How could this have been a quick decision?
A week ago (just before school started), the biological mother of my SD informed my fiance that her and SD are moving into her very new boyfriend's house in the next city, and so SD is changing schools. She's entering senior kindergarden. My first thought was "Wow, that was kind of quick?" only because we've only seen this new relationship take place about 6-8 months ago. Until then, the biological mother was staying at her parents' house, very nice people while she was putting herself through college. I can understand that at the age of 27-28, she may want her own independence, and want to move out of her parents' place, but of course, putting SD's well-being ahead of hers.
Sure enough, SD's only been to her new school, and new home for a week, and we get a call yesterday that BM and SD are moving back into BM's parents' place, and SD will be returning to her old school. My questions were, "how could this happen?", and "how was this not thought through as a serious decision, and how this could affect the mind of a 5 year old?".
I'm very frustrated with how careless this decision was made.