His Children are ruining our relationship!
His daughter of 9 years old.
I was searching for accomodation for us to stay on our holiday. Mind you, he wanted good deals n he is thrifty. I spotted a good value deal, a house with 2 rooms, 1st room with queen bed, 2nd room with 2 single beds. It was one of the best deal among the others. Less than $100. The rest were above $100. Also consists of a BBQ grill which my boyfriend loves to BBQ. I asked him if it was a good idea. He flared up n said that his daughter is scared to sleep alone. I said we could leave the bedroom doors open. Then he started making fun of me and saying I am afraid of the dark too.
I retaliated and say she isn't a 2 year old, she can sleep by herself. She's almost 10.
He got angry, push and kicked me off the bed, off all the lights and locked me up in the room. He even said "I hope this scares u". He get angry n said that I am useless, a stupid bitch, with bad attitude, that he would rather spend his money on prostitutes then seeing my bitch face. This hurt me so much. I cried n he refuse to stop.
Are you kidding? His daughter
:jawdrop: Are you kidding?
His daughter isn't ruining your relationship - he is. And he's an abusive asshole to boot.
If this is for real, I hope you get your shit together and get the hell out of there.
His children are not ruining
His children are not ruining your relationship. HE is ruining your relationship. You know, by being ABUSIVE.
Is that really the kind of relationship you want?
Someone who has been a member
Someone who has been a member for 41 minutes is posting stupid crap wanting to blame the children because her "man" is an abusive POS. Okay. I'm not biting.
Agree. I actually think it
Agree. I actually think it is one of those plants in an attempt to make all SMs look bad.
I read the OP 3 times. I
I read the OP 3 times. I don't see anything that the child did or said to be blamed for ruining the relationship.
Any relationship that involves this type of treatment, should be ruined. Why in the world you you stay with a man who treats you like that?
Meh. Doubt this is legit.
Meh. Doubt this is legit.
You have issues, sueu2. I
You have issues, sueu2. I think both you and Diana_d need to see a counselor, unless you're one in the same.
Okay, I will bite and give
Okay, I will bite and give you my perspective on the assumption that this is legitimate.
He assaulted you. You should have shot the POS. Double tap, center mass, end of issue. Actually, you should have blown his balls off before the center mass double tap to give him a final lesson that he is no man. A man does not put his spawn above his bride and a man does not ridicule, assault, or torment his bride. Ever. Never have I done to anyone what your husband has done to you. And for damned sure I have never done those things to a woman and more for damned sure.... I would never do those things to a woman I was married to. For the 2.5 years of hell that was my first marriage my cavern crotched skank whore of an XW sneered at me and treated me with nothing but barely tolerated contempt. Even during that I never once got physical with her, riduculed her, called her names, nothing. We did have several heated discussions about various topics and out of frustration I did put my fist through a living room wall in our home before turning to her and telling her that I had to step out for a few hours and calm down before I got angry. Then I went for a run and cried my eyes out for a couple of hours and a dozen or so miles.
Unfortunatley eliminating him from the human genome would come too late since he has already polluted the genes of humanity with his pussy spawn who can't sleep in a bed alone when she is almost 10yo. She is scared to sleep alone my ass. She is playing daddy, marginalizing you, and marking her territory.
Since you did not shoot the bastard when you had the chance, call 911 and have him arrested and locked up for assault, kidnapping,and anything else that is even remotely applicable, call your attorney and file for divorce immediately, get a PO/RO and keep him away from you, your family, and your home, empty the accounts, sell everything or donate it to charity, and put this violent POS in prison and far in your rear view mirror.
Seriously, you should have shot him ASAP when he assaulted you.
I would have were I you.
IMHO of course.
Take care of yourself and put this POS and his shallow and polluted gene pool behind you.