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BM pays for nothing

Monkeys mom's picture

I really need some advice on this one! My DH and I
have paid solely for his 3 children's extracurricular
activities for the last 5 years. The BM has paid nothing
and owes us almost $5000.00 as set out in the separation
agreement. I told my DH that we are not solely
paying for this years activities and that if BM doesn't
come up with the money, the kids ( 13 and 16) will
not be playing. DH thinks I am being unfair. I believe
It's not me being unfair but his ex- wife who
refuses to pay for anything ( not paying child support
for 3 kids since jan 2014) that is being unfair.
Am I crazy!!! I really want to put my foot down
and say no sports if BM is not paying! Am I being unfair?

sbm014's picture

IMO yes you are being unfair. You have let her walk on y'all for 5 years and so now the kids expect to be able to play regardless of the BM situation. I just don't believe in punishing kids for BM being worthless. I would have put my foot down before she "owed" 5K for the sports.

Personally, the BM in my situation BM was refusing to pay for even part of the sports, even though she could claim low income and pay a quarter of what we were having to pay and DH still would have halved it. We put a stop to that after she waited until it was last minute pricing and told DH that she couldn't afford to help an forgot to fill out the paper work to get the discount.

Maybe, I'll be the minority as I know many of us do not like DH's having to pay for to much extra, but to me it seems like you let it go on to long and at this point it would be kind of a crappy move.

Monkeys mom's picture

Please know that paying a lawyer $300.00 an hour
to go after small funds doesn't make sense! We
Took this to our lawyer after 5 years because the amount
made sense to follow up on. Isn't it the BM responsibility
to follow the separation agreement??

sbm014's picture

Yes, and you can take her to court for contempt of the separation agreement. However, I know in our CO it states that all receipts should be given to the opposing parent within 30 days, do you have proof you did this? I would read the fine print of the agreement. Also, I know here in the US you can file for small claims without a lawyer at the Jusitce of the Peace...I would look to see if there were any options along these lines - the limits of small claim depend on states here. Plus even if it was 4K I would think at least getting 80% back would be worth it. I would look at also filing contempt for the CS that is you can do.

Monkeys mom's picture

Why does everyone feel sorry for selfish BM
who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves

Monkeys mom's picture

It says she has to pay for 35%, which she never has. Unless we take her to court which costs over $5000.00 it's not worth it. The separation agreement is not worth the paper it is written on

Monkeys mom's picture

It says she has to pay for 35%, which she never has. Unless we take her to court which costs over $5000.00 it's not worth it. The separation agreement is not worth the paper it is written on

farting_glitter's picture

why would it cost that much to go for back CS? should be able to do that without a lawyer...if this is court-ordered all you should have to do is go to the courthouse and file an order...

Monkeys mom's picture

By the way when we get in financial reuion over his kids it's my arenas tat bail us out!! Super frustrated

Monkeys mom's picture

I wish it was that easy, are you in the US? In Canada it will take a year to see a judge and cost $5000.00 for half a day

farting_glitter's picture the US.....and that's complete bullshit that it's that way up there..... :sick:

Monkeys mom's picture

I hear ya, nothing can be done in Canada without lawyers or legal aid(poor people).

Monkeys mom's picture

I hear ya, nothing can be done in Canada without lawyers or legal aid(poor people).

Orange County Ca's picture

I have to agree about punishing the kids. After 5 years into it and with high school age kids Daddy is going to look like a schmuck to them. I would make sure they know who's paying and who's taking a vacation, buying a new car etc while crying broke.

Daddy can sue in small claims court for maybe $15 filing fee and add that to what he is owed.

He can also ask his attorney to write a letter saying if he's not paid the attorney will file for contempt of court, both criminal and civil. That alone should turn her head.

Luvthepolice's picture

I understand.. The BM gets a very nice sized child support check. That she doesn't spend a dime on their daughter. We buy clothes and shoes for her house and our house. She constantly says she is broke but is always at the spa, expensive restaurants, vacations and just bought a new Volvo!! She is always coming up with reason to get extra money for "school" but I have kids in school and these things are crazy and always over $200!! I am fed up! It is getting to the point that it is effecting our relationship because I am tired of dealing with it! I wish I knew how to help, but it seems we are in the same spot!

ncgal1980's picture

Maybe I'm cruel (DH thinks so), but if they're 13 and 16, they're old enough to earn some money to help pay for those extracurricular activites, especially the 16-year-old. The 13-year-old can at least pick up some extra chores or something to earn money.

BM should also be paying her part, yeah, but I still feel like the kids ought to have some skin in the game.