhappy as an adult when she realise other people will not run around after her. Feel sorry for how she's turning out. Even her s bookworm is slipping. It isn't her fault apparently. Husband says the teacher picks on her!!

Anon2009's picture

A mini wife is a daughter who's been put in that position by her father :sick: and therefore, a girl who has been significantly damaged in many ways by her father.

Don't make the mistake that others have made and have expectations for her that would be appropriate for other kids. Do disengage and ask your spouse to get this child counseling. Don't make the mistake that others have and expect her to act like a normal kid her age, or like an adult. It can take decades for the girls put in these positions to recover.

hereiam's picture

I have one of those, too.

She is (in her mind) his sister, his mother, his wife, a martyr, a saint, and a victim all rolled into one. She's got to be exhausted.

Craving Normality's picture

I am a great SIL. Unfortunately I inherited an absolute cunt.