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Ready to Run

Melodies87's picture

I always get anxious before I post something online. It's the new public speaking. Only online, hecklers and trolls have time to think about and plan the way they're going to make you feel like shit about yourself. 

I stumbled on here yesterday after googling "is it okay if you aren't fond of your stepkids", very politely. As if Child Services was going to bust in my door and take me away for just being a general dick of a person. The first four or five Google results I received we're all from this site and most of thjem read a little closer to "Omg, I hate my f***ing SD so much I want to human traffic her"

......I'm exaggerating but only a little. And I instantly exhaled and thought, I've found my people. 

I should preface this by explaining two things about me.

The first is that I've never liked other people's children. Right from the time I was babysitting neighbor kids when I was fourteen. 

The second thing is that I care waaaaaaaay too much what other people think of me as a mother. It's very important that people know I'm a Stepford mom and I think I only care so much because of the fact that I'm not, deep down.

So I'm pretty close to putting myself under a 72 hour voluntary psychiatric hold just so I can have three days alone with people less crazy than the ones in my home. 

When my partner and I got together his kids were young (3 and 1) and he had them weekends. I have a 12 year old son from my first marriage and his boy is now 5 and his girl is 7. To say that DH was an inexperienced parent is the understatement of the century. We moved in together fast and I tried to make myself scarce when his kids were over so that it didn't confuse them and so that I wasn't intruding on their time. After a few months and more than a few breakfasts of questionable content, I began getting more involved to help DHs stress levels and also because they were babies and he was clueless. 

Fast forward to today. We have his kids now 50/50, week to week. He and I have a 1 year old that I am absolutely bonkers in love with. He works full time and before the pandemic I worked very part time. Our area is still in full lockdown and I haven't worked since Christmas. I enjoy being a stay at home mom to my boys, it's the best and if I never have to send BS to daycare it wouldn't bother me at all. I even would like one more now that my oldest son is almost a teenager and not interested in me anymore. 

So here's the thing. Because I started getting involved with his kids so young I've fallen into the role of a third parent and I've allowed my partner to become complacent about his parenting duties when his kids are here. Now I've reached the end of my rope. 

I had always just assumed that I made my bed when he and I got together, in terms of his children. I loved him and they came with him. But then it was two days a week. Now it's constant. Now that I'm at home and he's still working full time it's fallen to me to enforce distance learning for his two and my oldest. Three separate programs, computers etc and his youngest is in kindergarten. 

Lord grant me strength. 

I can't do it. I don't know why I have to but I can't. When the government announced they were shutting our school's indefinitely, I cried. Sobbed. I get violently ill the night before they come and I spend the whole week waiting for them to leave. 

His little boy is mostly fine and when his sister isn't around I even enjoy hanging out with him. My baby is nuts about him and loves when he's there. 

But his little girl.......

I can't believe I'm about to say this about a kid but she is everything I was scared of getting before I knew I was having boys. She is entitled, spoiled, sassy, argumentative, whiney and just a general brat. She is literally a miniature version of her mother, walking around my house. Nothing is her fault and the whole world is against her. That girl has never been disciplined in her life and it shows. After I put my son to bed I will take a shower and hide out until she's sent to bed (even though she won't go to sleep for another two hours because she needs to cry and go to the bathroom 10000 times) Her BM has put it in her head that she's got anxiety and needs all these special accomdations to go to sleep at night. I don't put up with that nonsense with my children and one night I snapped and raised my voice. She went and told her mother I shouted at her at bedtime instead of fussing and bending over backwards to make the rules suit her highness. 

Ever since then I've been feeling very resentful. I resent that DH allows it to continue even enables it. I resent the fact that I am a second mother to her. I took them to the dentist for the first time last year, to the optometrist, I make their lunches every day, I buy all their clothes and shoes, make sure they brush and are clean and dressed appropriately. We bought a van for me to drive so I can taxi everyone around. I buy their snowsuits every year and I do all their birthday parties and holidays at our place. 

And after all this, I'm still the wicked stepmother in the story. This pandemic has done a number on me mentally. I'm short tempered and drained. My husband works 6 days a week so he isn't even there when they are mostly. I can't be expected to homeschool three kids and look after a toddler while my SKs mom is at home living it up. All I want to do is enjoy the extra time with my boys without constantly having to referee the other two and I feel all the guilt about it. 

