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SS hates camp

dirtybiology's picture

My almost 7 year old SS comes home every day on our weeks saying that he hates camp lately. It is supposed to be a really fun camp at the local college here but apparently he just doesn't like it. This is his third or fourth week and he really didn't start saying it until this week. We don't really have another choice for child care, everything is full and we don't have much family here to help out so this camp is our only option. I feel bad for him but during school he also hated recess because he has a hard time playing with friends because of his know it all attitude. I think that could be the reason he is having a hard time at camp as well.
Anyways today I picked him up early and he said I'm really glad you came early because I hate camp. And I just flat out said I don't want to hear you say that anymore. We have talked every single night this week about him not liking it and each time I have reminded him that he didn't like the daycare he was in last summer and thats why we chose this. I also remind him that he has another week of it left so it would be in his best interest to find something he likes about it and enjoy that because there is not another option.
During his mom's week, he goes to a friends house during the day. So I know camp is probably the most structured environment he is in this summer, and I can understand where that stinks.. but I am really sick of the negativity.

Rags's picture

On BM's time he sits and plays video games. The clear tell of the game junky is that they hate anything in real life. I would guess that your Skid qualifies.

You did right to tell the Skid to shut up, suck it up, and quit bitching.

IMHO of course.

My Skid has only fairly recently discovered the amazing world outside of renting or purchasing someone else's imagination. He and his USAF buddies have taken to running Tough Mudder races. My Skid was a screen junky and only disposing of his gaming systems got him to engage IRL when he was a kid. He bitched and moaned about it when we eliminated his virtual world but even in the years when we allowed video games in our home his memories are of camping trips, rafting, hiking, fossil hunting, etc... and not one memory does he have of playing a video game.

About two years ago he commented to his mom and I and my parents how much he gets done around his house and how much more activities he does now that he has killed his WoW and other OL gaming accounts.

There is hope so hang in there. In my Skid's case he did not start to gain clarity until he was in his early 20s.

IMHO parents who let their kids live predominantly in a virtual world need to have their asses kicked. They are doing their spawn no favors.

dirtybiology's picture

I am very strict about the electronics but that could definitely be it since I've been more lenient now that it's summer.
Thank you everyone for the support!
I should tell his Dad to start picking him up since I don't want to hear the whining. Get it all out before you get home.