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When it is all over I will be the onle one on my husband side but heis never on my side

kyleemay09's picture

Sad Sad Well I will give you ahighlight of my life. I have been married to my husband for three years but we have been together for 6. He has two daughters from a previous marriage we get every other weekend. They are 10 and 12 and we have together a 1 1/2 year old daughter. We have always had problems with ex wife she still calls starts things about needing more money or about what the girls come home telling her. They tell her everyhting what we have and if we have a disagreement.I feel like she has a window in my world and I hateeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that this is my life and she is not married to him anymore i wish she would stay out of my life.We always pay childsupport on time we never mistreat them and still we are bad people to his girls and his ex wife she his married to my husbands ex wife and they have a child together that is why my husband and her divorced becuase she was screwing around on him. He easliy forgives his children i guess that the unconditional love but it not that easy for me i have seen how many time they have hurt him and me and he has been saying for six years they are just kids and i need to be an adult about it and forget it and i cant because it keeps n and on.I have gotten better about keeping thing more an secret when they are around. Now that we have a child everyone says you treat her different then your step kids damn right because she loves me and i know it they say they do and hurt my feeling by saying something mean to me or going home and saying hoe mean their daddy is. Everyone always against me I have tried so many years to fit in and to be loved by them and i was alway the fifth wheel.But when i had a kid evryone wanted to try to include me and its too late i found someone to love me which is my kid. my husband and I fight everytime they come over or call he says i said this in a mean way to or He says you dont care about my kids or if i displine verbally never physically he says dont do that i say you do it he says well i can their my kid okay well what the hell do you want then either their all yours or you can share them. I love my husband so much. It is so hard to be in a marriage with someone elses kids thre is always problems. God says he never gives us what we cant handle sometimes i cant handle it. Im tired of fighting with someone who has never had to walk a day in my shoes and will never know what it feels like to betrayed and hurt. I love my little girl so much not just cause shes mine because i know she loves me.I;m so sorry that i cant love your children like that and it noet because their not mine it because they dont love me they say it but actions speak louder than words. My husband thinks i make things up in my head but i see it all clearly.You know his ex wife even has the nerve to calla nd tell me how to raise my child like I didnt let his children walk around with my baby when she was a newborn and she called and said well you know that is there sisiter and she is my kid and not yours. THIS TIME I HAVE A SAY SO IN A CHILD LIFE WHICH IS MY OWN SHILD> MY HUSBAND IS NEVER ON MY SIDE HE IS ALWAYS ON HIS CHILDREN SIDE NO MATTER Is SAID OR DONE>

alwaysme's picture

I am so sorry that you are going through this, honestly though while i was reading your story it was like i could have written it myself. We are in a very similar situation, skids 10 and 13, BM does nothing but interogate them about our lives, The skids lie about me to her to please her and like you i have tried and tried to fit in. DH and i fight because he doesnt back me up when it comes to BM and skids. We have a 20 month old of our own. DH always thought i was pissed off over nothing. But yeah it is crystal clear that you are not upset over nothing and it is not in your head.

The only thing i can tell you is how i cope, i decided one day, you know what they are not my kids, i am no longer going to let it get to me, i have my own kids and they are my responsibility. Their well being is my only concern.

You need to let skids go, for your own sanity step back and let DH deal with everything from now on. I remind myself that i didnt fuck BM he did. Smile