I dont bring it up because I don't know if I'm being unreasonable. After all. He goes to work so I can stay home. Is it part of the deal that I look after his kids too?  Because I'm right at a stage where I need to start disengaging for my own mental health. I also don't want DH to be upset with me....but he is never here and I know he doesn't want to rock the boat with BM regarding their custody arrangement because he wants them here as much as possible. All the while he and my oldest son have almost zero relationship. They go days on end without talking. He's never spent any quality time with him alone, even though his father is practically absent. He's not unkind to him but he doesn't make an effort. So it's resentment city and I hate what it's turning me into. 

I am so lost. I would love some insight. Therapy is expensive. You're all I got. 







SteppedOut's picture

Why does he want them there "as much as possible" - for you to parent and spend time with them?? 

Tell him it's too much home schooling, et al. by yourself. His answer will be very telling about the real state of your relationship. 

ETA: Gimlet, I am not at my best - quarter end reconcilations and consolidations are in process (I am an accountant at the US division of an international firm based in Europe). And my family - including me - is juuuuust starting to get over stomach flu. Also, I am new to the company so it is my first time. Oh, and my predecessor did ZERO training. To say I am a bitch right now is an understatement. 

I say let rip Gimlet! Your advice is always good. And a touch less salty than mine... 

JRI's picture

We are all going to give you good advice about disengaging, having your DH step up more, self care and other things.  But first, let's agree on one thing.  Anybody who is a sahm during a global pandemic with kids 12, 7, 5, and 1 is going to be overwhelmed.  I can't even imagine what a nightmare remote learning must be with all of them.  No wonder you are wiped out!  You have come to the right place, Steptalk will help you a lot.   Hang in there, Melodies87, help is on the way!

Melodies87's picture

I cried when I read your comment. Overwhelmed is the perfect word. Overwhelmed to the point where I've just completely shut down. I'm not a good mother to anyone in my current state. 

Thank you for the warm and cozies. 


Rags's picture


I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful advice and perspective from others who are living the blended family dream.

First, you have to take a deep breath and forgive yourself. Moving forward, everything builds in that.

Melodies87's picture

Thank you Smile I'm trying. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

You are not their parent. If DH is going to work 6 days a week. He shy it expect you to be the built in babysitter. Did he marry you because he loves you or because you make a good surrogate mother?

DH and BM should work it out so that when he is working she has the kids. Explain to me how he is spending quality time with his kids when he is not home and they are being taken care of by you?


Melodies87's picture

If I'm being completely fair, I am the architect of my own misfortune. They were pouring money into childcare when I was at home and available. So I thought, to save what is ultimately money for our family, I'll step up and watch them when their parents have to work. But that was pre-pandemic and somehow nothing was altered to accommodate the fact that I would be dealing with most things alone. 

I certainly don't blame him. He works his ass off so I can be with my baby and I owe him everything for that. I don't mind doing my fair share. But now that their mom is home for lockdown, I'm having a difficult time justifying this to myself. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

You have a lot going on. There are layers of issues here which are building up your resentment and affecting you in a negative way both physically and mentally.

His kids are a burden to you and you are under no obligation to be responsible for their daily education and care. It's time your DH takes a look at his work schedule and fixes it. He can tell his employer that he has THREE minor children he is responsible for and he needs to devote time to that.  

On another note, I would strongly urge you to reconsider having another child and the reasons you think you want to. The fact your oldest doesn't need you as much is not a reason to bring yet another child into this very complicated and fragile marriage. Yes, your marriage is fragile and you should face that fact. 

You cannot continue and retain your own sense of worth and sanity. Take it one step at a time. Sit your DH down and tell him that you are at the end of your rope and he and BM need to come up with solutions to care and educate THEIR children as you will need to focus on your own. Then make them do it. 





Melodies87's picture

It is a lot. But it is exacerbated by our social situation right now. When everyone is in school I am Gucci. I have it down to a science. I am a well oiled machine and I genuinely don't mind. I'm actually pretty proud of my ability to get three kids to two different schools and my husband to work on time. 

