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Sibling Birthdays

dirtybiology's picture

Curious because we are currently dealing with a birthday situation. Does anyone have visitation/custody time worked into their court ordered custody schedule for your step child's step sibling's birthday?

hereiam's picture

So, somebody wants the kid, when it's not their time, because it is the kid's step sibling's birthday?

That would be a weird thing to have in a CO.

AWWKNSWTD's picture

I can't imagine that is in anyone's court orders. Step anythings (in most every state I can think of) are legal strangers and generally aren't addressed in court orders.

Remember birthdays don't only have to be celebrated on the birthday. Kids love to have lots of celebrations -- so celebrating more than once is a good thing!

dirtybiology's picture

Thanks for the comments everyone. BM has SS on the weekend of his birthday AND she wants him the weekend after because it's her SS's birthday. We are okay celebrating on a different day but she acts like its a requirement for her to have him on the other kids birthday.

Maxwell09's picture

BM had SS's birthday dictated in the CO. It states that DH gets SS from 8am-3pm if he is off of work and BM gets him from 3:00-8:00pm OR if DH has to work then she gets SS from 12:00-6:00pm. Basically since SS is in school now DH gets none of his time but BM gets to pick him up from school and keep him until bedtime. We just dealt with this this week and it was the stupidest thing I've ever had to deal with so far.

I don't think she can get Spawn any special treatment for his birthday because my BS was born on the same day.

Rags's picture

I have not heard of a CO that addresses the birthdays of family members. Only the birthday of the kid subject to the CO.

In the case of our CO the SpermLand visitation schedule could not include the Skid's birthday in consecutive years. In fact.... they never had him for any birthday other than his 18th. They always scheduled their summer visitaiton (5wks) to include July-4th and never far enough before July 4th that we could exercise our CO's right to have SS for up to 10 days after the first two weeks of SpermClan summer visitation.

After he graduated from HS but before his birthday SS asked if he could extend his final CO'd summer visitation by a couple of weeks. We told him or course. He was an adult now and he could do as he chose to do. We picked him up a few days after his 18th birthday. That was the last time he saw anyone in the SpermClan for about 3 years. Once they longer were paying CS, they had no interest in the kid at all.
