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Reasonable request or not ?

HappilySelfish679's picture

DH has KIDS SS12 and SD 8 EOW from Thursday evening to Monday morning. When there is no school, its 50/50.
On the Sunday where he does NOT have kids, he has dinner with them . BM has a little part time job for a few hours on Sunday evenings so he is babysitting for her. Fine. ( the money she earns gets not declared and is not calculated in the CS )

Next Sunday is Valentines day. I would like to ask DH not to babysit this specfic Sunday because i want to go out with him for Valentines Day dinner. BM would have to find childcare ( her BF is available and so his her mother ) . No, i do not want to have dinner with all 3 of them.

Is this reasonable or am i being selfish again ? LOL

thanks for any input.

ctnmom's picture

It's reasonable but why would you want to go out on VD day??? We go out a few days before or after. Packed restaurants, poor service, inflated prices ~BLECH!

Rags's picture

Reasonable. In fact I would instruct DH that it will only be the two of you. Also reasonable.

IMHO of course.

HappilySelfish679's picture

Was told that the MOTY flew into her usual rage ( her general state of being ) and gave DH her usual " lousy father who does not have kids interests at heart " shrieks when DH informed her he is not available to babysit on Valentine's afternoon / evening .
He instead offered to take kids for a long lunch . Since her " job " is tutoring one of her students for cash I'm sure the time she needs " coverage " is flexible . He hung up after she got too loud .
I look forward to a nice dinner and evening ! I hope you all enjoy one as well !

Nala's picture

I guess I don't see it this way since its been a standing dinner with the kids for a while. I don't think the request is unreasonable, but agree with others. Why the actual Valentines Day? Too much hype, too much mark-up, too much "show" for my taste. AND, more than likely, you'll have work the next day. I, personally, would opt for a different night.