The saga goes on...
Will it ever end?
DH was cremated. He has a marble plaque at the local cemetry. (paid for by me of course).
The grave is owned by me and is where I will eventually go - there is a space for my inscription.
SD (Daisy) has planted a plant in front of it. For starters she should have asked my permission,
secondly I'm not sure if the cemetery allows plantings around these plaques as they have to mow the grass.
What I feel is that- cemetery permitting - I'll accept her planting one item, my worries are she will add
and add as time goes by, which I feel would be wrong as it's also my grave for my children to visit in the future.
Even in death they strive to take control.
You have more of a say in
You have more of a say in what is planted by the grave than SD so clean it up as you wish. You probably do not go to the grave at the same time as SD. If that means pulling something out, so be it. Maybe the grounds keeper would appreciate if he/she knows they can mow over the grave. She just won't give up will she? Steam-rolling. What do your kids think of all this?
Do you really think she
Do you really think she planted a plant in defiance of you? I don't know your situation that well, but I'm struggling to imagine any scenario where a child with a deceased parent plants a plant at their grave, cackling knowing it will piss off their step mom. It seems to me like a gesture of grief and caring, and she's allowed to grieve too. You don't have to like each other to be able to share a common grief... Have you talked to her about it? And once you're dead, are you really going to care what someone plants near your gravesite as well? You might care now, while you're alive, but I doubt it very much that you will when you're dead. Life is too short to get so worked up over something like that.
It sounds like SD planted a
It sounds like SD planted a plant right in front of where you name would be. This does sound PA if I understand it right. The cemetery I dealt with for my family was pretty anal about this type of thing. You may want to call them and talk to them about it. They may remove it anyway if it's covering over where your name would be.
Thanks for all your
Thanks for all your responses. Just to clarify, I do accept she is grieving and has every right to. Also, as I said, I will not object to the planting she has already done, but my fear is she will 'take over' his memorial bit by bit. In my 23 years experience with her, she tends to make 'statements' like this to her claim that he was 'Her Dad' over and above anything else and even to the exclusion of her own brother.
my children will and they will want to have their own input.
Also, although I won't likely care once I'm in that hole
The memorial is there for anyone who feels the need to visit and they are at liberty to leave whatever tributes they want, but a planting is more permanent and I feel if I don't nip it in the bud (excuse pun) it will esculate.
I'm sorry if this is coming across as non-empathetic, but in my gut I feel it is a control thing.
Hi Growupplease. Yes, I have
Hi Growupplease. Yes, I have phoned cemetery today and they do not allow plantings in this area (it is an area for cremated remains commemorated by uniform size of memorial.
They are going to write me a letter which I can copy to her. They are also going to dig it up, pot it, and place it on the plaque.
I do not feel victorious over this, in fact I feel mean, but that is my soft side coming out as I know, without doubt, this would have got out of control.
Good for you. Yes, I know
Good for you. Yes, I know she is grieving, and you are honoring that. It is a relief to hear she will not be allowed to 'take over'. I agree - she can persue another avenue for remembering DH.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your input.
Another bit of background about 'Daisy'.
Roughly this time last year, DH was rushed into hospital. It was indirectly connected with his cancer, but impacted on his diabetes - all to do with his intestinal system. He had been in bed for a few days (Daisy had been to see him once). She went off on holiday for 5 days on the Monday - didn't call in before she went. So later that day DH gets rushed to hospital in a critical condition because - despite me calling the doctor out the day before and being assured it was just a tummy bug - his blood sugar was up in the 30s.
Once he was in intensive care I phoned Daisy. I said 'Your Dad is in hospital. He's critical.' She said, 'What shall I do then? Shall I come Back?'. WTF!!!! I said 'That's up to you.' Anyway, she drove back that evening, leaving her DH and children at the holiday centre. She visited DH briefly before going back to her house to sleep. In the morning she went back on holiday without visiting DH before she went.
That night, DH said to me, 'Wasn't that kind of Daisy to come all the way back from her holiday just to visit me'.
I could have screamed. But I wasn't surprised because DH was no use to her while he was in bed - unable to look after her kids, take her shopping, give her lifts late at night after she'd had a drink, do her odd jobs etc etc.
DH was in intensive care for 12 days and in the ward another few days. I did not miss a single day visiting - and nor should I being his wife, but Daisy visited maybe 4/5 times altogether, timing it so she avoided me but making sure other members of his family saw her there.
There is more to tell over the final months of his life, but I won't go into here. Suffice to say that every move she made (makes) is nothing short of a manoeuvre, carefully thought out to show herself in a caring light. She was never outwardly rude or disrespectful to my face. She was a lot cleverer than that. She would plot, plan and scheme to keep her father away from me and in her pocket as much as possible, using her kids when she could to do it.
Their relationship was covert. She was co-dependent on him and he needed her for a continual supply of attention, praise, neediness and validation, and they managed to pass this unhealthy sham off as a loving, close father/daughter relationship to those not in the know - which was almost everyone.
This is why I am suspicious of her motive for the 'planting'. She has already let MIL know she has planted a rose for her dad, knowing MIL will tell all his siblings.
This is aimed to put her in a good light (because some of her BS has been revealed to his family of late) but where was she when it really counted???
I totally understand. Sd
I totally understand. Sd always wanting to one-up SM. I have as similar SD. my Sd is a wolf in sheeps clothing. You sound like a love ly woman who doesn't deserve the maltreatment you got. hugs.
Dun... dont you know that you
Dun... dont you know that you are going to get blamed for removing the plant - that you made the cemetary change the rules ???
you're the bad guy - you always will be. your husband (may he rest peacefully in Gods Kingdom) CHOSE you!!! a parent is "given" a child. a husband Chooses his wife.
that is a hard one to grasp for some "kids"
Trinka, Oh YES, I am bracing
Trinka, Oh YES, I am bracing myself for the fall out!
Mama C, do you mean in
Mama C, do you mean in Daisy's family - or your family re your sister?