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Spoiled Rotten?

paige72's picture

Help! I have been raising 2 teenage boys (15 and 17) 100% full time and am engaged to a wonderful man who has 2 children from 2 different marriages (daughter 16, son 11). I love his daughter but I think his son is horribly spoiled. Today (Christmas) my kids and I went over after lunch to exchange gifts. I had left one of his gifts at his dads and brought the other. He opened his and asked "Is that all?"... I said, "No, you had another one here but you obviously opened it already". He just folded his arms and was mad. My fiancee said nothing. Then when I was leaving he said thanks for the gift but I didn't appreciate the two empty bags. (I had place some empty bags inside the box so it wouldn't shake around, etc.). I explained that and he said, "well I thought there would be more" so I replied "Well next time I can get you nothing and you wont be disappointed." I mentioned this to his dad later and he said, "He's 11 and he likes opening gifts." REALLY???? My kids were taught from the time they were 3 or so to always be polite and say thank you NO MATTER WHAT. It didn't matter if they received socks or something they hated, they know to be polite. When I asked about the other gift I got him and asked why he didn't wait to open it when I was there since it was from me and he told me that his son was so excited he just tore through his gifts without looking. Maybe it's just me but that kind of behavior totally repulses me. I HATE when I see kids do that. At my house we usually have one person at a time open a gift so we can all see what they get and they slow down and enjoy it instead of tearing through it all. My question is.... Am I wrong? I truly feel like at 11 is plenty old enough to have been taught better manners and this totally ruined my evening. In fact I left early and have bailed out of plans tomorrow because I am rethinking everything. It is not just this one incident. His son has to be the center of attention, interrupts others when they are talking and goes on and on about things to the point he is exaggerating or lying about stuff. My fiancee just shrugs it off. Another huge pet peeve is that he will ask his dad for something and if his dad says no, he goes on and on begging, pleading, and whining until his dad gives in. I have tried talking to my fiance about this, telling him the reason he did this was because he always gave in. I have always told my kids they are "One time kids." I shouldn't have to tell them no more than once and if they continued to go on and on after I said no, they had consequences. The problem is his sons mother (who always gives in and lets him do whatever) and my fiance (who wants to be his buddy and usually gives in). Because this is his "baby" he treats him like one, acting like he is cute and his behavior is normal. My problem is he's 11 and he is not a baby. He also doesn't need his dad to be his buddy, he needs him to be a parent. His son is usually a nice enough kid (he is usually polite, but he is always spoiled, has to be the center of attention, and can't take no for an answer) I love my fiance very much; however, I don't know what to do. I hate giving up a great man over this, but at the same time I can't see how we can get married and combine families when our parenting styles are completely different. I will admit I have been too strict with my kids at times and wish I could go back and redo many things, but I think he is creating a spoiled brat. What should I do? Am I wrong to be questioning things and do you think his sons behavior is acceptable (am I just too strict)??? Should I break things off now, knowing they wont change?

Having second thoughts

oncechoosetosmile's picture

he is a brat.I have a 10 year old who is not always behaving his best, sometimes forgets to say thank you in excitement or being a bit silly, but he would never say anything like that.He needs to be told it is impolite and wrong instead of being coddled

oncechoosetosmile's picture

he is a brat.I have a 10 year old who is not always behaving his best, sometimes forgets to say thank you in excitement or being a bit silly, but he would never say anything like that.He needs to be told it is impolite and wrong instead of being coddled

frustrated step mom37's picture

Sad I know exactly how you feel. I have a six year old and a ten year old that I have tried my best to teach to always be respectful and to do what they are asked when they are asked. My bf has a nine year old terror that is very disrespectful at times and literally throws tantrums still. She refuses to do her share of the chores and often leaves my bio daughter left with cleaning up her messes. I use to be so excited about us all being together now sometimes I wish she would just go away!!! Don't get me wrong mine sometimes mess up also they are kids but they say they are sorry and mean it. It is very stressful to have someone in your home that you know is a bad influence on your kids. You can't give up. Hang in there and things will get better. I think you should sit down and talk to your guy and let him know what you are feeling and why.

