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What they should have learned by now part II

atpeace's picture

I had posted this in response to a post about how rude and what adult stepchildren should have learned by now - another poster suggested I post this as my own I could get feedback and it now get lost in the shuffle.

wow how ironic this was the tone of our conversation this weekend...everything posted by Anon is what my SO is dealing or detaching question/comment as a woman (who also has her own adult son/raised on my own) why would you teach your child those things? What are preparing them for except is not a bed of roses and unfortunately those entitled people FAIL as soon as they hit their first road block and never learn becuase they don't HAVE is beyond me and too frustrating to deal with which is why I am on the road to complete detachment and so is my SO although I do see a lot of disappointment on his face and in his mood...the reason being he realizes he is 1/2 to blame since he never stood up when he wasn't in agreement while raising them when what they were being taught! this weekend he said he needed to go see a doctor to get rid of his guilt and to learn how to deal with what he is seeing from his daughters...he really is very remorseful for not preparing them for reality...responsible for their disrespect and wants to improve it all but at a loss as to how to start since it is so far gone...any advise? and is it worth it? can it be saved? I have my views but would like to hear from others.

Orange County Ca's picture

I would like to think that if I made that mistake I would sit them down alone or as a group and tell them I screwed up horribly. I'd tell them exactly what I did wrong and what I would have done differently. It just might have some effect on them. After the kids aren't stupid, just ignorant.

I agree with 'stepaside'. He doesn't need to get rid of guilt he needs to get advise on what to do next so he can then get on with his life. He can't escape, but he can do what he can do, and then he can walk away saying that he did what was possible and its up to them now.

atpeace's picture

Thanks StepAside and OCC I so agree! I think he needs an impartial party to advise him on how to "talk" to them..their decisions will be their decisions!