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Need some advice: DH being middle man again

AVDetroit's picture

My DH has been a middle man, or as I put running interference, between my SS and I when my SS does something really messed up. Its been a month to month thing between DH and I, and then DH and SS. SS friends spending almost a week at our house and my DH telling me elaborate lies to cover for SS's friend. SS allowing his friend and girlfriend to shack up at our house while we were there and we didn't know they were in the house, which was all a 'miscommunication' and SS's feelings were hurt because he got blamed for it. Bailing SS's step-brother (not our child) out of jail, court costs, a car, auto repairs. Now its using my credit card to order the new iPhone 4Gs without permission from either DH or myself. I'm racking my brains trying to figure out why my DH is doing this, why do they feel its OK to step all over me?

AVDetroit's picture

To Amend: I think what I need is advice as to the smartest way to leave. My SS has demonstrated that he is too careless and absent minded to lock up the house or close doors behind him when he leaves from his nocturnal visits (shows up at 1 am and leaves again around 5 am), putting our home, possessions, and personal safety at risk. Now he's taken it upon himself to use my credit cards. But he's the poor baby because he's worried about his mother who is using cocaine, taking prescription amphetamines and cheating on her husband. What's going on with the ex is more of a concern to my husband than his son's carelessness and theft.