paige72's picture

I have tried talking to him about how his son won't take no for an answer and how he always gives in. He just denies it and tells me what a good kid he is. As a teacher, I know he isn't HORRIBLE by any means... Yet. He is spoiled though. His rude comment totally ruined my Christmas evening and watching my fiancé allow it really hurt. I think it's part of the guilt thing (he's been divorced over 5 years so I think it's time to get over that) and part of it is he still sees him as a "baby" and thinks its acceptable and makes excuses for him. Tonight when I tried to talk to him about the "is that all" gift thing he made excuses and blew it off.
It's horrible to say, but I just don't think I can blend the two families when we parent so differently. His oldest (daughter) is great but her mom is very strict. I guess I do need to try to talk I him again but I don't see it helping. I really love him and I can totally see spending the rest of my life with HIM and his daughter (but not his son). It's a shame that something this minor can break up a relationship but I just don't think I can marry him while his son is still this young. I know it will affect my own children as well as my marriage if I think things will get better. I guess I have seen too many people try to blend families and know many problems arise. I see this as a huge red flag; I am just devastated that an 11 year old is essentially destroying our future.
Thanks for the help; it's good to know I am not alone!

amber3902's picture

You notice how all your BF does is "talk" to his son and nothing changes?

Well, you're doing the same thing with your BF. All you do is talk to him about his son and nothing changes.

Parenting differences are not a "minor" difference. They are a cause of divorce even in unblended families, so just think what it can do to a blended family.

Just look at this site. I'd say about 80% of the problems discussed on here are because of parenting differences.

paige72's picture

Thanks for all your comments. I am afraid you're correct and I made a hard choice. Vtarmv, thank you for your response and I have to agree that is EXACTLY my fear. After much thought, prayer, and tears I told my SO tonight that I could not marry him now. I told him that there's no way I could blend our kids because our idea on parenting to polar opposites. I have mine 100% of the time so I would have no option to give them a reprieve from his brat. He mentioned mine would be graduating HS in 3 years and maybe we could wait until then. I said no, they might live at home while attending college and I couldn't take his sons lack of respect. He was stunned. I gave him specific examples and when he tried to make excuses for his son, I stopped him and told him to listen. He said he realizes he has made some mistakes and would make an effort to change. I am not naive enough to think he will (or not to the extent I can tolerate). I am afraid I would end up resenting him and SS (like you do) if we married now so I am not. If he actually makes huge changes And I see a difference I will reevaluate it and if he decides he can't wait 7 years, he's free to move on. If nothing changes at all soon and if he allows his son to treat me that way again, I am gone. It will be very hard to do but my kids and I deserve better.
My advice to you would be change weekends for your son. Perhaps if your husband misses enough alone week ends he will have less patience with your SS. Besides, your son deserves better and doesn't need to be around that so much. Your son will be grown and gone before you know it so do what you can for him now.
Thanks again; listening to you I know I am making the right choice no matter how much I hate it.

onthefence2's picture

My daughter just turned 11, and I would be appalled if she were still tearing through presents at Christmas. As a matter of fact, my kids (11 and 12) took turns opening presents on their own yesterday without even being prompted. I definitely understand your concerns because I'm sort of in the same predicament, but there is only one child. I've not seen my bf's son in a long time, and yesterday spent a few hours with him/extended family, and then just the two of them for an hour at their home. He is annoying. They are too concerned with being buddies rather than father/son, and all I've been thinking since coming home last night is "no way..." The kid is 13. It saddens me.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I would've had him put every unappreciated present in a box, and the very next day he'd be personally dropping them off at a children's hospital or homeless shelter.

Yes, he indeed sounds like a spoiled brat.

Disneyfan's picture

The kid acts the way his parents raised him to act. They created this mess. Since both of them are fine and dandy with what they created, staying in the relationship will be a nightmare.

kathc's picture

You're right to be having second thoughts. It isn't going to get better, he's just going to turn into a snotty, entitled teenager in a few years. Get out of that mess while you can.

PVSM's picture

No way should you marry a man who lets his kid(s) talk to you that way. It will only get worse as the kid hits puberty. Run don't walk!

SituationalTourettes's picture

I dont understand something. You are asking for the 11 yr old to be POLITE. To appreciate receiving a gift that is given freely and to show proper respect. This is not a skill or trait that to me is even negotiable. Wouldnt your fiance be frightfully embarrassed if his son did this to another relative? A family friend? What if, yes, unlikely scenario, the kid were to meet his father's boss, get a gift and be a snot? Would your fiance use that "he's only 11" excuse? If he has daddy guilt this bad now, I am doubtful it would improve at all after marriage. In my opinion, you need to have a very serious talk with your fiance. Make it clear that you are deeply concerned about your separate parenting styles and what you will and will not allow in your home if you do decide to get married. Of course, fair is fair, if your fiance has any concerns about your boys, he should get to voice his own. I dont think this is an overreaction on your part.