Need to respect myself if know one else will...
This is somewhat embarassing. I'm typing hesitantly and anxiously. I can almost predict what some of you are going to say.
The last time I was here was back in 2020 commenting on a situation I found myself at in 2016. So why am I here with the same boring topic, ?.... "32yo Adult Stepson who is still living at home and mum enables him."
You know the scenario, SS not working, smokes weed, spends his day playing games and watching TV, husband tries to set boundaries and rules, Wife just thinks your being petty and picking on him, making things uncomfortable etc. etc. etc.
So here I am in 2023, in the same scenario... I curse my stubborn patience. Waiting and hoping for that change, so I can live without the damn frustration and annoyance of it all. I was promised change, but did it happen?.... NO! 7 years on and not a single, damn change. I clearly don't respect myself....
I want out, but don't know how to do it... Am I making snese? Not sure...
1st and foremost
Go to a lawyer and see how separation and divorce would play out for you. I'm comfortable saying a lot of us understand "stubborn patience". Too often, falling in love clouds reality. I'm right there with you. My DH looks at both his sons through rosy colored glasses and doesn't see the oldest one, in particular, as many others see him. That's not going to change and I've accepted that. I have, however, disengaged from the OSS.
Onto your situation..... is your name on the deed to the house? If so, you can tell the SS to get out. However, take my advice of going to an attorney first. Play your cards from there. Throw out his weed. Go through "his room" - it's your house and if you don't want it in your home you have the right to get rid of it. You have a right to feel safe and secure in your home and if your spouse stands in the way of this security, then it's HER that clearly doesn't respect you.
Go to an attorney, know your rights, Take it from there. Sorry, but your wife sounds like a major enabler and an enmeshed mommy. She needs counseling. You might want to go talk with a counselor yourself. Best of luck!
I very much agree that you
I very much agree that you should start by seeing a lawyer.
Also, if his choice of drugs is illegal where you live, simply call the cops ..
Whose house is it? Please
Whose house is it? Please stop asking for change and just do it. No more last chances. It's up to you to effect the changes you need.
Ask yourself whether you wouldn't be happier without your wife if her staying means you're saddled with her leech too. Find out how to legally evict the bugger.
Same Ole - Its called Inertia
Hi again. I recall reading through your posts and actually commented on one.
Stubborn patience - Id say more like Stubborn Inertia.
You are not ready or willing to do the work that it will take to change things. You know what you need to do. All the different posts with the different lists and advice tell you whats up.
You know logically what you need to do to make changes. You maybe are not ready. Have you gone to therapy for YOU? You have been in this 22 years and SS has lived with you two on and off throughout. He is fine with things, his mother is fine with things, YOU are not and have not been fine with things.
Have you done the work outlined? Not to be rude or judgemental, but you are going to get all the same responses and advice from your previous posts. Id look into what is holding you back. What blockages inside yourself are you observing? Is it financial? Is it emotional? Are you tired and feel like the life has been drained out of you and you have nothing left?
Im sorry you are living through this, it sounds miserable.
You ARE in an abusive marriage.
I think because you've lived this way for so long, you're worn down and no longer able to see how completely batpoop your situation is. Your wife is delusional. She's gaslighted and beaten you down so much that you've lost all confidence and the will to advocate for yourself. You're so lost in the FOG (fear, obligation, guilt) she's created that you don't know what's normal anymore. You hold all the cards, but have been abused so much for so long that you're too afraid to assert yourself.
I have neighbors who are hoarders. Well, she's the hoarder, but over the years the husband has been abused and drug down by the undertow of his wife's mental illness. I've witnessed the wife manipulating him, and he just falls in line. The man needs a lifeline, but cant find one.
This is why so many of us keep urging you to get some therapy, OP. It's a lifeline. You deserve to have someone objective to talk to, someone who can help you gain perspective and get your confidence back. You should also see you doctor about antidepressants, as you sound very down. Self care is so important. And you need to talk to an attorney. Another lifeline, to find out strategies for protecting yourself. Your wife and her son will suck you dry financially if you don't put a stop to this. Think of the thousands you've wasted, helping to ruin your SS. Think of running out of money in retirement because of Mrs Bates and Norman. It was never your responsibility to support these two, and your first responsibility is to yourself.
We're here for you, OP. We understand the mental health struggles that come with living a dysfunctional step life. Please take some self care steps, and then update us.
Google "top 10 divorce attorneys in (your city)".
