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Anyone in Va with Visitation help.

MemizeIHope's picture

I currently live in Virginia and My huband has gone from joint custody to visitation because he is not the bio-parent. We currently are haveing trouble with the BM not letting the child talk to us on the phone and along with other drama and hurt feelings for both my family and mostly the child. I was wondering if there was anyone who would have some advise for us with dealing with the court system. we think that it would be a good idea to place the child in therapy and have no clue if the court would even hear us out. Help???


overit2's picture

Memize, I'm so sorry you are stuck in this-to be honest I dont' think these cases ever end well-just more pain and hurt feelings for years. I already gave my opinion/advice in the other thread. I know some may disagree and it may seem very hart to do now...but IMO I'd just slowly cut ties and live your life w/out the heartbreak this is sure to bring to you and your family.

stormabruin's picture

I live in Virginia & have been through the custody/court crap with my DH here. I don't know what area you're in, but it probably really just depends on the judge you deal with. I would have your DH meet a few different lawyers (many of them do the free consultations) & tell them your situation. They could give you good idea of how a judge might respond to what you're trying to do.