I agree with you in the sense that concessions need to be made in these crazy times but we are one of the few fortunate families that aren't struggling on the financial side during all this chaos. That's because my husband kills himself working so I don't have to. 

I think where I'm hitting my snag is the fact that I feel obligated to pull my weight at home in order to offset how hard he's working. I feel like it's just my duty. 

He really is a marvelous father......when it comes to playtime and cuddles and affection. There's no one like him. Our kids think he hangs the moon. But they would all leave the house with their underwear on the outside of their clothes and coffee in their thermoses. 

So I might disagree with you on the fact that our marriage is fragile. I think we're solid. He's receptive to what I say and sympathetic. It's just the routine we've fallen into and I've never said anything about it being a problem until now. After I did, he went into full fix mode. He's going to talk to their BM about them staying with her for school and going back to daycare on the weekends they need to. He tells me every day how thankful he is for me. 

I told him I need to back off a little and he needs to take the brunt of the parenting. I don't mind making their meals and doing their laundry and stuff because I'm already doing it for my kids. I'm not going to just make their lunches and leave the other two for him. To me that just seems petty.

So it looks like light might be on the horizon. I just kept quiet because his ex is nuts and neither of us like to cause drama with her. 


tog redux's picture

Well, it's good that you have a partner who does not say, "YOU HATE MY KIDS!" or "YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING INTO!" when you bring up concerns, and wants you to be happy. That puts you in a good place.

Most of us women are people-pleasers and fixers. We take on more than our fair share to make the relationship work, and have a hard time saying we are overwhelmed or feel we are doing too much, because that makes us feel like we are aren't pulling our weight or are not being the Super-Women we should be. 

You have spoken up and will feel guilty about it for a bit - but ultimately, if you sit with that guilt and keep telling yourself that it's not your job to take care of their kids if either BM or DH is available to do it, then things will likely get better. 

Melodies87's picture

No. He knows how I'm feeling. He knows his daughter and I butt heads but he also knows that she's difficult and under alot of BMs influence. He gets up in the morning with them when they're here and gives me time to myself when he gets home. That's why I feel guilty. It's because I feel like it's supposed to be my contribution to the smooth running of our household and I just don't have it in me. It's really hard! 

weightedworld's picture

I loved your post, thanks for the chuckle. You came to the right place. We won't solve all of your issues here but we will have you defending the good and thinking about the bad in your situation. This allows you some what of a confidence and power to stand up to what you believe in. 

Therapy is expensive you are right. I have seen 2 so far, attend daily meetings here ( :)- ) as well as have a good friend who is a Master in Counseling. (that poor girl haha) 

What I have found in counseling is this: a counselor is going to validate things that you already know within yourself and allow you to see and maybe understand that what you are feeling is normal. 

I have done my tid bit on self researching, trying my damndest to become the best person I can be. I have become so in tune with myself that the people around me who have done nothing with themselves but continue in their shotty situations have in turn started to really irritate me. Do something, it's not like we do not have time during this damn pandemic. 

With how you have described your relationship it sounds like your DH has a good supportive head on his shoulders. I would guess that if you gave him the benefit of the doubt and constructively had a discussion with him, together you would be able to solve the issues that have started within yourself and your home. Having the support of your spouse means the world, without it your dynamic won't survive. 

Stepping is the hardest thing I have ever done in life, I have failed, and I am totally okay with that. I now know that it is not something I am capable of doing and will never dip back into it. (I am one who has packed up his 6 yr old daughters stuff and cleaned house of her existence. - and I DON'T feel bad about it) 

You have taken the first step in reaching out for advise. Most of us here have been through the ringer and some worse than others. You may find youself saying "Me too!" a lot more than your expecting after reading others stories. 

Hang on and enjoy the ride and I wish you the best of luck in your situation. 

Melodies87's picture

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! DH really is wonderful and the more I read all of your lovely comments the more I'm realizing that it's mostly me. I put so much pressure on myself to be a perfect mom, have a clean house, have all the kids presentable and well mannered and when Im trying to do this with kids that aren't mine, that I have no disciplinary control over, it's ultimately a disappointment. I want his kids to love me! I want them to love being here! I don't want to be a crusty, miserable beeyatch as much as SD and I butt heads. As far as I'm concerned they are my family by extension of my son and spouse. 

