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Daddys and Daughters in Advertising

2Tired4Drama's picture

I've been meaning to post something about this for awhile now. I have noticed a proliferation of advertising on TV which feature dads and their daughters.

Is it just me or have others noticed it? Not sure if this is solely an American phenomenon or if it's happening in other countries. (It would be interesting to hear non-US Steptalkers on this topic.)

The ads include car commercials, banks, yogurt and just about everything in between. Many, if not most of them, are intended to be heart-tugging.

But IMO they also a bit overboard and may be driving some of the "daddy's own little princess" attitude. Often, the mother is not present in the ad at all.

There is one ad in particular which a father dresses up for his small daughter's birthday party, which is cute. But later in the ad the father is seen sitting at the bank and his DAUGHTER is sitting there beside him while he gets financial advice. I find that part of it odd. Why isn't his WIFE, the MOTHER of the daughter there?

By comparison, you don't often see an abundance of advertising featuring fathers and sons in these kinds of scenarios. Nor do you see ads with mothers and their sons.

I wonder why "Madison Avenue" is focusing so much on fathers and daughters? Maybe when men see these ads it taps into their inner feelings about their daughters as being the "princess" in their life who needs to be pampered and protected. While their wives are easily relegated to the plain old adult female in the house.

Is it just me, or have others noticed this?

For those of us who have to deal with SDs and the troubling, but powerful, relationships they have with their dads, I find this advertising may be somewhat reflective of society in general.

I admit I am not a bio mom so maybe I am way out of whack with this. But I am interested if others have noticed this, and your thoughts. Both as a stepmom and bio mom.

IslandGal's picture

Hells yeh!! We've had one thats been running in Aussie for a coupla years now. Its an ad for "Crim Safe" shutters and its owned by Daddy and his daughter Kim. Daddy is married but you rarely hear him refer to his wife. Its always "my daughter, Kim..". I cringe when I hear it and change the channel or station.

I would NEVER buy any products of this moron cuz he just screams disney dad to me. I find it nauseating to be honest.

IslandGal's picture

I also am noticing it in movies..all about daddys and daughters..think Interstellar..yuk.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I have also noticed it, really sick of the teapot one; much of the time in step situations guilt conditioned daddeeeees can be tooooooo present in their lives and they turn out to be rotten, social, jealous ingrates.

"Tip me over and pour me out."..LOL.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I know right? And, Nordstrom dropping her line was a catastrophic; Russian meddling of no value to him.

Acratopotes's picture

from my side of Mars.... only saw one add with daddy and Daughter but mum was there as well... Vehicle insurance one, Dad's insurance and daughter bumped her car.....

other advertisements, mostly mother and children, regardless gender, usually mixed, or mother, father and children...

never seen a Daddy Daughter with only those 2 in it......

oh wait there was a food place add where the boy took the girl out for something to eat and the father watched from another table.... but the focus was more on the boy being nervous... kids where about 13/14.. first date sort of thing.

maybe it's because in African culture it's men on the one side and woman on the other side...

Rags's picture

I have noticed the same thing in the past 6+ years I have lived as an Expat. It is just as prevalent in the MENA region countries I have lived and worked in(Qatar, KSA, Bahrain, Morocco, UAE, etc...).

I think in this environment it is a great thing. Historically much more social value has been attached to sons. That is starting to change... ever so slowly.

ldvilen's picture

I agree with you Rags that historically much more social value has been attached to sons and perhaps in some ways it is good to see dads and daughters hanging out.

However, about 15 years ago, I knew when I started seeing little pink tops for girls with the words "little princess" or daddy's little princess printed on them, I suspected we were headed for trouble. I think the problem is this implies a sense of entitlement to children. If there were little blue T-shirts for boys with "little King" printed on them, I'd be thinking the same thing.

I see it as part of the child-centric trend in the US. Children are viewed more-so as adults and adults as more-so being controlled by their children. I agree that teapot one is over the top, but telling. Daddy dresses up with a princess crown and pink for his girls teapot party, and there is also the laundry commercial where dad lets his daughter run around in her pretty princess outfit all week long, only giving her a cowboy outfit to wear one day a week when he does laundry.

