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Nicknames for BM/BF ????

Madam Hedgehog's picture

I was just wondering what nicknames everyone has for the crazy exwives and exhusbands making our lives more, em, interesting.

BM started out as Crazy Lady. We decided that was a bit strong when it slipped in front of the kids. Now it's abbreviated as C.L.

She has also been affectionately referred to as "The Crazy One" "Certain Parties" "Captain Creepo" and a maternally defunct dragon (long story there). Oblivamoo is definitely growing on me though.

What do you have?

caya506's picture

Slinky - it's something that is completley useless to you, but it'll bring a smile to your face if you push it down some stairs! Smile
or just Fruit Loop.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

BM1 is "Drunky"- pretty self explanatory there
BM2 is "Trashy"- she really skanks up that trailer park she lives in.

BM3 is "Crazy" but only when she's being crazy. Once in a while she has a manic fit and just starts spinning. She's Bipolar. No biggie. When she does, whoever gets the first crazy call or text just alerts the rest of the family, and we don't engage it, so she calms down pretty quick and gets it back under wraps. Only happens every couple of months, and lately it's been her other XH's turn in the barrel.

skylarksms's picture

BM = "Psycho Bitch" or, if she is being particularly fiendish, "Psycho Bitch Hose-Bag"

DS's "father" = Brian...this is his actual name and not a nickname. I have to deal with him or talk about him so rarely that I have never had a nickname for him. Smile

trillian's picture

My husband's ex had herself beaten with a chain, and generally mauled, ripped shirt, etc. and then had my husband arrested for it, in the middle of the night. He's hauled off to jail, spends lots of dollars fighting something THAT NEVER HAPPENED. She was even on the news talking about her life of physical abuse at the hands of my husband. THEN when she her media died down a little bit, she staged ANOTHER incident. Had a friend tie to the bed, pull her pants down, tore up the house, etc. Cops found out she was lying about this time and the previous one. She got a $500 fine. My husband is no prince, he actually got her pregnant with SD9 during this time period.

The things you find out during the relationship are just amazing!

Gigi82's picture

I am new here but so glad I found this forum! My hubby's BM is all kinds of psycho and has terrorized both of her childrens fathers as well as myself, the other SM and her second husband.

The other SM and I have become dear friends and we call the psycho "Snaggle Vag". I know it sounds crass, but it's true! It's like her vagina has teeth, because any one who goes near it will get bitten! Just ask her babies fathers and three husbands!

MamaBecky's picture

My DH calls SD13's BM McNasty. LOL I have referred to SD5's BM as Miss Piggy in the past. Well...because she looks like Miss Piggy.

ladytremaine's picture

We will often refer to her as Voldemort or "She Who Shall Not Be Named" as a play on the awful Harry Potter villain. He also calls her Dumb Dumb since that pretty much sums it up or Womp Womp because his phone makes that sounds from the old comedies like when something goes wrong.

DewDrop's picture

We call BM "The Kraken" or "Beastie" on account of her facial hair, messed up teeth, gelatinous body, and overall demented outlook on reality.

overit2's picture

His ex is simply "the ex" or if we are mad "b*tch* exh I call by his name and if I'm mad it's "Smeagol"...the one disgusting looking creature from lord of the rings w/split personalities. He's listed in my cell as Smeagol also.

2timemom's picture

We call our's the egg donor,because that's all she has donated,nothing more nothing less..
Or the country Rube,she live in the middle of the country in a R.V.!!!!

Madam Hedgehog's picture

This thread has turned out great! You are all so much more creative than I am. I especially appreciated snagglevag . . . I think I'll have to think up something more interesting. }:)

DisappointedMom's picture

We use Dumb Bitch as well but we shorten it to DB. So that SD 13 doesn't know what we are talking about. DB is a real piece of work. Shows up to school functions with her boobs hanging out, embarrassing for SD13 I'm sure

haleyanne's picture

we use f'ing DQ- short for f*CKing drama queen. which i have called her to her face (to stop her from chasing me and yelling at me infront of my biokids as i tried to get away from her at a family gathering) still brings a smile to my face.... i will treasure that moment and the horrified look on her face forever Smile

Madam Hedgehog's picture

That's super funny. She sounds like a complete nutcase. I have never in my adult life chased another person in anger. She definitely deserved alot worse than f'ing DQ

tiredout's picture

FG -flapper gut (thanks for using CS to pay for your TT stupid BM) the bitch, the C*nt, GMAT- giant ass mouth thighs....

purpledaisies's picture

300lb snaggle tooth beast! My ss13 came up with that! LMAO it was very funny the day he said it.

thelaststraw's picture

My kid's BM is nicknamed "it", as in "it texted me last night" or "it's calling..."

I like Slinky though.

blendedhell's picture

We call my SS's BM The Egg Donor. She has done nothing for him since he was born. She was back at the bars when he was 3 weeks old. She is currently in rehab.

thegirl's picture

I'm new here and have yet to post my intro because it will be LONG but I just had to get in on this. Slinky?? bahahahhaha, that is awesome. Mine isnt quite so funny..I call my df's ex 'whf' which is short for what's her face, because i hate the sound and sight of her wretched name!

ErinOnTheEdge's picture

I call her The Cow or That Bitch. Not usually out loud, never in front of kids, of course...

A.McAvan's picture

We use "Reprobate" or "Rep"...... Hence the defination:

1. A morally unprincipled person.
2. One who is predestined to damnation.

1. Morally unprincipled; shameless.
2. Rejected by God and without hope of salvation.

1. To disapprove of; condemn.
2. To abandon to eternal damnation. Used of God.

vera3's picture

"The Beast", "Mothra" or "That Idiot" - His ex
"Jackass" or "DB" (short for douchebag) - My ex

Come to think of it, we NEVER refer to them by their actual names! LOL!!!

uncommon's picture

I'm not the SM, but I refer to her as "b***hface" most of the time (never in front of DD or even potentially within her hearing, and of course never to her or to XH). He's earned a variety of lovely nicknames but lately I've just referred to him by name since he doesn't really get to me that much anymore Smile