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Why is this starting to happen again?

Pantera's picture

Ok, so I disengaged in September and it's been working. But in the last 2 weeks my husband is starting to get defensive about his son again. Why? I don't say anything bad about him or do anything with him as far as disciplining, ect. We could be talking about something that has nothing to do with his son and he brings his son up and gets defensive and says that he thought that was where the conversation was going. Really? So this morning I say something about ss going to his mom's this weekend. My husband is working from 9am-5pm on saturday and I am working from 7pm-11pm (I am ok with watching his son during the day, but if bm wants to take ss Im not going to argue). So DH is all like "oh good, can you take ss to his karate belt test?" If you don't know anything about belt tests, they take hours (Anywhere from 4-6 depending on how many kids are testing and they have to stay there the whole time). So I say, "you may want to talk to ss about it, he might want his mom or dad there so you may want to look into the make up test". I said this because ss always craps on me. When I used to take him to soccer (when his dad couldn't take him and his mom didn't show up), instead of being grateful, he would mope on the sidelines. I tried to explain to DH that when I was young and played sports, I wanted my parents there. He was all disgruntled and annoyed and was like "Ill take care of it, he can test on Monday, I already talked to the instructors". Ok, so why get mad? You already knew this may be an issue if you already talked to the instructors. I don't know, maybe his freaking mother could take him? WTF? It is so frustrating. So I asked if he was mad or wanted to talk about anything and he said "ss is getting better with you, i don't think he would have a problem with you taking him". I didn't say it but I was is not MY responsibility which is why I disengaged and why do I have to waste my day with a child that doesn't even want me around? Before I left, we were fine. I just wanted to vent because why the hell is this my problem and why are we starting to get all defensive about ss again?

startingover2010's picture

i know how u feel. sd11 has a chourus concert on thursday night. i dont want to go and sd said repeatedly she doesnt wnt me there. bf is insisting i go, says it will show sd i care. i DONT care and neither does sd.

stand your ground. or else dh will think u will do shit his way all the time.

Pantera's picture

Oh, lol, I am standing my ground. I actually left in September with the intent of divorce. I came back and disengaged. It was the only solution if I wanted my marriage to work. I just don't understand why all of the sudden DH is getting defensive again and starting to act like SS is my responsibility again. Maybe he is getting sick of me being disengaged? Sorry about his luck. Maybe if he would have taken care of his son 3 years ago (behavior wise), we wouldn't be in this position now. I do care for my ss and Im not a total biotch to him, I just don't do what I used to do. I don't think it's fair that Dad gets to work and Mom gets to bail and I get stuck.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

MarriedwithChild's picture

I agree 101% w/ ESMB08 here.

Stand your ground now, if not sooner. You are no maid nor slave nor idiot to your DH.

If you do not demand and ACCEPT total respect for you now, it will be a killer to ever get it back.

I felt that way at first, a few months ago. Then...I got super pissed at myself for letting me play everybody's fool. I let the clothes sit at times, I accept that dinner out. I tell DH that BM is a golddigging uber lazy cow. I do not give a damn anymore. I got great advice on here about the disengagement process, and it works.

I sit the only Queen in this castle. I may look a bitch, but I have respect for me!

Good Luck!

Pantera's picture

I sit the only Queen in this castle. I may look a bitch, but I have respect for me!

Love it! Thanks for the post. I totally agree.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

LONGTIME SM's picture

It sounds to me that Dad is tired of having all of the responsibility for SS and his activiites and you are easier to try to palm it off on than BM. Perhaps he too is not that excited about spending 4-6 hours in karate for the test and he figured he would ask to see if you would do it. I can picture my husband doing exactly this to me and getting mad/pouting in an attempt to manipulate me if I won't agree to his demands! Just chalk it up to he tried asking - you stood your ground and will continue to do so therefore his getting mad about it will do him no good.

If the 4-6 hours of karate testing is something he dislikes doing so much, he should think about this before he agrees to sign his son up for these classes.

Pantera's picture

DH is actually dying that he can't go. Karate is a thing with him and SS. They practice together ect. Its good father son time. SS is just going to test on Monday.

So Im right that it does sound like he's getting tired of having the resposibility alone. And you are right, it is easier to put things on me than it is to put it on BM.

So Im not being paranoid, lol. I just don't want to re engage. Maybe I will want to some day, but today is not that day. I am getting the feeling that DH wants me to, but ITS NOT HAPPENING, lol.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

Pantera's picture

Yeah, I have pretty much chalked it up to he asked i said no, lol. I just needed to vent and I also wanted to make sure I wasn't being a total biotch (because I can be sometimes }:) )

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

Pantera's picture

I totally agree with everyone. Thanks for the posts. I just wanted to see if I was feeling the right way. Disengaging was the best thing I could ever do for this family. It seems to be working. I think DH knew he acted like an ass this morning because I just got a call asking if I wanted a date for lunch (which never happens). I will continue to stand my ground and really appreciate all of the support this website gives.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

MarriedwithChild's picture

Take up any offer to go out that DH throws your way...

*gasp* You will love yourself for it!!!

Pantera's picture

Oh heck yeah, lol!!!

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus