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sorry DH - nice try !

HappilySelfish679's picture

We have skids EOWE and some switch was made due to BM having some events so skids haven't been here in 3 weeks .

I had several back teeth removed today , temporary bridge put in etc and I have a swollen face and I am high on novocaine abd other pain killers .

I am resting in bed when DH sticks his head in the door and days " you are taking the kids to school in the morning , right ?? "

WTF !! He hasn't had kids in 3 weeks , no driving , nothing and the first day they are back he wants me to drive , after just having oral surgery ??? The response I had is not suitable for this forum . I can not believe how quick he is trying to push his responsibilities to me . Hey DH, you made them , you drive them . Unreal !!

lintini's picture


HappilySelfish679's picture

I mean even if I didn't have dental surgery - after three weeks , you can't drive your own kids to school ? He's in the dog house big time , just for asking .

HappilySelfish679's picture

Ok here is what i said :

" You dipped your stick in crazy twice, so now it's time to pay the price " !

I then went on to inform him that any trips to school are at my convenience ONLY, and i expect gas money to be reimbursed. It will not be convenient for me now for several weeks. those tootaches last a long time !

He moped off and hasnt mentioned it since.