Set up a consult appointment with each of them to assess which one you will engage with the intent of hiring each if they are the best. Choose the best one. The consult should take the rest of them off of the table for your STBX as that would be a conflict of interest after you had a confidential conversation with the intent of considering them to represent you in the divorce.
Then.... go for STBX's throat. Put your STBX and the toxic dope head spawn under the local over pass and out of your life.
That is how you get the ball rolling. Once you pull the trigger, do not look back, do not fall for the love bombing promises to change, etc.... You have had 7yrs to learn that lesson.
Take care of you. Go live your best life. Living your best life is the best revenge against a toxic X. Enjoy living your best life revenge.
IMHO of course.
I know...
Hello all and thank you for taking time to reply.
It is embarrassing, it's like deja vu, you guys tell me what I already know, and I reply with the same response. So why am I here again?
I'll be honest that my life isn't completely miserable, but it feels like this part of my life consumes my thoughts and frustrations, and it is a drain. My parents would never let me live the way SS lives, so why do I... and to be fair, it's not like I sit back and say/do nothing... and I think it is that what makes me feel disrespected in my own home. Everyone has their opinions on weed, but SS clearly doesn't respect mine, otherwise he wouldn't do it. It's not just the lazy attitude and weed. Bills have been constantly rising, food prices go up etc. and because I'm the only one working, I feel pressured to contribute more money each month, yet he only manages to contribute a minimal amount every week. He knows the current state of our economy at the moment, he's not completely clueless... yet he doesn't bother his ass to get out there and find a part time job.
I sometimes wonder why does it bother me that much?... why do I wind myself up so much?
I think the biggest thing is that I cannot live with him for the rest of my life, watching him do the same boring stuff everyday.
That's what boils my blood and stresses me out. I've watched him lead the same boring life for 7-8 years now and I cannot do it anymore.
I think that when yo udo take
I think that when yo udo take the first step to get him out of your home, you will feel exhileratingly liberated and the rest will be so much easier to do. But, as always, the first step is always the hardest. So what do you plan to do?
Remember that we are here if you need support.
I've been trying to take
I've been trying to take first steps for years and not following them through, I frustrate myself.
My Wife wants to move and downsize and I'm not completely against it, but I have told her that I will not be downsizing and moving SS with us, he needs to sort himself before we do anything... so in some respects, I feel like that is a certain step.
First step - stop caring what
First step - stop caring what happens to your SS. He's a grown adult and can take care of himself. If he can't? Well, tuff on him.
Second step - say "great idea! " next time your wife suggests downsizing or bring it up yourself. If she's suggesting this, it could well be that she's sick of her son mooching off of you too.
Third step - go check out new places to live in areas that you both like, preferably with only one bedroom.
It's all on you. Your SS has had more than his fair share of your life. Time for him to strike out on his own. It's sink or swom time, kiddo!
Like the Nike people say, "Just do it!" You know you can. You know that's what your wife wants. There is no place for an overgrown child in a couple, right? See him for the intruder that he is.
Moving and downsizing is the
Moving and downsizing is the perfect way to kick him out. Put that house on the market and buy a new one. Just make sure it's clear that he isn't moving with you.
Hunger is a motivator. Let him live it.
Starvation tends to drive action to ... not starve.
Let him starve.
He will get off of his ass and get a job.. or go hungry. If you give him no other option. Either way, he should be out.
Hi Winterglow,
Hi Winterglow,
Thanks for your input and you are spot on. I need to disengage more and not care too much.
However, I don't really think she is sick of him mooching... because I think she cares too much still about him. Which I understand, she is his mother after all.
I am a lot more vocal about it all now, especially with SS. I just keep hoping he'll get tired of the living situation and move on as quick as possible.
I hate to say this but ...
I hate to say this but ... that's never going to happen. He has it too good at your place - practically no rent and all home comforts. Why would he give that up?
Better to make another plan.
Why can't your wife cut the apron strings? Did she raise him to be dependent on her his whole life? What will happen to him when she is no longer there? It will be easier for him to pick up life skills at his age than when he's 60 ...
Another thought
Why doesn't your wife love her son enough to prepare him for the outside world. By "caring" for him so much, she's enabling him to do nothing. She isn't doing her job as a parent. She's hanging on to him because that makes her feel better ... but it shouldn't. She should feel guilty that her 32 yo son isn't capable (in her eyes) of launching like most normal young people do because it's proof she's been a crappy parent. Does he have some kind of special needs?
Why is she hanging on to someone who should be out there living his life, rather than making a great life with her husband?
