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Skid may move out!!

Jojo4124's picture

Dh has been acting weird this week n won't admit it, says its work lol he loves his job

Saw text from SD on his phone, yes I looked, that she plans to move out in Sept, living with a friend, cheap rent, closer to her pt job

Dh texts her..."you sure? Let's talk"

So that's why he is acting weird, gonna lose his ex wife that he sees in his did. 

He never mentioned the text. Normal parents would be excited n share. Why the secrecy?!

tog redux's picture

OP, honestly, this relationship can't be good for you.

notarelative's picture

"you sure? Let's talk" 

That is a sign that DH is going to try to talk her out of it. Are you sure that is what you want to do? Let's talk about how I can change things so that you will stay.

Jojo4124's picture

For the validation. I think she is moving cuz I sent her a text saying to do some chores n not leave her thongs out where her dad could see them. She's 23. So he will probably blame me that she wants to leave. Oh well..I hope to God she goes.

He told a friend yesterday that his other 23 yi daughter will be moving in prob in Sept. (There are triplets)

I know I am dealing with deep doo doo. 

He says he will go to counsel with me, which also is in Sept. Should be interesting.

Only married 3 months, hoping for the best while learning boundaries. I can always leave which I will if the emotional incest doesn't stop

Thank you so much for validation!!!

Winterglow's picture

"He told a friend yesterday that his other 23 yi daughter will be moving in prob in Sept. "

Seriously? I hope you shot him down about that. It's time he got it into his thick skull that he is no longer a bachelor and has his wife's feelings and opinions to take into account too. He doesn't get to make unilateral decisions of that kind of magnitude any more. If you haven't said any of that yet, I suggest you waste no time in doing so! 


SteppedOut's picture

Right? So he told his friend, yet hasn't "told" you had to hear it in a conversation to someone that doesn't live in the home. That sure would make me feel meaningless. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Enabler. Unfortunatly, it sounds like DH won't let you have a say. 

HOWEVER, sticking to your guns about doing chores/cleaning up, will make SD want to leave anyway. Just don't budge on those points and you're golden... probably won't even have to have that conversation with DH

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Isn't this the one who he said looks just like BM and you suspect incest? And they are triplets?! Do they all 3 look like BM? Jesus, one maybe moving out and he will try to replace her with a copy? Good fricking Lord. 

Jojo4124's picture

Cuz he was infertile they got a sperm donor thing and all 3 eggs made it...2  girls n a boy.

Other sd looks like mom too lol. There has been inordinate affection from him to her when she was visiting in May.

Yep I think he has a harem mentality.

Biding my time, biting my tongue, trying to catch them in act or on voice record so I have tangible proof so I have zero doubt and can confront in front of counselor...or if that doesn't work an Atty.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Jesus. Idk. Even if it's just emotional incest with borderline creepiness, gtf out if there. Gross! 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Also, if all involved are adults, i don't think there is anything an attorney could do. If they wanted to have 2 sets of little web-footed kids together, that's on them i think. Just leave them to their grossness.

ETA not meaning to insult those with birth defects. But you can't stop these adults from having sex or whatever it is they are doing. Just leave!

Rags's picture

If I am not mistaken you posted a topic recently about incest between your DH and his daughter.  Apparently these are not his BKs since they used a spermdonor.   No less sick, but..... he does not have the boundaries of them being  his BKs.  How about cluing his son in on daddy's lusty efforts with the sisters?  The son may be the one to stop daddys disgusting shit.

Jojo4124's picture

Yes, Rags, you are correct. Well his 23 yo son is a baby brat too... I have yet to install cameras in my room so I can get proof. If I do get proof, I plan on bringing it out in front of a counselor with DH there.

I want nothing to do with his shit kids...I rarely talk to them now. I am detaching from dh as well because of other continuous bs... can't respect a man like him. 

I have one foot out the door. I want my proof, blow it up in his face, then leave to enjoy a peaceful life. I want to feel vindicated before I leave...

Rags's picture

I applaud that you are not tolerating this crap and are getting things in place to bare his pervert ass as you get on with your life.


Don't wait too long.  Rather than baring his ass in front of a counselor, I would do it in front of a Judge with all of his kids in the gallery.   Or better yet, have him bring his checkbook and the deed to your house to sign over everything or... it will be made public record in front of the Judge.  Keep copies to send to his kids after it is all settled.  Send copies to his parents and BM too.  No need letting him off with just a divorce.

I had to do something similar with my XW when she backed out of the settlement she proposed and we both had agreed to.  She proposed a single lawyer uncontested divorce and she presented the asset settlement which I agreed to.  She wanted the CD she had cashed when we closed on the home we had purchased three months before she moved out and informed me she wanted a divorce.  I agreed to her proposed settlement, Closed out joint accounts, had the bank cut her a cashier's check and moved all of our cash to new accounts in my name only.  Over the next couple of months she got squirrelly as hell and engaged her mother's business attorney to refloat the agreement she had formulated.  So.... I met with she and her new attorney with notarized copies of every paper I had written for her during her last three years of college, I had written them all, the drafts in my hand writing and the final typed graded copies, notarized copies of every page in her several year long multiple volume diary with specifics on her many lovers including names, dates, hotels, etc, etc, etc.... all in her handwriting. 

When I handed her attorney the manilla envelope with her notarized academic fraud and  notarized copies of her adulteress history during our entire engagement and marriage my XW about stroked out.  Her attorney reviewed all of what I provided, informed my DW that he could no longer represent her. He was an Adjunct Prof in the law school of the University my XW got her BSN from.  Or more accurately, the BSN that I wrote every paper for.  Her attorney told her he could not inform the university of her academic fraud due to attorney client privilege but neither could he continue to represent her.

She came belligerently back in alignment with her originally proposed settlement and the single attorney uncontested divorce. She did get lippy with the Judge during the divorce hearing which cost her any share in the home so all in all I got out of that marriage in about as good a position as I could possible have exited.  Most critically, I did not pollute my gene pool with that skank whore.

So, take no prisoners, go for total domination and make it clear that they never want to have anything to do with you again.  Three years post divorce, my XW did try one more run at me but... that cost her, or more specifically, her geriatric Fortune 500 Executive sugar/baby daddy cheat partner five figures and a half when she decided she wanted my house/the house she and I had bought a few months before she left to hang out with grandpa sugar baby daddy.  

Go for blood!

Jojo4124's picture

Oh wow....amazing!!! You must have felt so vindicated!! They do eventually hang themselves unless the judge is being paid off by them...yes, my first dh did this lol ugh

I am in it to win it. Not the house or money or anything his kids can destroy. Just the satisfaction I will feel when I present the evidence, be it in front of a counselor or judge... I like the idea of getting all this deviant behavior on court record!!! 

I will be chewing on this, thank you...and great job untangling yourself from the psycho narcissist's web!!!