
dadswife's picture

I wish we could post photos LOL I know I can't and if she ever saw it, there would be hell. But I have the BEST photo of Princess SD30 shot from my living room window when she was across the street on the phone having a fight with her husband, I am guessing. But it shows her true colors. The ANGRY bitch look on her face and her mouth is open so wide, you can tell she is yelling. This is the side of her no one in the family ever sees. DH's family thinks she's sweet little thing. Just a thought. }:)

hatesteplife's picture

Haha! That is awesome. Something to laugh at or show her when she gets in your face.

dadswife's picture

Don't think I would not like to. Oh how I'd like to. But I'd have to explaining to do. LOL And I'd be the one judged for posting it. I just hang on to it and fantasize.

dadswife's picture

I could temporarily make it my profile photo on here? LOL And when she's mad, she looks just like BM whom Ive never seen mad. But I bet thats where she gets it from.