Just a thought
Heres's a thought. Do you think the skids really give us a passing thought on their day to day living or do they go about their lives and interrupt our's whenever they see fit. Come over shit in our nest and leave. Then leave DH and I to pick up the pieces, usually fights over behaviour. I often wonder what cattiness etc is said behind the scenes and I often wonder what DH knows and withholds.
One thing I have started saying to DH and he hates it, go off running to your wifey daughter maybe she will make you happy, I find it sick and infuriating when he discusses personal relationship issues with adult SD.
This may sound insane , but
This may sound insane , but if my H could sleep with his daughter, it would be an perfect relationship..
Pretty sure the only time my
Pretty sure the only time my SD's give me a passing thought is if I somehow am perceived as a threat to them getting what they want from their father. IE, money, college education paid for by dad, trips, etc. Otherwise, I'm not thought of at all.
I prefer it that way.
And, if my DH discusses our personal life and/or problems with the SD's, I'd intuitively know about it because his behavior has a slight change. Then I confront him and we have it out. This has happened on three occasions. The "occasions" are getting farther apart because I'm training him to NOT talk about me and/or us to his daughters who loathe me for no real reason.
I don't get why a husband
I don't get why a husband would discuss martial problems with his daugther , then expect us to respect his daughter..he knows quite well that discussing things with her will only make her disrespect us more. I guess he knows that she will take his side on any matter..I've told my ex to talk to his male friends, but they tell him when he has messed up and he doesn't like that.
By DH going off to his wifey
By DH going off to his wifey daughter it does feed the beast, Dd would love to know that we have problems which then tells her mom and other sister and brother. I hate it so much, it hurts, it shouldn't but it does. I'm in the anger stage with DH about this so I said to him next time we have marital woes and a big one will be if you become impotent as you know you are getting on maybe you can go and see wifey daughter and ask her for a solution to you not getting an erection, what advice could you get from her. After all that's a relationship problem isn't it you seem to like discussing other problems with DD why not this one, because I think she would really like to help you on that one. I do hate DH at the moment.
I doubt they give us a second
I doubt they give us a second thought except when they know they will have occassion to play some PA game with our heads.
Almost a year ago, when I disengaged, just before SD figured it out she had caused a lot of trouble and a day later she called and left a message for DH. It was the happiest perky voice and I almost threw the phone in the garbage listening to her sickening - HAPPY - voice when all she did was cause hurt and mayhem in our house.
Those days are gone of course. She would never call when I am home now OR leave a message on our phone. Small victories for me!
I doubt they give us a second
I doubt they give us a second thought except when they know they will have occassion to play some PA game with our heads.
Almost a year ago, when I disengaged, just before SD figured it out she had caused a lot of trouble and a day later she called and left a message for DH. It was the happiest perky voice and I almost threw the phone in the garbage listening to her sickening - HAPPY - voice when all she did was cause hurt and mayhem in our house.
Those days are gone of course. She would never call when I am home now OR leave a message on our phone. Small victories for me!
This problem of an adult
This problem of an adult husband discussing our personal relationship, in the beginning, is exactly what started hatred of me by the SK's. My husband played Mr. Good Guy and said one side of the story, discussing our early arguments with his 20 something daughters, both uneducated and married twice by then themselves. This behaviour of telling his kids our personal stuff, and much personal about me, paved the way for failure. The argument used to be from my side was, "you do not talk to children, despite their age, about our personal relationship", his response was always, "I have the right to tell my kids anything!" He finally gets it now, after seeing the results of his actions and his kid's over-dramatic responses to deem me evil.
Same thing happened to me
Same thing happened to me with DH telling his dd about our relationship. I begged him to stop but like yours he said he can talk about whatever he wants. Doofus. Now my relationship with DH is ruined and Sd and I hate each other.
yep, it destroys the trust.
yep, it destroys the trust.
I feel it's the ultimate
I feel it's the ultimate betrayal, I was trying to explain to DH if I had two grown adult sons who didn't live with us and I go and discuss our personal relationship problems would you be happy with that, and it was, well you don't have two grown up sons and if I want to get some support from my dd I will. WTF- right there and then he destroyed the trust that I will have for him. Fool him.
Well, maybe he needs to get
Well, maybe he needs to get sex from her, too?
The DD reminds him so much of
The DD reminds him so much of his ex, yeah go and have you wifey- daughter relationship.