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Skids grabbing each others crotches (HELP)

Madam Hedgehog's picture

SS5 started grabbing SS2 by the crotch about 6 months ago. He does this in order to pull SS2 to the ground, to pull him from one place to another, and occassionally to punish him for being irritating in some way.

About three months ago, SS5 started grabbing his own crotch as well. We have asked him why and he says he doesn't know, but he grabs himself continuously regardless of the situation or the place. He stops when we tell him to, but ten minutes later he is grabbing his crotch again.

SS2 started grabbing SS5 by the crotch about two weeks ago, usually when the wrestle or in order to push SS5 out of the way.

We have told them both probably a hundred times not to do this, and the behavior continues.

This morning, I busted SS2 grabbing SS5 by the crotch on two different occassions. SS5 did nothing at all to stop him or dissuade him. The first time, I told SS2 to stop, SS5 actually interjected that it was okay because it just tickled.

ME: Neither of you need to touch anybody there for any reason. It's not nice to touch people there.

SS5: Why? It just tickles.

ME: That's a private place that other people shouldn't touch. It's not nice and it's not polite.

SS5: Yeah, and it tickles too. (smiling)

So, after getting nowhere with them, I tell DH and he comes and has a chat with them. I don't think their crotch chat is going to have much of an effect.

I am seriously worried that this is something they do on a regular basis at the other house, and I am also worried about WHY they are doing it.

Is this normal for kids their age? (SS5 is about to turn 6, and SS2 will be 3 in Feb).

How do we stop it?

Do I need to be worried that something more serious is going on?

Note: They are no long allowed to place in either of their rooms together because they torment and hit each other whenever they are not supervised. Yesterday, I busted them laying in SS5's bed together, both on their sides facing eachother nose to nose under the covers. I am seriously worried that they were in there touching each other now.

What do I do?