Mother's Day Vent
So I posted a status on Facebook for Mother's Day and I mentioned being so thankful for my two babies (My DH and I have two together and he has a daughter from his previous marriage). My husband responds to my post saying that I am a wonderful mother to ALL of the kids. I tagged him in the Facebook post so I just think he felt the need to include his daughter I guess. This annoyed me because I don't have a desire to be a mother to his daughter, and plus he has her during the summers only. He won't even have her this summer because he will be away for work. How am I wonderful mother to her when I don't even see her that often, and I don't talk to or ask about her if she's not staying with us? I guess I just felt annoyed because in a sense I feel like my post was intruded on or something, I can't quite explain it. It just kind of bursted my bubble I guess.
I understand that normally that this would make a person feel good, but I never had a desire to be a mother to his daughter, and it has nothing to do with having two of my own. We never really had a conversation about this. I do like children and I think he saw how I acted toward his daughter and made the assumption that I wanted to be "Mom". I was just simply being kind to her, like I pretty much would treat anyone that came into my life.
This Mother's Day thing has
This Mother's Day thing has really gotten out of hand.
Some are pissed for not being acknowledged when it comes to step kids, some are pissed for being acknowledged when it comes to step kids.
Mother's Day, Valentine's
Mother's Day, Valentine's Day--Hallmark holidays that can have an horrible effect on people. In addition to feeling lonely, some people use it make you feel bad. My Skids used to send me cards then last year pulled the plug on it without explanation. Both DH and I were very hurt --as they got older they are clearly protective of the BM who is a control freak. In any case, I am trying to look at these holidays as if they are words on a calendar because life is too short to be hurt by one day of some man-made event.
Ok, ok, I see everyone's
Ok, ok, I see everyone's point that has commented thus far. I do understand that it was a compliment.
You have more than one kid.
You have more than one kid. "All" is appropriate. Don't create drama where there is none.
Enjoy the compliment.
When someone says something
When someone says something nice to you, the proper response is "Thank You." That's all.