Sweet in some ways, but also pushing the mini-wife scenario for the future, maybe? I'm a baby boomer, but it is amazing to me how off-culture this new millennial working environment is for me: Ill-trained or poorly educated young'ish managers using Gestapo-like tactics to keep their employees in line. Thank God I only have a few years left in the work market. But, like these bizarre commercials implying girls in particular are little princesses, kind'a makes you wonder what the future holds.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Is that the one where the father is supposedly teaching his daughter how to shave her legs?? And they are using shreds of TP to blot the bloody nicks?

First, the daughter looks to be about 16 years old. Daddy must be keeping her in a closet if she hasn't learned (from other girls and women) how to shave her legs yet.

That one really is ridiculous!

You bring up a good point about women actually making the purchases. Advertising is indeed meant to drive purchasing. It would therefore stand to question why more of these ads aren't featuring women/moms and their sons?

Is it because there is less cultural acceptance of "momma's boys"? Yet, "daddy's girls" seem to be more prevalent and encouraged? It certainly plays out in many skid situations - it seems there is a greater problem with stepdaughters than stepsons.

2Tired4Drama's picture

If daddy teaching daughter to shave her legs is OK, what will be next?

I shudder to think of the commercials feminine hygiene product makers might come up with featuring daddy and daughter ...

sunshinex's picture

I have noticed this too, and I find it pretty weird. But I also find it extremely weird when dads get jealous of their daughter's boyfriends or make comments about "getting a shotgun" for when their daughters get older. Like your daughter is NOT your property and to feel threatened of a boyfriend or the idea of your daughter having sex to the point where you make jokes about killing boys she hangs out with, is CREEPY as hell to me.

But maybe that's just me. Some dads need to chill out and remember their daughter(s) are their own people. Focus on protecting and taking care of your wife.

sunshinex's picture

WHAT please tell me ur kidding that's disgusting!!! I didn't even care to have my dad walk me down the aisle and "give me away" because I wasn't his property lol that's crazy

sunshinex's picture

I have noticed this too, and I find it pretty weird. But I also find it extremely weird when dads get jealous of their daughter's boyfriends or make comments about "getting a shotgun" for when their daughters get older. Like your daughter is NOT your property and to feel threatened of a boyfriend or the idea of your daughter having sex to the point where you make jokes about killing boys she hangs out with, is CREEPY as hell to me.

But maybe that's just me. Some dads need to chill out and remember their daughter(s) are their own people. Focus on protecting and taking care of your wife.

sandye21's picture

What really bothers me about the 'princess' trend is that it sends a message to society that 'little princesses' must be always feminine and must be protected by Dad. I am so siick of the way TV depicts society and the unrealistic expectations it places on regular human being like me.

The problem with these commercials is that it delivers a message to society that all little girls must be princesses. These commercials show their roles in society as being ultra-feminine. This tells them they have a certain place in society, not striving to have a job like Daddy or even become President when they grow up because that's just not feminine, and society would not approve. I'd like to see one commercial where a Dad is at his daughter's sports event, that he is urging her on to succeed in the same playing field as his sons.

I also find it alarming how TV has caused society to have unrealistic expectations about how real life is. No one on TV is poor or even middle class. Big houses, new cars. Young people are depicted in successful jobs without any education or sacrifice - they are all good looking. Older people are all disabled or look 40 years younger than they really are. Everybody is skinny. All Mothers (grown women over 40) are non-existent. All Dads must treat their daughters like princesses and the dads must comply with her requests. Kids don't help with chores and they are entitled. All SM's are like Mrs. Brady, they are always sweet and smiling. Everybody has a maid. It is entirely plausible for an actor / rich man to become President, the SM to hide away in an apartment, and his daughter take over as first lady.

Recently I found out the average lifespan for a woman in the U.S. is 86. I have a little more than 16 years of watching the drama play out. I am trying to stay positive but am hoping like hell that society will wake up. Sorry for jumping on the soap box.