My dad had a neighbor with a
My dad had a neighbor with a son who had never launched at home.. he was in his 40's I think.. and he obviously had some issues with dealing with people/life etc.. I think some level of social anxiety disorder.. autism.. aspergers. There had been various attempts to get him employed but they all just kind of crashed and burned.. he couldn't get along with people etc.. so.. he was just "at home".
Things sort of came to a poor end because this woman had BC and it came back terminally. My dad a sort of panicked reaction to the diagnosis decided to sell her home and move across the country where she would be about a state away from where her other son lived ..(she had another daughter who had kind of washed her hands of her mom coddling her brother locally..). She really didn't have a lot of means.. and she made one half hearted attempt to get the guy on some SSI disability.. but due to YEARS of him not being "in the system" with no long standing diagnogsis? He was rejected.. and I heard she passed within a year or so of moving.. no clue what happened to the son.. but clearly he would have been fairly adrift with few skils.. and some unaddressed mental issues.. NOT the best outcome IMHO.
But.. I think years of trying to protect him prevented her from seeking appropriate support for him in the event that she was no longer there..
Maybe this kid is like that.. needs help? but just letting him mold in the basement is not going to do him good when his mom is no longer around.
Right. Your wife doesn't love
Right. Your wife doesn't love her son TOO MUCH. She doesn't love him enough. Think about that. Is there some need she feels to keep him dependent on HER? Her co-dependency is harming her son's chance at a successful future.
Completely agree with all
Completely agree with all your comments. I've had all these discussions over the years that she's not helping him by letting him do what he does and if we were no longer here, how would he survive? but she just doesn't seem to do anything. I will admit that he's not that great in social situations, but staying at home 24/7 isn't going to help him move on and be more dependant. I also agree, that he has it to easy at home and if he wanted to improve his social skills and be more independant, he would do something about it... he just doesn't bother.
I'll be honest, I live their too and just have as much right and responsibility to do something about it, but the problem has always been the tantrums and backlash I get from both sides.
I think the only way to even
I think the only way to even begin to try to get the point across is maybe from a point of care and concern.
Honey.. I am really worried about your son, It is not normal to be 32 years old, have no friends, no job and no ambition. He seems to really struggle with social interraction and I'm sure that is a lot of his problem and reluctance to go out into the world as an independent adult. I think you really need to help him get the help and support he needs so he can have a happier and more fulfilling life vs just subsisting with nothing but a couch and video games in his future. The way he lives is not normal and the longer he is in this rut, the harder it will be for him to break free from whatever is holding him back. Please get him the help he needs.. this is not just about us wanting to have our home to ourselves.. you owe your son the opportunity to have a happy life.. right now.. he isn't.
In step life, sometimes
In step life, sometimes circumstances develop which our partners are incapable of handling. Due to their own emotional or mental issues, they simply cannot deal. And that's why, in some rare instances, we have to be the bad guy, step in, and handle the problem ourselves. But you don't want to do that. You need to get to the bottom of why.
OP, your wife has issues, so hoping she'll kick her son out is futile. You have issues, so you've put up with it. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Your situation requires a catalyst for change, and therapy could be that change. So could addressing what I suspect is depression. I want good things for you, but that starts with taking care of yourself. Start doing that, and those small changes will have a ripple effect. Please, please see your doctor. Get checked out, and ask for a mental health referral.
You are allowing yourself to
You are allowing yourself to be bullied and manipulated unfortunately. Those temper tantrums, tears and arguments. That is called covert bullying from everything that I have read and experienced myself. It is a way to ensure he and she keep up the status quo and that you don't rock the boat. You are also suffering a form of emotional abuse because your wife clearly knows how miserable this is making you and clearly doesn't care. If she actually cared about you she would consider your feelings and care about you enough to want you to be happy in your own home. Your SS is very typical of an adult that is failing to launch. And for sure he won't launch as he has it way too good. Ask yourself this. How will you feel when he is 40 and still living in your home, because if you don't change the situation nothing will change. How about when he is 50? This is the trajectory you are on. I would advise that before you get an attorney, get a good therapist to help you heal from this ongoing abuse. You may not be strong enough emotionally right now to make any changes. You first have to heal and learn to recognize this form of bullying. Wishing you strength and courage. Admitting to being bullied is tough because we feel ashamed but when it is covert bullying it can be even worse as it is almost unrecognizable. Your wife and SS don't realize they are using manipulative tactics either but that is what it is and the damage to you will get worse over the years. Sorry if that sounds like doom and gloom. Get strong emotionally, regain your confidence and then you can start to talk to attorneys.
