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Soon to be Adult Stepson Rules our house

Sunshine1070's picture

Hello everyone, thank goodness for the forum! I have read so much good advice here. 
May situation is I live with my Fiancé and his adult 22 year old son, who pays no bills, and has no chore. His son does coke and heroin. His Dad enables him and has allowed it in the house. ( at one point they did coke together) I had no idea of any of this until I moved in. Now his son is in outpatient rehab 3 days a week, and smoke pot a lot still. We had agreed if he does anymore coke or heroin he has to leave. Well he messed up 3 times in the last month and is still here. I am afraid that his son will never leave and it will be like Step Brothers movie. His son resents me because his dad has sober and now he doesn't have his drug buddy. 
I feel I have no say in the house, his son does what ever he wants. I asked if he could pay some bills his dad won't ask him. His son is disrespectful to me and his dad does nothing. We only fight about his son.

i don't know if I should leave as I know things won't change. I love him but I think I need to love myself too.

my family and friends say to leave him as I will never have a real one on one relationship.

Thanks in advance for any advice.  

ldvilen's picture

I'd say your family and friends are correct.  And, if dad was once an addict too, one of the worst things for a recovering addict is to be around another user  I'm afraid you got in the middle of a big ol' mess, and now there are tons of pressure for you to fix it.  It is not uncommon, by the way, for SMs to ever be put in this type of situation--they are expected to fix a broken family.  Which, maybe wouldn't be bad if a) it were possible and b) they'd get some recognition for it.  But, usually what winds up happening is SM is reminded of "her" failure over and over to make the family work, and her big thanks winds up being a big wampum a$$-whupping.

When an addict is around, they have a tendency to bring everyone around them down to their level.  If his own father won't deal with the situation properly, how can you be expected to?  Yes, love yourself more.  Don't add another victim, yourself, to this pile of horrors.

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you for you advice it really made me think and I never thought of it that way. Very true about misery loves company. I guess I've always been a person to try and help and fix people, and forget about myself sometimes. 

Kes's picture

I am very against adult sons or daughters being allowed to live in their parents' house, much worse if they are making zero financial or practical contribution to the household, and worse still if they are enabled in their addiction by a parent.   But the cherry on the cake is that your partner allows his son to be disrespectful to you.  This alone would make me want to leave. 

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you, yes I would say my boundaries have been broken and it's time to move on. This situation will never change. 

tog redux's picture

Your fiance is still enabling his drug addicted son, which means he still has not healed his own issues with codependency. Many addicts (like him) end up in codependent relationships with another addict - it becomes their new addiction. Now he's addicted to his son and helping him get well, but he can't help his adult (not "almost adult") son if his son doesn't want to help himself.  Allowing him to live there rent and responsibility free and use drugs while in rehab is enabling and the opposite of helping him.  Much as the son won't change without wanting to, neither will your fiance.

I'd suggest you go to Al-Anon or Nar-Anon because you too are now in a codependent relationship with both of them. It might help you get some clarity on what you have control over in this situation.

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you very good insight I didn't even think of. Nothing will ever change and I think it is time to move on. Life is way too short. As hard as it may be it would be worse to stay as I really have no control over any of it besides leaving.

justmakingthebest's picture

There is no win for you in this situation. You need to get your own place. Break up with him and chalk this up to one of life's lessons. I would make this move quickly before you get sucked into their dysfunction further. 

Sunshine1070's picture

Yes I believe you are right. It's time to move on. Sooner rather then later. Everything happens for a reason. 

Merry's picture

My SS is an addict. Clean now about five years.

After his first in-patient rehab, the counselor advised that SS not move back in with family. He had to learn to live as an adult on his own, and being put back into the same environment would likely lead to the same behavior. But, oh, no, nobody knows SS better than DH and DH insisted that SS would not thrive in the group home, working a minimum wage job, without family "support." That counselor was right of course. SS started using again.

After his second in-patient rehab, SS took control of his life and moved into a group home, attended meetings, worked the program, found a job. SS himself realized that DH was an enabler so cut off DH for a time until SS could reestablish a healthy relationship. I give SS a whole lot of credit for how he took care of himself.

But you can't force your DH or your SS to get out of their dysfunctional, codependent relationship. All you can do is take care of yourself. Would your DH consider seeing a counselor who specializes in addiction issues? That might be your only hope for breaking the cycle.

THere is no shame in taking care of yourself and leaving dysfunction and addiction behind. Do what you need to do to be happy and healthy.


Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you for all your information and advice. He wants me to see a counsellor and not us.... which I guess after all of this I may need one! But I think SS would do great in a group home as a next step, but his Dad won't let him go. At this point I'm probably better moving on to be happy as I have no control of this situation besides myself and my daughter. 
have a good day and thanks again 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Where are your standards, girl? Don't date people who use drugs, or used to do drugs with their children (!). That is low rent, dysfunctional, horrible stuff.

You get to decide what you will and will not allow in your life. Please don't choose this mess. Get out of there.

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you for responding, you are right... I do have high standards, not sure how this all happened. I just fell for his charming ways etc... I didn't know for a year or so as it was hidden from me, but when I did find out I should have left I guess I just had hope things could be better. This is a separate issue,  But  it did turn into an abusive relationship which I did not mention  and I had  been very scared to leave but am now just starting making my exit plan. I will move on , I just turned 50 and I have a beautiful and daughter I am very blessed with and want to live the rest of my life happy and healthy. 

CLove's picture

I am so glad that I read your comments!

YES. You matter, dont forget that. Move forward in your life away from this trainwreck!

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you for helping I've been dealing with this for a long time by myself and it feels good to release it and talk to people finally.

Jojo4124's picture

Call your local domestic violence place, they can help you make a safe exit plan!!! 

Rags's picture


Re-read your post as if someone else is asking for your advice and do what you would advise them to do.

And.... yes, you should leave this shallow and polluted druggie gene pool.  NOW!


catswantsweets's picture

I would hate for you to be coming back here in 1/2/5 years time and thinking, "  why the hell didn't I get out then"? So NOW is the time to make that choice. Just think how lucky you are to have that choice.  In a few years you may be so far down the rabbit hole you may never find your way out.  There are four people in this relationship. You your fiance his son and the drugs and by far the strongest member of this family is the drugs. There is no way that given time you will be asked to just have a little try.  You have got to go girl.  Stop looking for reasons to stay with someone who is obviously not the right one for you.
Believe me, if he was, you wouldn't be reading this. You would be watching a box set with a tub of popcorn.

Sunshine1070's picture

Very true.... you are right if he was the one I'd have no doubts. I am making an exit plan and thank you for your help.

tfsimmons's picture

Sunshine - I am 22 years a SM of a 51yo SD addicted to booze, drugs, sex... She grew up privileged, has college degree, used to be cute - now she is evil, homeless and dangerous. Love will never be enough to save these folks.  Love yourself and RUN!! Never looking back except to Thank God you didn't stay ONE MORE DAY!!

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you for your info.. wow yes I just need to accept that this will only get worse and get out! At least I didn't get married but I am living in the house. I just need to find a place to live and go. Covid took my job away in nyc..still looking I news the strength to leave I did get a storage facility and quietly have been moving things in. The longer I wait the harder it will be to leave. I have no family here otherwise I would have been gone. Sigh....:(

Nice to have support here as not very many can relate. Thank you again 


JRI's picture

You're doing well, step by step.  Stay strong,  Sunshine.

Sunshine1070's picture

Thank you! I'm trying.... step by step....