Brass tacks. I need a vacation.

JRI's picture

We had 5 kids here, 2 of mine and 3 SKs.  My DH was in a busy, responsible job.  All 5 kids were suffering in some way from their parent's divorces.  I am not a ball of fire.  Something had to go or I would have gone down.  I kept the house straightened but was it perfect? No.  I shut the doors to the kid's rooms and didn't stress about them and hired cleaning help once in awhile.   We did the laundry but did it always get folded?  No, it went into a pile on a chair in our room and they could pick thru it if I hadnt folded someone's stuff.  We always had food here but was each and every meal totally nutritious?  Sometimes and if they turned up their noses, DH gave them fast food money.  Did our yard look perfect?   Once in awhile, I'd stress about it but realize, we are raising human beings here, not lawn.

I only had so much time, energy and emotional bandwidth.  It was more important to save that for 5 young kids and DH.  In your case, is there some housekeeping standard you could let slide during this emergency period?  I would cut out anything that isn't critical.

Melodies87's picture

Emotional bandwidth. Yes. Nailed it. 

You are so right 

I went into this thinking "thank god his kids are so small! They aren't going to suffer and we aren't going to have fights like we would if they were older and I was trying to fit into their lives!"

And in a way it has gone like that. My parents were split by the time I was 5 and my stepmother means more to me than anyone else in my adult relationships. She's my rock. And I just assumed that's how it was going to be for me. The thing is that in exchange for your sKids loving you like a parent, you have to love them like a parent in return. And that's hard business! 

I think you hit the nail on the head here. I think I need to relinquish some control and realize that school and housework aren't the sum total of successful co parenting. 

JRI's picture

Our 5 kids are all in their 50s now.  Do any of them remember anything about my housekeeping?  Nobody mentions it and they all range from average to fanatically clean in their homes.  Same with the meals, laundry and yard.  What do they remember?  They will often say, "You said such and such".  I usually can't remember it but it will sound like something I'd say.  They remember DH taking them out on weekends to fish, go to the skating rink, swimming pool or wherever.  (He did that to give me respite). They remember us letting all their friends come over.  They remember all the pets.  My son remembers and thanked me for being a den mother. 

I had a problem with letting go.  The laundry started overwhelming me in the early days, so DH who had never done it, learned how to do it (many grayish pink loads til he learned to sort).  Nobody in my family had ever had a cleaning lady, there was a pride in doing it well yourself.   I felt sluttish that I couldnt cope but then nobody in my family ever had 5 kids so close in age or could afford it.  There were a number of control issues I struggled with but the alternative was me being depressed and feeling beaten down.

Good luck, Melodies87!

Melodies87's picture

I love that. Are you close with your stepkids now that they're grown? I always wonder what our family will look like in ten years or twenty. 

JRI's picture

My relationships with my SKs are as different as tbey are.  I am on ST as I try to deal with SD59, a manipulative person who I am disengaged from as much as possible.  We are civil and polite.  I accept she will be in my life while DH83 lives.

OSS57 as a dear, introverted man.  He accepted me best of his siblings.  I can tell he likes me.  I often felt he was the under dog and didn't get as much attention as the other two.  When we need something, he comes.  This winter after a heavy snowfall, he called to ask if we needed him to shovel.  DH said no.  OSS and a friend came anyway and did it all.

YSS53 and I have always had an arms-length relationship.  He was loyal to BM and I think that colored his actions.  I disengaged from him in the teen years when neither he nor DH listened to me.  He lives out of town so neither of us sees him much but we have a mutually respectful relationship.

SD59 is the needy, manipulative mooch.  OSS57 is the introverted loner.  DS56 is the extroverted techie.  DD55 is an empathetic artist who rarely leaves her house.  YSS53 is a world-class salesman selling luxury vehicles.  See what I mean?   Nothing in common except their years here.  Lol.


Melodies87's picture

I'm much closer with my young SS. He is a doll. I've always gotten on better with boys though. Love love being a boy mom.