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Xmas Gift buying

amanda75m's picture

So Christmas is right around the corner. Time flies.
Well I have 3 Biok's and 2-SD's. The thing is one of SD-13 yo is a total lunatic. I get calls home from school almost daily about her behavior. She is constantly name calling, talking back and using physical violence.
Fiance has a weird view of xmas where all the kids should be showered with gifts, or at least we should spend the same amount on each one. What happened to a lump of coal in the stocking. Whose naughty and nice? SD will not change. Been like this for 7 years. New day same story.
I refuse to reward a child who makes our lives a living hell every day. Any Advice?

Gabby's picture

Horribly behaved in school, I get a note sent home every day about how bad he was. Not so good at home either. We finished our Christmas shopping already and did spend the same amount on both kids. Even though the other one never gets in trouble. I personally wouldn't give more to some than others. However this does not mean there would be no reprecussions. Just today I emptied my SS's room of everything.And I mean everything. TV, video games, and every last toy.He now has nothing but furniture. He refuses to do his work in school and is constantly disrupting the class. So until I get a good note he has nothing. He must earn back his things. The only thing he is allowed to have is books. Maybe he will finally begin to understand that school is important. Take it all away and make her earn it back a bit at a time. I'll let you know if it works here-but I doubt it will.

Anne 8102's picture

This worked for me curbing my BS's penchant for being mouthy. He went through a stage when he was seven or eight when he was backtalking us every time he opened his mouth. We finally got tough and took everything out of his room that held any meaning for him and told him he had to earn it back by treating us with respect. He did eventually earn it all back. Now just the threat of losing it again will keep him in check.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook