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Whee! No SS26 and twunt

Miss T's picture

I feel bad for DH, because this morning he learned that his kid and the annoying GF aren't going to be traveling here on Christmas, as all had planned (and some have dreaded).

The reason is that SS26 is having "car trouble." Because obviously there's no place to get his 2-year-old car fixed in the next couple of days in the major US metropolitan area where he lives. And obviously the GF doesn't have a car that would survive the 300-mile round trip here and back. And I guess the multitude of plane, train, and bus routes have been suspended for the duration.

As I said, I feel bad for DH, who was looking forward to seeing his son on Christmas. But for myself? I'm just mean enough that I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the discussion between SS26 and the twunt. And ... WHEE!

Rags's picture

Sounds like bullshit to me.  SS is just not interested in seeing daddy. 

Dad needs to call bullshit and nail his toxic lying son to the wall on this one.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Kids like this need to have the courage to call and just say "Dad, we won't be coming this year.".  The bullshit "tell them what I think they want to hear" crap should never be allowed to stand unconfronted IMHO.

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Maybe he wanted to spend Xmas alone with his girlfriend? 

Maybe his car does have problems. 

Unfortunately, grown up children don’t always want to go to parents for Xmas. 

Theres probably some on here that don’t visit their parents Xmas day for various reasons. 

People should be honest about their reasons though if not going, and give sufficient cancellation notice so people don’t overspend on Xmas dinner. Unless sickness or something urgent comes up. 

If my son decided not to come home for Xmas (if he had a girlfriend) I would be secretly quite chuffed that he was happy and trying to carve out a little life for himself. They still love their parents the same...

Miss T's picture

I am delighted about the pending absence, but I'm not sure how DH feels. He seems a tad disappointed, but may be oblivious to the insultingly transparent idiocy of the excuse his son offered. Oh well, not my issue. Unless they step on my toes, I will no longer comment on the SS26/GF situation.

I made this decision about 2 seconds after I observed to DH that cray-cray bio crotch would not take kindly to another female moving in on what she surely regards as her territory, i.e., her son's affections. DH looked at me like I was the one with the screw loose, and said, "I'm sure his mother will be fine." Picture me throwing my (metaphorical) arms into the air.

Siemprematahari's picture

You were blessed without there presence, what a early Christmas gift OP. Hope you enjoy this holiday season and hopefully H will get over it. 

Drink some nice wine and enjoy yourself. Your H has to live with the BS excuse not you.