I know your story all too well.
I am in the same scenario but not as long in the marriage as yours. I understand the frustrations consuming you. I learned that I have to put me first. If I have said something over and over about my SS and why he needs to leave and nothing is done, I see where I stand in the marriage. So, unfortunately after 10 months of marriage , we may be looking at separation/divorce. It is now turning into resentment which stresses me out because besides the drama with SS , my DH and I have the best relationship. The fact he is willing to let it go because of his son and his actions I have lost respect. If you have been unhappy that long and nothing has changed its time to move on. They will never see anything wrong with their adult child. I am just not that parent that allows for a grown adult to live in my home not working , carefree, in and out and not contributing. I never allowed that when my own were living with me at some point. It was communicated up front the expectations, contribution, and time frame to move out. It is draining to keep talking and arguing with your spouse about their Adult child that you are not responsible for. I say good luck to you but think about your peace of mind and happiness.
Your SS isn't likely to change
Without force. And by force I mean the enabling stops. If he needs clothes, toiletries, anything, he's going to have to provide it for himself. With the rising cost of living, groceries have skyrocketed, so if he wants to eat, he needs to contribute more than holding down the couch. When the American colonists were struggling a rule was made that he who did not work, did not eat. That is fair. He also needs to be given an expiration and your DW can talk it over, but I'm thinking 3 months is ample time to save some $$$ for a small studio. He can work up to something better as he can afford it.
You and DW are entitled to your own life. Now, DW may disagree and in that case, they can look for a two bedroom apartment they can share. She is free to choose, but I'd be firm about no more druggie manchild raiding the kitchen when he gets the munchies.
I don't mean to sound harsh....but I had to leave a Manchild ex that couldn't get fully away from his mom and he had his own issues I couldn't cope with any more.... I made my plan, put a deposit on a new place and told him I was leaving him the morning of the day I moved out. I hadn't packed thr 1st box yet, but I was afraid of telling him sooner than the day I was ready to go. It's completely doable, though unpleasant. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and my kiddos.
You just have to decide and take the 1st step. Rags is to the best lawyers and remove them from her grasp immediately.
Also, talk to her about finances, since you're the provider...make it known that you're no longer going to provide for a grown ass man. If/when you downsize, make sure he's clear that he has to figure out his new accommodations by a specific date. And definitely take care of yourself!!!! Therapy is amazing for helping with clarity and taking steps to control your own life!
If this is your house I
If this is your house I wouldn't sell it and downsize. If you do that, the place you buy will be community property. Good luck getting the leach out then! Tell your wife to find her own place with the slacker and you can date.
Failure to launch spawn need a "burning platform"
We started seasoning SS-30 on his options on post HS graduation and post 18th B-day at the beginning of his Sr. year of HS.
His options were the full meal deal mom and dad college program at any university on the planet he could get accepted to or... get a job.... or go to school part time and work part time and live at home.
Though we were frustrated at the time, he informed us that though he understood that a university education is important he was not ready to put in the focus and effort. To allow us to force him in that direction would be a waste of his time and our money. I am proud, 12+ years later that he was self aware enough, self confident enough, and confident enough is our relationship (he, his mom, and I) to be direct and honest with us.
So, we adjusted the plan. He was not interested in working which was not one of the options. So, we let him live at home, fed him, clothed him, and we worked him hard. He was our live in houseboy/chore bitch. He cleaned, cooked, washed, folded, vacuumed, swept, mopped, scraped, painted, trimmed, edged, weeded, touch up painted, sliced, diced, chopped, cut, cooked, served, cleaned, etc... The next day he did it again.
If he failed to get his daily chore list done, we left him on the front door step the next AM when we left for work. Once we got home he had to get the prior day's unfinished jobs done as well as the current day's jobs done or he was on the curb the next day too. He only tested us twice. After 5mos he asked for a ride to the military recruiter's office. He enlisted in the USAF on the delayed entry program. He remained our houseboy until we drove him to MEPS to leave for BMT.
Two days ago... he celebrated his 12 year service anniversity. He is doing great in his career, is a man of honor and character, and is a quality viable adult.
His mom and I are proud of the man we raised.
Many parents seem to miss the point that their job is to prepare their children for adult life, not protect them them from it.
If this is YOUR home, put the toxic spawn on the curb. If their failed parent takes exception, put them on the curb as well and get on with your life.
This pot head mooching entitled POS needs to grow up and face life. They can grow up from now on their own time and their own dime.
OP print this out
And re-read when needed.