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When do these crazy BM quit???

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Madame Moo Moo constantly says that my DH and I are NOT part of her family (duh no shit---thank goodness) and that we need to stay away from "her family" get togethers even if we are invited. And her family businees is her family business and to keep our noses out of it. Hey no problem there, I dont care what the heck goes on with her crazy ass family.
She called my DH the other night to tell him that BM Brother and SIL were splitting up and that bro moved out all b/c SIL cheated on him and was prego with other mans baby. THEN if that wasnt enough, she had to say that she saw on DH facebook page we were invited to Thanksgiving dinner at HER brothers house (XBIL). She told DH that HE was welcome to come but " dont being HER, you know she will act out against me"
LOL OMG how funny is that? First, My DH and I had already discussed this exact issue....we are not going to her family get together...seeing as it is her family and she should be able to spend it with them. We have our 2 families to see that day.
But, my DH went and told her off. he told her that IF we did come "SSHM is my WIFE and she will come with me and be by my side, I dont care if you like it or not. YOU need to grow the hell up and just accept that SSHM is in my life and she's not going anywhere!!"

1. I told DH that the issue with XBIL and XSIL is none of his business and it does not effect our houshold so he shouldnt have listened to MMM spout off about it.
2. I'm glad he stood up for me, but we still arent going to XBIL house for Thanksgiving. (he knows this)
3. I reminded DH that since SS are both over 18 he doesnt need to be talking to MMM, b/c there is nothing to talk about.
and by him listening to her spout off, she will contine doing so. (which he complains to me about, so I told him how to stop it)