CLove's picture

A while ago - perhaps 2 years, I thought it was cute, when SD10(almost 11), then 9 would hang on daddy, follow him around, talk in a baby-voice, and ask him all kinds of questions, and he had purchased one of those t-shirts that said something like "My Heart belongs to Daddy".

No I want to gag. Shes a sweet kid to me, but she is getting older now and that kind of behavior is not good at all!!! The mini-girlfriend - yuck. I don't watch television, just movies on my digistream. No commercials. Occasionally I see cable stuff, but haven't seen all these "princess ads". Luckily.

TwirlMS's picture

One that makes me gag is the cell phone commercial where the husband and the daughter are sitting on the couch together with the wife in the background silently doing dishes and he calls over his shoulder 'Honey, we have unlimited internet, what shall we do?"
The daughter answers, rattling off a list of what she wants to do with it. He pulls out her own cell phone, she squeals, hugs and rocks with him on the couch. :sick:

10 years ago this would not have bothered me, but after 5 years of having a 30 something SD trying to act like the "other woman" every chance she gets, my gag reflex has been all too familiar.

Case in point: I gave DH his own cellphone as a birthday gift, and that night at the party SD grabs it and snoops all over it, despite DH's objections. The next morning she leaves an early text message saying "Thanks for last night, you might want to put a password on your new cell phone in case you set it down or something". :sick:

Guess what Dear SD. We are a married couple and we don't have secrets from each other. He can scroll through mine and I can scroll through his any tine I feel like it. You don't have that relationship.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Oh, my, that text is dreadful. It sounds exactly like they are having an affair. "Thanks for last night???" now let's get to hiding things from your wife???? BARF

TwirlMS's picture

Yeah, especially since "last night" 's restaurant was paid entirely by DH's brother, not DH. It was a group event. When she grabbed his phone that night, she took a photo with it, installed it as his background, put her own phone number on speed dial........

I bought it for him, shopped all over for just the right case, a beautiful bamboo carved one, and then she salivates all over it, acting like it's her own private hotline to DH?

If she didn't say stupid inappropriate things to him, she wouldn't have to worry about someone picking it up and reading it.
It makes DH very uncomfortable and he keeps saying to me how he wishes she would find a boyfriend.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Just saw another one I've never seen before! It's for Kellogg's cereal. Starts out with Dad and teen-ish Daughter sitting on the edge of a dock, fishing together. Dad is eating bowl of cereal. Daughter looks over at him, with a look of scowling admonishment on her face, and says to her father, "Dude. Your crunching is driving the fish away."

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Any time I see an ad where a kid (or kids) jump into their parents beds and everyone happily wakes up.

WTF are they smoking and how can I get me some.

TwirlMS's picture

I used to like a Cheerios commercial where the mothers and their small children were dancing in their living room.

The new Cheerios commercial has men and their pre/ teenage daughters dancing in the living room, just the two of them. I never danced with my sons until the mother/son dance at their weddings, and I was a ballroom dancer for 10 years.

2Tired4Drama's picture

This is exactly the point ... daddy/daughter dances.

I bet they would never have considered an ad w/mom dancing with a pre-teen son in the living room!

Peridwen's picture

You know, I went to a Daddy/Daughter dance in high school. Of the Dads there, 3 were actually out on the dance floor more than once. (Shockingly all 3 had daughters involved in drama and the school musical... Blum 3 ) The rest were all sitting around the tables drinking beer and playing cards while the daughters danced, hung out, and flirted with the cute bartenders. The DJ played Tiny Dancer as the "final song" so all the dads would dance once. My dad would have thought I was crazy if I asked him to dance in our living room.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Glad somebody mentioned Interstellar. I loved that movie......except for the bizarre obsession with the father daughter relationship and the ghettoizing of the son.

I had theorized this trend started with the honorable intention of counter balancing the many centuries-long human obsession with sons but it has completely knocked the pendulum over and off the table and rolling down the floor into the soggy drain.

Feminism or promoting of daughters was never meant to dehumanize others. We do not need daughters aggrandized. We need children of both sexes to be treated as HUMANS...and as CHILDREN!