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I'm overwhelmed...don't like my SDs....

Catch22In2013's picture

I can't belive this site exists. I did a quick search on the Internet & then instantly found countless stories like my own. Thank you, ladies.

I definitely don't "hate" my SDs (6 & 14). If anything, I'm more upset with DH & BM for raising such entitiled little brats. They want want want!!! Which I don't even mind so much if they were good kids - but these 2 are not. They pout whenever you ask them to do anything, the 14 yo barely passed 9th grade, the 6 yo has NO chores & doesnt know how to do anything for herself. But she's quick to boss other people around when she wants them to get something for her!

DH just caters to them in the most unhealthy ways. I'm just getting more & more overhwelmed everyday. I'm 10 wks pregnant w/ our 1st baby after suffering a stillbirth (with another man) almost 2 years ago. This pregnancy is hard enough because it makes me miss my deceased son so much. And to know DH & BM have been blessed with 2 healthy kids that they've just wasted...ugh! It pisses me off. Having kids is a wonderful opportunity to put something great out into the world. The last thing this country needs is more spoiled, self-entitled people who are undeserving of their privilege.

I only have them 2 wks at a time & even this is starting to be too much. Hindsight! I thought long & hard about DH before we got married, but now I regret now giving more thought to his daughters. But it seriously seems like they're getting WORSE! I don't remember them being this rotten in the beginning. Now everything they do annoys the crap outta me because I simply don't like the little people they're growing into. And I love kids- I teach kindergarden!

DH & I are having problems because he wants me to be more involved, while all I wanna do is hide until they're gone. I hate that the only rifts we have are around his kids. It doesn't seem fair to me or my marriage. I'm definitely not gonna leave, so I need to find a way to make this work. It's just hard because he gets defensive if you say too much...& then they're with BM the majority of the time & she clearly sucks at parenting.

*sigh* Thanks for listening.....

Catch22In2013's picture

I try to be as hands off as I can with them because I get frustrated with how far behind they are maturity-wise. I had a lot more on my plate by the time I was either of their ages. DH is very involved, but he's just a huge pushover. When I make suggestions or comments, he agrees wholely...and then nothing comes of it. At some point, you feel like a nag & that it's starting to look like you can see no good in his kids. I don't want any more friction between me & him. I've been working on disengaging, but I get so flustered with their behavior! I was raised old school & their actions ring in my ear as total disrespect. He asked the 14 yo why she locked her bedroom door & her response was: "Does it matter?" WTF! After we suffered through an episode of Spongebob, he told the 6 yo we couldn't take anymore & she needed to watch cartoons in her room. She responded by going to her room & slamming her bedroom door. Whoa. Those are the types of things that happen all day in our home. And they're not done directly to me & he doesn't do anything when they're done to what can I do? Technically, they're not affecting me, right? It seems weird to just offer my 2 cents when he doesn't care enough to do anything on his own.

dacejk60's picture

Omg what a day ive had w SD15. Thus far im the only one who knows i had it but ARGH. Went to her fathers (and hers) fam reunion today, plus an event yesterday.... Anyway long story kinda short, i like his family but SD15 is so uptight about appearences. Disrespectful when shes stressed. if she thinks were not moving fast enough to go stand for pictures or God forbid her dad signed up for their kickball game, just off the chain w thinking, of course, that its all about her all the time so naturally everyone is watching her. Additionally she never stops wanting shit ever, rarely says thank you, and even rarer still, means it when she says it. She could give two shits about anyone but herself and maybe her little dumbass girlfriends. She thinks shes amazingly interesting. Omg and its a week long event of family activities w long car rides and lots of her expecting everything.. I may go insane. Right now shes in the guest room bcz her room is messy and she dsnt want to clean it so shes just gonna stay in their tonight. Like hell. Im going back down in five min to boot her out!

Oh im sorry, this was about your issue. I went on a rant. I think u can relate. I prob typed every second word wrong im so over her today.